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Posts posted by Regitnui

  1. Wow. Punctuation would help immensely in your posts.


    There are a few people who think that Makuta (G2) isn't the real villain of the story, but that the MoUP has a malign intelligence that can forcibly take over or corrupt a wearer. The question then becomes whether Makuta is still wearing the MoUP, which continues to twist his thinking, or whether his wakening of Kulta and the Skulls was done of his own free will. The possibility also exists that Makuta is still comatose, and all actions blamed on him are instead manifestations of his dreaming mind, like the Skull spiders were his urge to find Masks of Power, and Kulta was driven by Makuta's jealousy of the MoCr and its power.

    • Upvote 2
  2. I like the spherus magna one. I now picture agori children singing 'do you wanna build a snowman' at him.


    Hmm... (G2) Gali has promised Lewa that they'll visit the swamp one day; she'll teach him to swim, and he'll teach her to fly.


    Okoto villager children already idolize the Masters, and have taken to playing "master vs spider", where they have sticks and pretend elemental powers and fight a weak, aimless skull spider that's wandered into the village.The adults stay nearby and watch the spider.

    • Upvote 2
  3. I actually might be less interested now. The Masters were nicely smooth with clean lines, but these guys look like the inika proportions returned, bringing with them extremely overdesigned armour. I'm not saying i won't get these, but I'm definitely not looking forward to these as much as the last wave.

  4. My guess is this


    Standard Akaku: Can see through walls(thickness)/ and distance of 2 meters?


    Scoped Version: Allows a zoom increase of 4-6x .meters like a sniper scope


    Nuva mask: no range increase but can see through any illusion and any wall thickness except for unique places like karda nui outer walls.


    Addon on others masks like matatu: increased zoom ability depending on users.

    Scopes on other vision-based (or non-vision) mask powers could have similar ranges to that of the Kopaka Akaku. The Telekinesis, Night Vision and Quick Travel all benefit off having an enhanced visual range.

  5. Let's think about it this way; What if the whole MU, up to the OoMN, didn't know about the MoCr's failsafe mechanism? They simply saw it as a unique and powerful mask. Hence why Karzahni and Artakha fought over it. Artakha isn't even aware that the tool he uses above all else could render everyone in the MU an automaton. Or perhaps Velika made the MoCr as part of the process that raised the MU to sapience. The brothers found it afterwards, when the recorded history of the mask begins.



    In short, yes, Gen 2 is a reboot or reimagining and Gen 2 does not exist within the same universe. Whether it exists as a parallel universe within the same story franchise that characters could hypothetically travel to with an Olmak, I don't know if that's been commented on. Those are two different things, remember. And I doubt they would comment on it, because Gen 1 isn't the point of Gen 2. They're just trying to tell new stories that stand on their own merit. :)

    You said it best, unless a dimension hopping mask like the olmak exists in g2 then they are not connected and merely a separate universe like in the lego movie.
    So wait, on the edge of Okoto is a wall of Lego Bricks that President Lord Business put there to divide Gen 1, Gen 2, Cloud Cuckoo Land, Middle Zealand, and Bricksburg from each other?

    In this case, more like an impassible technic forest.

    • Upvote 3
  7. not even going to quote that because now you're just arguing semantics, and that's pretty petty tbh. :t

    That's all this debate is at this point. One side throwing up semantics to prevent themselves from admitting they're wrong, and the other making the same point over and over.


    1. Sentrahk, i repeat, cannot be an undead, as he never died. you need to die to be an undead, sentrahk is simply an immortal being who cannot truly live, and cannot truly die. he's Barbossa, basically.

    Barbossa is undead. He's got no flesh left on him and cannot eat or drink. The only think that's intact is his mind, and that only because the curse preserves that above all else. They go so far as to refer to themselves as 'dead' or parts of a 'ghost story'. They're dead, but living. Undead.


    2. you know what i meant when i said "basically, the only undead in bionicle" and now you're just being smart about it, that's no way to contribute to a conversation. :r

    He did. He engaged with that. The Tryna undead are the only 'revived corpses', yes, but even in the real world there are numerous kinds of undead; ghosts, skeletons, zombies, vampires, wraiths, liches, etc. Only the zombies and skeletons are 'shamblers' in some depictions. Vampires and liches in most modern depictions keep their real minds, and even gain greater agility and strength than when they lived.


    3. the zombies from the red-star are still shambler zombies so i have no idea what you were hoping to achieve by mentioning that, for all we know the Kestora use the same voodoo magic the Tryna does to bring people back.

    Fishers contradicted this, but let me ask you a question; How does it make sense for the resurrection system for a limited-population robot to turn the maintenance workers (skilled workers) into shamblers (unintelligent and slow)?




    6. Umarak kind of looks like to be a Skull Creature because of his design and mask. I wonder if he is associated with him. Hmm...

    I also noticed that. Perhaps he's a living relative of Kulta or member of Kulta's species.


    The 'Titans' of Okoto once lived in harmony with the villagers, gentle giants to their industrious hobbits. However, they were refused the Masks of Power that the villagers had, mostly due to the difference in power between the species. The villagers used their elemental masks to help the titans, and they in turn loaned their strength to the villagers' greatest projects. However, when Makuta fell, it was they who pulled him from the rubble. He spun them a tale of resentment and envy, where he had sought to bring the titans the secret of Mask Making, but Ekimu pursued him to keep the secret to himself. They never did learn before makuta fell into a coma. His mask of control became a treasure amongst the titans, and they too set out to find the Mask of Ultimate Power...

    That would be a good estimate. Perhaps some of those titans like Kulta and Umarak were banished for crimes while there might be some good titans among them?

