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Posts posted by Xomeron

  1. Well you considered leaving once, I didn't complain about that.


    Really though, I'm not the only one complaining, just the only one willing to voice it. You're playing Nicole very unrealistically, especially if you want her to be seen as a competent doctor rather than an incompetent psychiatric patient who somehow slipped past the military's psychologists.

  2. IC:


    Can hadn't heard Harken; he was too busy fighting as he pulled his sword back, the edge of the sword clashing against the flat of his own. He kept his grip on his sword, but it was knocked aside with no chance to strike back. Instead, Can drove the elbow of his gun arm into the swordsman's chest; the motion carried smoothly into snapping Can's arm outward, his gun leveled towards the glove-wearing pirate's chest as he pulled the trigger.

  3. IC:


    Can's reaction was immediate, two decades of military service kicking to life; he lunged at the pirate with the revolver, slashing at him with his sword while the revolver in his other hand tracked and fired at one of the sword wielding pirates, neurological modifications that let each of his hands work fully independently coming to life and paying off.

  4. IC:


    Can, with a bandoleer of firebomb grenades and a trio of satchel charges, stepped onto the telepad and drew his revolver in his left hand and his sword in his right. "Energize" he said as he crouched down, triggering the teleport solution that was supposed to land him in the enemy ship's engine room.

  5. IC:


    "Acknowledged, Colonel." Can said into his radio; as he was lifting Ashley onto the stretcher. "The doctor and I are getting crewman Landes into the medbay. Once the teleporter recharges I'll be over." While Can and the doctor carried Ashley into Medbay, Can spoke to the ship's computer. "Computer, Rig me three detonators. Set them for remote detonation from my computer, and key them to a Dead Man's Switch on my life signs from my computer." Once he'd finished with Ashley, Can ran out of the medbay towards the Armory. "Harken." Can said to his new superior 'Officer' "The colonel is sending me over to the other ship." Without waiting for a reply, Can pulled a few satchels full of plastic explosives and grabbed the detonators that the computer had rigged. Into each, he threw an incendiary grenade, since fire was always fun on an enemy spaceship. Thus loaded down, Can headed back to the teleport room, waiting for replies from any of the people he had spoken to as the teleporter recharged from picking up Ashley.

  6. IC:


    Can quickly ran into the medbay and grabbed a stretcher, then darted back out and laid it out next to Ashley. "Major Daniels, this is Skinter." Can said, his computer opening a channel to Estelle. "I have crewman Landes here, blood loss but condition not critical. Doctor on scene."

  7. IC:


    "Do we need to move her into medbay, doctor? I think this is some sort of psychic backlash...blood loss might be the main problem." While Can had no formal medical training, his own poor opinion of the doctor's abilities combined with what he learned in Basic and at the Academy plus years of seeing battlefield injuries made him feel qualified to give an opinion.

  8. IC:


    "Wait!" Can had familiarized himself well enough with the layout of the ship to know that that was a long enough run it might make a difference. With a quick series of taps to his computer, he engaged the pre-loaded teleport solution keyed to Ashley, prompting her to materialize in the teleport room; Can quickly ushered Nicole in, to where Ashley lay on the teleport pad.

  9. IC:


    Since the teleporter room was the room across from the medbay, Can promptly ran into Nicole. He recognized her bag and manner without even looking and stopped. "Who is it?" He asked, still holding a bandoleer of firebombs.

  10. IC:


    "Computer." Can said as he slid into the armory, surprisingly deftly for a man of his bulk, but half-gravity was half closer to blessed freefall than normal. "Calculate probable location of engine room based on thruster depth, diameter, and resilience. Cross reference with other vessels of similar make when available." As he spoke, Can grabbed a bandoleer of incendiary grenades and an electronic timer to go with them, then began heading back to his station.

  11. IC:


    Can was about to give an order into his command frequency for the boarding crew, when he realized that he had no such frequency. He'd have to wait for Harken.


