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Unconquerable Snow Black

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Status Updates posted by Unconquerable Snow Black

  1. hey your birthday is the same day as mine! and we are both 12 yrs old! oh well happy bday stanger

  2. Hey, check the topic. I just updated it with pics of Axel and saix as teenagers.

    By the way merry christmas.

  3. hi tak. :)

    i wonder when gravitan will post that topic....

  4. HURRY UP AND GET YOUR BIONICLES BACK BEFORE ITS TOOO LATE! hurry! i hope ya get them back quick! :(

  5. i added you to the list toa ignika

  6. i am doing a awful lot of ......

    no i cant be kopaka! no wai! nooooooooooo!

  7. i am!?.......


  8. I beat him at level 68, with Ultima Weapon and full inventory of jsut elixirs, I used 3 of them because I was too late to stop some of Sephiroths Heartless angels.

    My advice is keep dodge rolling and only attack sephiroth when he jumps near you just as he lands. Also Panty and stocking is a freaking addictive Anime, and animefreak.com rate it Pg-13. OH MY GOD WHAT ITS FULL OF SWEARING NUDITY

  9. I belive this is your sandwhich. 8/

  10. i can? *looks at the x bubble thing* oh yeah i can! >:)

  11. i has new avvie. you like?

  12. i have cloned 5 billion adventuers with titanium armour.

    nothing can stop my army of adventurers! muhhaaaa....gak! *cough*

  13. i have fears of wasps too. they are always outside my house 0.0

  14. I have read all the secret reports, and did you know that coded eppy 8 is coming out soon? Check the topic, i also have a question.

  15. i kill you all with a neoshifter

  16. i know! after the game you should make a music video about your coics and put the "crazy" song!

    if you dont

    agree i will cry


  17. i left you a request at the silver avohkii, doctor. =D

  18. I loled at the part where Kyon dodged the cheese.

    Whyd you dodge?

    I dont know.


  19. i never knew pohatu's eye was shiny? :o

  20. I want to buy a tsukasa wig :D

  21. I want to take the profile word challenge! >=D

  22. id like to point out your name is almost similar to mine. :P . but are not copied in any way. :D

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