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Riisiing Moon

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Status Updates posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. Sorry, had to go.

    1. You RP first. :P

    2. I'm going to do full-out what i said Exo did. Just lettin' you know. :D

  2. Back on BZPC (temporarily). :P Check out Aykaya's profile, by the way.

  3. Since I know you're looking at AP profiles now, it's actually on page 4 of the Discussion topic, I forgot to post it n Profiles. :P

  4. Where do you know me from? 0.o


  6. Happy belated burfday!

  7. Hey, I Villainous-ed a while ago, still waiting for you...

  8. Hey, welcome to BZP! If you ever need anything, just drop me a comment and Ill help you out.

  9. Welcome to BZP! If you ever need any help, just drop me a comment. See you on the forums!

  10. Haha, thanks. You're the first to comment on it. :P By the way, reviewed Fear. Sorry if any of it seemed offensive, I just want to see you do better next time. If, hopefully, there is a next time.

  11. Wow, did you really mean that commentary in the Wall? That means a lot to me. :D

  12. Haha, you're welcome. *Friends*

  13. Haha, what do you mean?

  14. Villainous is waiting for you, young Grasshopper.

  15. Welcome back to BZP! :D

  16. Hey, we haven't talked in a looooong time. What's up?

  17. I'm waiting for char approval for Villainous for a minor plot twist.

  18. Welcome to BZP! If you need anything, drop me a comment. See you on the forums!

  19. Wait, are you being sarcastic? :P

  20. So did I, like a year ago! It was a chain text, it must've gone around the world!

  21. Hey, where'd you get that avatar?

  22. Welcome to BZP!!!

    Yeah, like he said, read the rules & guidelines first, anf follow them.

    If you need any help on the forums, just drop me a PM or a comment, see you on the forums!

  23. Hey! You're still in MH&H8!

  24. Hey! I reviewed your epic for the Critics Club, Chaps. 1-2 reviews coming soon! :D

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