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Blog Comments posted by Inika101

  1. I have some question regarding how the sets are made/tested etc. How does the process work? Do the set designers come up with several drafts of prototypes that are then tested by focus groups? And what exactly are focus groups, and who are in them? Lastly, are the set designers limited to a certain amount of new pieces they can have on a set? If you could answer these questions, that would be great. Thanks. Inika101

  2. Thank you so much. Being a Mocist, I frequently review mocs and post my own in the BBC Forums. I know how you feel, and completly agree. It is very frustrating when people say, "That's cool, 10/10." That doesn't help me at all. I think that you're guide is great, and I always try to give a good review that helps the mocist. If you saw my posts, you would notice that they are very long and specific. I hope that a lot of people get to see this post, because a lot of people NEED to see it. Again, thank you so much for this refreshing guide. Inika101


  3. Sweetness. You are so lucky. :P But I did end up going to my local Apple Store when Leopard officially launched at 6 on Friday. I have to say, it looks MUCH better that Tiger. And what's that supposed to mean "Other than the graphics being the biggest junk Apple has ever released..."? I actually think they really made a good choice making all the windows look the same color iTunes was. I do have a question though. Does it run slower than Tiger? Because if Leopard is significantly slower than Tiger my dad may not want to upgrade. The main reason he switched over to Mac is because Vista took just about a million years to boot up... :lol: And, is it just me, or are you and I the only ones on Bzpower that like Macs and OS X??? Jk. See ya. Inika101

  4. Sounds like strep...I hate strep. I had it a cuple months ago or somethin like that. It WAS TERRIBLE. After a few days it hurt so bad to swallow my own spit I litterally went to my mom crying asking her to take me to the doctor. It was horrible. At this point I am sick myself, but with something else. I went to the doctor because I had a terrible cough, and I, being an athsmatic, meant it was all the worse. It ended up being bad enough that the doctor put me on the steroid Prednisone. It tastes HORRIBLE! I also had an ear infection. For that he gave me antibiotics. I also had a bad sinus headache. GEEZE, that's alot of sickness! So yeah, I really hope that you feel better. If it doesn't get better I would definately recommend that you go to your doctor. He will test for strep throat, and if you have it, give you a prescription for some antibiotics. If you wait to long, it could become serious. Again, hope that you feel better! Inika101

  5. Sweet, that's a pretty cool idea of BZPower's own picture hosting site. How will it work though? Will you have unlimited space, and are you going to be able to sign in with your username? And also, will premier members get special privileges? Just some questions that I have been wondering about. Oh, and I also hope that you have a great Birthday Part :P . And, I know this is kinda random, but I was wondering, how did you learn how to code websites??? Did someone teach you, or did you read a book about it? Because recently I have been very interested and fascinated by that kind of stuff. I have always been a computer geek/freak. :lol: But hey, look at Bill Gates....He was a computer geek, and he is one of the richest men on earth. :evilgrin: Haha...just kidding. Inika101

  6. Wow. This sounds very exciting. I mean about the new book. I think that a lot of BZPower members are both right and wrong at the same time about new sets and the storyline. Personally, I think Bionicle is goin in a great direction. The storyline is awesome, and the sets so far are great. I think that it takes some people time to get used to the good things about the storyline and the sets, because there initial reaction is sometimes negative. Thanks for all the work you do, and can't wait to here more!


    Sincerely, Inika101

  7. Well, I'm glad to know you are feeling better. One time, I ate at a restraunt and I think I got food poisoning, cause as you said, it came all back up. My stomach felt wierd for a couple of days after that. Not fun. Well, I really enjoy reading your blog. As you are, I am a homeschooler too. Your lucky, you have the Kardas Dragon. My local target in Missouri has it, but I already got the three titans, so I don't know if I should spend the extra fifty bucks, or if I should just wait for the instructions. Not really sure what to do. Is it worth the extra fifty bucks??? Well, I guess I'll hear from you later. See ya!!



  8. Hey, thanks for the update. I really like reading your blog. It is really cool hearing from the one who writes the books. :lol: I know this is a random question, but will Bionicle ever end? I mean like stop??? I sure hope not, cause I sure would miss it a LOT! Thanks again. Sincerely, Inika101

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