    During the short flight from the Mantis fleet, Can had rushed from the hangar bay to his battle station on the teleporter, where he'd stood by helplessly as the ship fled. When they promptly ran into a Pirate ship, however, Can had an idea. "Computer." He ordered out loud as he rushed out of the teleporter room. "Bring up schematics on model of enemy ship. Find area most vulnerable to fire."

  12. IC:


    Interestingly enough, Can was in the fighter bay as well; he'd apparently managed to acquire a fighter craft's inertial dampner, as he'd set up the gravity projectors and was pushing a screwdriver through the cancellation field with one hand, calibrating it with the other; since both his hands were occupied, he gave the pilots a polite nod as they walked in.

  13. IC:


    Can had noticed that the new plants were being loaded onto the ship this morning, but he hadn't really considered helping; to a Belter, plants were there to provide air and food. Any interest in the artistic aspect of gardening was lost on him, and loading in a ship's plants was dirty work; he'd do it if ordered, but it was nominally beneath an officer. This was a rather strange attitude for someone who had spent so much time working on maintenance, but to him that was natural; when everyone lives on a spaceship, everyone works on it. Can had actually realized that his welding certificate would need renewal a few days after they left the Brasilia, but that would also be the point when they would be leaving civilized space, so it wasn't as if certificates would matter.

  14. IC: Medbay


    Zhanar passed by, threw a handful of glitter at Nicole, and then left.


    IC: Mess Hall


    Can, meanwhile, was contemplating how ridiculous fish was. Weird swimming reptiles with filters and no legs live under miserably deep water pressures that can sometimes be worse than Earth's gravity. The things made no sense at all, and yet people ate them.

  15. IC:


    Can had no love whatsoever for anything that had come out of Earth's oceans. But food was food, and, after fixing himself a cup of coffee, Can poked his head into the kitchen to see if Souper was ready with it yet.


    Meanwhile, Corporal Pancake followed Nicole into Medbay.

  16. IC:


    Can stuck his head out of his room and immediately saw the crazy doctor with a ferret on her foot.


    Grumbling about the rest of the crew being absolutely insane, he stepped out, slowly realizing that he would have to pass the crazy doctor to get coffee. He mentally braced himself for social contact, wondering how long one has to keep a first lieutenant away from their coffee before use of lethal force became a legitimate solution.

  17. IC:


    The ferrets had rebelled.


    Well, to be more accurate, the ferrets had never been trainable in the first place. Zhanar had quickly given up on training them once he realized this, and had instead set about researching what else the ferrets might be good at. One had a collar put on it and was let loose, as he had appointed it to the role of chief pest control officer.

  18. IC:


    "Day 25." Can said, dictating aloud to his computer in between gulps of hot chocolate as he walked his way to his quarters. "Today was eventful. The doctor we picked up with the ambassador finally snapped and attacked Ashley, who proceeded to, as far as I know, develop psychic powers due to stress, which makes about as much sense as everything else.. We docked at the Brasilia and spent a few hours in their beach room. Battleship crews are more spoiled than the rest of the Fleet. The Colonel made the computer sentient for some reason, and actually promoted it above me. Some of the Fleet ratings broke out the beer today and the officers didn't even bat an eye; some of them joined in. I'm beginning to wonder if the entire fleet is this lax in military discipline, or if this mission was orchestrated to get unruly officers like the Colonel and myself out of the military's way." Can paused to consider this for a moment. "In a surprisingly high-school like move for career officers in their thirties, Estelle got together with Major Daniels. I also suspect Ashley and Rehn might have some sexual tension going. I wonder if that new gunner is single..." Can trailed off, deciding not to say anything more on that topic before switching to a more serious topic.


    "I'm still confused as to why I'm on this ship. I was assigned here because I'm considered a flexible officer by Planetary Forces standards, but if this is a representative sampling of the Space Forces then they seem to lack any sense of military discipline, which seems to place me as the most conservative and by-the-book officer on the ship. It's not a role I'm used to. I doubt Harken is enjoying all the paperwork his new job takes." Can, getting curious, saved the journal in his folder on the ship's computer. "Computer, comment on the latest journal entry."

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