    That's.why I'm pitching them as basically good, but mislead. The only reason they're fighting the masters is because they think the masters are evil. The masters would think the titans are evil because the titans keep fighting them. Kulta was explicitly dead and revived, so he could be irredeemably evil. Umarak might be mislead, trying to capture the elemental beast for the same reason the masters are trying to befriend them. As for other members of their species, perhaps we'll get an axonn/brutaka civil war or something later...

    • Upvote 3
  9. again, Tryna puppet-corpses are basically the only undead in Bionicle G1, and they're even weaker than skull warriors!

    Wait, where do we see that? I'd imagine puppet-corpses to be as powerful as the Tryna-master's concentration.


    And wasn't there a Tryna-shark-puppet strong/agile enough to take on a living sea monster in the Mahri arc? That doesn't sound weak or shambler to me


    EDIT: Were we to say the MoU took a 'backup' of the user's personality occasionally, and upon death replaces the departed spirit with that 'backup' personality. Since the 'backup' can't develop, it basically drops dead upon finishing whatever mission the 'backup' considers most important.



    Also, I doubt Kulta and the Skull Gang are "shamblers", given they're the nearest thing to undead we've seen in bionicle. Who's to say that a To a under the effect of the MoU wouldn't be more like a good-aligned Skull Warrior than a pile of parts?

    *Lewa one-shots a bunch of Skull Warriors, sending them to their deaths* "I beg to differ."


    (Skull Warriors aren't really great by undead standards.)

    OK, they're weak. But they aren't shamblers.


    Shall we rather say "good-aligned Skull Grinder"?

  11. 6. Umarak kind of looks like to be a Skull Creature because of his design and mask. I wonder if he is associated with him. Hmm...

    I also noticed that. Perhaps he's a living relative of Kulta or member of Kulta's species.


    The 'Titans' of Okoto once lived in harmony with the villagers, gentle giants to their industrious hobbits. However, they were refused the Masks of Power that the villagers had, mostly due to the difference in power between the species. The villagers used their elemental masks to help the titans, and they in turn loaned their strength to the villagers' greatest projects. However, when Makuta fell, it was they who pulled him from the rubble. He spun them a tale of resentment and envy, where he had sought to bring the titans the secret of Mask Making, but Ekimu pursued him to keep the secret to himself. They never did learn before makuta fell into a coma. His mask of control became a treasure amongst the titans, and they too set out to find the Mask of Ultimate Power...

    • Upvote 4
  12. T1S, RL, what happens if you win this argument? Would you expect Bones to remove it from the EM? Or would you like us to go to Greg and say "please un-canonize this, it gives me a headache"? Because honestly, you two seem to have something riding on this argument to be so vehemently against actually listening to what other people are saying. Yes, the MoU is a tricky mask to use but a) it has and never will be in story, b) was never drawn on a Toa in the first place, c) is unlikely to be used by a Toa, and d) was created for a world with different rules.


    Also, I doubt Kulta and the Skull Gang are "shamblers", given they're the nearest thing to undead we've seen in bionicle. Who's to say that a To a under the effect of the MoU wouldn't be more like a good-aligned Skull Warrior than a pile of parts?

    • Upvote 2
  13. OK, if the description said "Allows you to complete your last quest" instead of "last objective", RL can't rules-lawyer it into killing you after opening a door. Similarly, nobody ever said that the mask turns you into a shambler-undead, just that it keeps you alive despite brain death. Finally, it's immoral, so a Toa wouldn't use it anyway, unless they're like Lesovikk and don't consider themselves Toa anymore.


    Going back to basics, rather than picking holes in increasingly complex arguments like a Creationist trying to undo centuries of science with their objection to being called an animal, this mask is fine. It's spooky, strange, faintly disgusting, and precisely what it's supposed to do. Why are you getting up in arms against a mask that is at most a footnote and a side-story?

  14. So I was talking to my friends, and according to them, Gen 1 was "deleted" so it does not exist in Gen 2.

    Now that it's been grammatically fixed;


    1. Gen1 and Gen2 are separate continuities. What happened in G1 doesn't affect G2, and vice-versa.


    2. Gen1 still exists, but as a different universe/story. Much like the Star Trek reboot didn't eliminate the original series from being made.


    3. Your friends have no idea what a reboot means. Like rebooting a computer, G2 takes the central premise of "robots on tropical island" and goes in a different direction.


    Any other questions?

    • Upvote 2


    So we've seen them on paper in a CGI rendering. We still haven't seen the parts. A picture is not the same as actually seeing them in physical presence. I could send you pictures of my hairy dog. Doesn't make you qualified to say if my dog has a lung problem.

    So? All the connection points of the part are clearly visible, I think that's enough to make a general assumption on the usability of the part.

    Ehh... I'd not make any claims as to the usability or function of the part without instructions or a physical model.

    • Upvote 1
  16. I'm going to be blunt here: the new team stated unequivocally that this wasn't a sequel or continuation when G2 was announced.





    But that hasn't happened, all of the pieces we've seen are not really specialised, you can use them with any set.

    Hate to be the party pooper, but we haven't seen these pieces yet...

    Um, we HAVE seen several of the new pieces in the Lego mag spread. The new torso piece is pretty obscured, but the new armor and add-on are clearly visable on Tahu's legs, and all three fellows clearly have some special stuff in their torsos.

    So we've seen them on paper in a CGI rendering. We still haven't seen the parts. A picture is not the same as actually seeing them in physical presence. I could send you pictures of my hairy dog. Doesn't make you qualified to say if my dog has a lung problem.

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