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Posts posted by Xomeron

  1. IC:


    Can was about to make some sort of comment to Nicole, certainly rude and probably offensive to the mentally ill in general, but bit back his tongue and stepped to the side, letting Nicole walk into the Medbay without comment.

  2. IC:


    Can was planning on not getting close to it, but he supposed Kel's solution worked. Of course, when Nicole knocked him into the bulkhead on the way to her panicking yell, Can sighed and shifted his left arm. "Bridge, Skinter here. I think Sarany's having another episode. Should I go after her?"

  3. IC:


    It was hard not to hear the clanking of a rockman on a metal floor, and Can quickly realized that the pirate hadn't died. Grumbling, Can grabbed Nicole's pistol and walked out of Medbay, holding his left arm up to his body and the pistol in his right. "Kel." Can said. "Spit, back of his head."

  4. IC:


    Can, with the Rockman dead, reported in on the radio. "Colonel, this is Skinter. I've returned, brought a tagalong with me but Kelezagg handled him. Currently injured, heading into medbay for treatment." Holding his broken arm, Can stepped through the door to medbay, holding his injured arm and giving a confused look at the Major, who was in there for...some reason. "Doctor, can you handle me now?" Can asked Nicole.

  5. IC:


    Can, who had indeed noticed that the acid Kel had spat was burning through his uniform, thought quickly, and, with a grunt of effort, shifted the tie around his legs toward the acid; it burned through with a hiss of acid on plastic and an acrid smell, but with a sharp tug from his legs, Can was free.


    Rather than engage a rockman in melee with a broken arm and a burned leg, Can rushed over to where Nicole was taking potshots into the melee; before she accidentally hit Kelezagg, Can held out his good hand for the pistol, simultaneously giving her a summary. "My left arm is broken in one place." He said. "And I have acid burns on my leg. Be ready to handle it as soon as I deal with this pirate."

  6. IC:


    "Not again." Can said; that arm had actually been broken in the academy. But the way it had fallen made it far easier for Can, with his hands bound, to tap in a sequence on his computer's wrist display. "I did offer to let you surrender." He said. First. the charges inside the engine room computers detonated, blasting them open before spraying sticky, flaming liquid all over the inside of the engine room. When the warning lights flared on the bridge, Can tapped in the next sequence, commanding the teleporter to retrieve him; if the teleporter hadn't adjusted to the interference yet, then he hoped wrecking the engine room and setting it on fire had been enough to knock out the jammer.

  7. IC:


    "I'll answer your third to last question first, since that seems to be a perfectly logical order." Can quipped. "My purpose here was simple. I was sent to negotiate surrender. So, how would you like to surrender to me?" Can was counting on the ridiculousness of this offer to buy himself a bit of time; he wasn't sure how long it would take the teleporter to adjust, so he had to hope.

  8. IC:


    "Could be worse." Can thought. "Come to think of it, I've had worse. Captured by pirates, sure. But the Kestrel's there and can back me up. Pirates are never that smart, I can probably talk my way out of this." Since they hadn't taken his visor, Can once again looked for the quantum interference that had kept him from teleporting. His hands being together meant his right hand could reach the touchpad on his wrist, so he could blow the charges and get out if he needed to.

  9. IC:


    Can was never particularly subtle, and in this case running would only mean dying with a bullet in his back. He had to buy himself time for the teleporter to work around the jammer, and this hallway didn't have enough cover for him to beat the two in a firefight. He weighed his options and pulled his sword, stepping into plain view of the duo and pointing his sword at the engineering room, his pistol aimed at the Engi's head.


    "Take me to the Commander or they all die!" Can said, in the same tone of voice he had ordered men to the suburbs of Cairo to hunt hiding Mantis, the voice he had used when he ordered Estelle to stay alive as he pulled her out of the Sahara. It was a tone that demanded attention, obedience, and respect. Especially from a man with a revolver in one hand and a sword in the other.

  10. IC:


    Can, thinking quickly, pulled one of his firebomb grenades, guessed at the angle, and threw it high; the grenade bounced of the ceiling of the engine room before landing on the floor with an audible clank, in front of the door that the pirates had come through; Can was counting on the pirates' reflexes recognizing a fallen grenade; as they dove for cover, Can rushed to the closer of the side exits and headed through it, closing the bulkhead behind him just as the firebomb detonated. Naturally, the bulkheads sealed, ideally to keep the fire in, and in this case to trap six pirates in with it. Can brought his pistol up, checking to make sure the hallway was clear.

  11. IC:


    Can cursed and crouched behind the console he'd used as cover before. Three to one was a fair fight, but six to one was just rude. Sheathing his sword, Can pulled one of his incendiary grenades and waited, regretting that he'd favored the firebombs to the exclusion of any other type of grenade. Can glanced at the side exits to the engine room, in case any of them had pirates covering them too.

  12. IC:


    "Figures." Can muttered as he looked through his visor's sensor readout, checking to see if the pirates had sent a team after him yet, along with taking a headcount of the ship. His computer gave a microwave-like ding in his earphones, telling him that the teleporter had recharged, and he could back out at any moment now.

  13. IC:


    Can picked himself up from the tackle and, noticing the still moving pirate, retrieved his sword from her stabbed compatriot, then walked over her and stepped on her injured shoulder, crushing the already burned, twisted flesh. "I know what you're thinking." Can said as he leveled his revolver at the face of the screaming woman. "Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, I never lost count. It was..." Can pulled the trigger, sending a bolt of plasma into the woman's face. "Three."


    With the reference complete, Can began looking around the engine room; the power surge probably wouldn't go unnoticed, and he only looked at the controls long enough to verify that nothing was about to explode. The ship's reactor was the simplest target, and after a bit of pondering and using the internal sensors to confirm he would have a few seconds alone, Can forced open one of the control panels' underbellies and shoved the charge in there, thinking "hey, these look important"


    Can still seemed to not have anyone heading his way; he loaded three new plasma rounds into his revolver, then decided to grab the pirate's supermetal gauntlet; he ducked behind a conveniently placed console that would cover him from the exit while he crouched to pull the glove off.

  14. Congrats. I have my last week of school, three books I'm working on, swordfighting to learn, an entire Wargame to make, my Warhammer 40k army to paint, three other RPs, a pen and paper RPG campaign, and a social life to run. You don't have any more excuse than I do, or anyone else for that matter. If you don't have the time to keep up with this RP, then stop trying and get out.

  15. IC:


    Can, with his exotic style learned in the asteroids, influenced by his sports days, and having instinctively recognized the low gravity levels in a ship at combat, lunged away from the glove-wielding pirate. His lunge would have carried him away, over the pirate he'd just elbowed, but he stabbed his sword down, into the pirate's midsection, and pivoted on it, causing him to crash into the standing pirate in a modified water polo tackle, one that allowed him to plant his gun in the pirate's midsection and squeeze the trigger.

  16. So, the fact isn't necessarily that Nicole is incompetent. She just seems that way because she's being played by an incompetent RPer who knows nothing about medicine and skims or doesn't read other peoples' posts even when they're relevant to his special snowflake of a character.

  17. The computer said "moderate blood loss" was a symptom. As in, Ashley has lost enough that she is low on blood and it is becoming an issue. More importantly than that, psychological problems do not cause nosebleeds.

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