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Posts posted by Xomeron

  1. IC:


    Can had been tapping away at his computer as he walked, and looked up when Harken spoke to him, then commented "Yes, sir." in a forced neutral manner; he didn't at all like where this was going, but he couldn't disobey a legal direct order. Rather, he decided to begin working on Harken. "How much do you know about what she's done to the computer?"

  2. OOC: Constantly explaining references that anyone can google if they care to understand is both annoying and condescending.




    "I didn't actually know the XO had that right." Can commented. "I am sorry, but I have to go now." Can said, before turning to head towards the airlocks. Naturally, however, either the Colonel or Harken would be in his way, though as he had no way to know they had returned to the ship he simply headed on the most direct path back to the Brasilia.

  3. IC:


    Can's mouth held fully open for a minute, before he pulled his computer's holographic controls; quickly he made two changes to it. The first was to shut off all its networking capabilities, rendering it both silent and deaf to radio. The second was to start recording audio on it; this was early enough to catch the comment about his biometrics. "Computer, what is the legal standpoint on what the Colonel did to you?"

  4. IC:


    Can stared at Nicole for a moment, then triggered the holoimpact on his computer and searched "Hal sentient computer," whereupon he got his first introduction to twentieth century cultural references. After reading a short summary of the events of 2001, Can glanced up at Nicole, then spoke into his radio


    "Computer, are you alive? If so, why?"

  5. Can generally enjoyed his part in the war; he was successful, powerful, and shot up the ranks quickly as time went on. He hasn't really been touched by the bad parts of war, thanks to a mix of success and the fact that he never really empathizes with Mantis enough to realize that he's actually killing entire people. If that's insanity, it's necessary insanity, because the alternative is too horrible for him to come to terms with.

  6. IC:


    It seemed that Can had given up on that sushi run; he'd disappeared from the pool room after the incident with Anna, and next anyone saw him, it was when he ended up in the same corridor of the Kestrel as Nicole. He paused when he turned the corner, not having expected to see anyone there. Several remarks, from sarcastic to scathing, passed through his mind before he decided he didn't particularly have any issue with Nicole. She was unstable, sure, but that wasn't her fault. In the Belt, where medications and were freely available for anyone who needed them, being insane was a choice, but this long in space had taught Can that other cultures didn't always treat their handicapped so well, and she probably hadn't had a chance at it yet.


    "Getting your things, or did they decide to let you stay?" He asked.

  7. IC:


    "I don't have any particular problem with you." Can said, having dressed and returned to Anna. "But I already said no. Learn to listen, soldier." Can paused for a moment. "I missed your introduction. Name, Rank, and Specialty?"

  8. IC:


    Can decided he'd had enough, and, years of training kicking in, he quickly broke Anna's hold on his arm and turned it around on her, pushing her over slightly; the hold wasn't from any particular martial art, just one of the dozens that they had drilled into him in his personal combat training, which was easily the most substantial of anyone in the crew save possibly Harken. "Not interested." Can quipped before letting go of her, causing her to stumble before she could recover. As if nothing had happened, Can stepped over to his uniform and quickly put it on; he was about to head out to the grill that the other officers had mentioned when he realized something; Estelle and Daniels were both missing. It didn't take much time for him to put together what happened.


    "So, anyone up for that sushi run?"

  9. IC:


    "You think this is bad, Colonel?" Can smiled, thinking back fondly on his garrison days. "You should spend a weekend at the Planetary Forces barracks on Ceres. We have specially designed rank patches that can stick to human skin, how much does that tell you?"

  10. IC:


    "It's an Earth art form." Can answered. "Animated storytelling, typically from an island chain called Japan or Nippon. Premises vary widely but young female humans who can transform their outfits and gain magical powers are a stereotype." Can looked directly at Ashley's ears. "As are anthropomorphic animals, or humans with animalistic traits."

  11. IC:


    Can glanced at both Anna and Ashley, then at the "Camera", the same spot he had glanced at earlier, this time with a mix of astonishment and a tinge of fear, then over at Rehn. "Hey, Rehn. Want to go somewhere else? Anywhere else. Ashley was just talking about food we should make a food run before this goes full anime."

  12. IC:


    At the colonel's comment, Can looked over at the newcomer. Before she got the chance to ask for an explanation, Can just popped in "You don't want to know" before slipping back into the pool, once again wary for an attack from a pair of Majors.

  13. IC:


    "Would someone please explain to me." Can began. "Why Ashley seems to be psychic? And anything else that's relevant, please?" Can sounded an odd mix of exasperated and calm; it was clear he was trying to avoid upsetting Ashley by yelling.

  14. IC:


    Nervously, Can stepped through the water towards the edge of the pool, where his uniform and gear, including his sword, were stacked. With one hand on the hilt of the sword, he pulled himself out of the water, never looking away from Nicole.

  15. IC:


    Can stood up in the pool, having surfaced just before Nicole's outburst; the rebreather fell from his mouth comically. How did someone like her get through the academy? Was his first thought, as he raised his eyebrows, flat out staring at the doctor.

  16. IC:


    Can clearly hadn't practiced in some time, and when he had done underwater wrestling, it had been at three-quarters gravity. He started with a running jump into the pool, then tucked into a ball, rolling forward in midair; in scored events, this entry was required, as it disoriented the players and made the start of a match more interesting. Can, however, overestimated his hangtime, and hit the water with his back down rather than his feet down. A half-second of recovery was all he needed, and, rebreather in his mouth, he sunk just below the level of the water, covering the Colonel's right.

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