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Blog Comments posted by Uriel

  1. Okay...I've been lost in the labrynth of your logic-fuled creativity since the first blog post, but I finally can admit that I have absolutely no idea where you're going with this one.


    Not that that's a bad thing. Just annoying for us poor schmucks who hang on your every word (and picture).



  2. Yeah, it looks like Lihkan's Hau. :P And, what's that white, snowflake-like distortion just above and a bit towards the left of Mata Nui's right cheek? :P



    Mt. Ihu.



    More mysteries!!! It's frightening how convoluted Bonesiii's mind is.


    BTW, an uploaded and modified version of this teaser:




    Can anyone tell what he has in mind yet? I can't.

  3. I am amazed by the sheer number of characters you have created for your universe.


    I have a question and two criticisms, though. Firstly, the criticisms - Ally's description is posted where his mask should be, and Talengi's description has not been completed. Secondly, you have Jala listed as wearing a Great Kanohi Hau - does this reflect a Paracosmos diversion from canon storyline, or is it actually a Noble Hau, with that listing just being a mistake?

  4. Wow. This will make decisions in this upcoming contest difficult.

    I disagree. I contend that this entry will make decisions in the contest easy. It's so awesome it just blows the competition out of the water - figuratively, at least. If somebody mounted weaponry on one of those, perhaps that figure of speech could be made literal. :)


    Awesome as always, Bonesiii - I particularly like the tentacle-things, especially the ones at the very front.



  5. I'd love to join this, but Vista's version of Powerpoint is sooooo radically different that I can't discern what your tutorial is telling me. I don't even have half the same tools available to me, it seems...


    Would it be fine if I could just use the pre-fabricated primitive shapes(squares, triangles, etc...) available?






    I was reading up on PPT art the other day and decided to try. Vista's powerpoint is different, but not impossibly so - you just need to do some exploring to begin work properly.


    With that being said, I still failed to draw anything, but not because I couldn't figure out how - I'm just absolutely awful at art. :P



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