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Everything posted by SgtPanda

  1. I'm in an art school, I can quite draw.TPBM wishes they can teleport.
  2. The illustrative charcoal is indeed, very nice. It's definately a moving piece; perfect for a drama as great as The PacificI like short minimal intros though (if you see Seinfeld's for example, the cold opening is also the intro.)TPBM has had experience within a Boy Scouts troop.
  3. "Ulysses" - Franz Ferdinand (not to be confused with the late Archduke of Austria)
  4. Je ne pas intereste (I also nearly failed French, but am decent in speaking Cantonese)TPBM has a flip phone.
  5. It's like Ken from Street Fighter and Princess Peach got together, Mr. Masters.
  6. Got a few.- The first Swiss Army Knife had a blade, a reamer, a can opener, and a screwdriver.- The upcoming Mclaren P1 hypercar is rumored to have 936 brake horsepower.- The last person to die in an F1 race was Ayrton Senna.- Saab had a prototype for a car controlled via joystick.- In the 70's British Petroleum had a board game about operating an oil pump. One of the cards read: "Blow-out! Rig damaged. Oil slick clean-up costs. Pay $1million."- Pigs are actually relatively clean animals, organizing their sleeping areas from "business" areas and bathing when possible.- Pigs roll in mud because they don't have sweat glands.- There exists a theory where Ferris Bueller doesn't actually exist; he's all imagined by Cameron.
  7. Precisely, therefore the average perception of intelligence would certainly almost undoubtedly sound as intelligent as the material would actually theoretically read. Ye matey below me post a' talkin' like this today. Arr!
  8. IF he cheats on you first But of course, I'd not live in Hong Kong in case (this despite my family hailing from there, since I think it was a British colony, or waaaaay earlier.)
  9. Looks likeAnyways, I really enjoy the show. Things like the broken elevator make episode plots very interesting.I think the time machine episode was my personal favorite, as it did make use of the elevator as an interesting plot device.
  10. The Ferris Bueller/Flight Club theory makes me happy. So does the moon projector theory.TPBM is interested in their headphone sound quality and will spare no expense to get a decent set.
  11. Is this poetry, is this just blasphemyCaught in a mindcrushNo escape from stupidity.Open my mindLook at the text and see...I'm just a poor boyThis isn't simplicityBecause I'm thinking high, thinking low.Little slyLittle clueAnyway the text readsDoesn't really make senseTo me.To me...
  12. But wait, is it to take off some ideas, or to just destroy them with logic? Do I then simplify those ideas? Is it like those grade 10 math equations?TPBM is interested in writing utensils.
  13. Nope, but I've never really faced the content.TPBM has seen the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
  14. Oh goodness no XDI think I might set up some EL lights on some hoodie just to impress, but I'm not quite sure whether I have the time to fully finish said hoodie + EL wire combo.
  15. 2.5/5Generally I don't like power chord-sounding stuff that's supposed to sound depressing. At least it isn't Nickelback."Aquarius" - Boards Of Canada.
  16. As a Pyro, I used to use the Backburner until the +20% damage perk got cut. I'm back on the default.I usually carry shotgun, as a non-flame weapon comes in very handy.I use the Powerjack. Enough said.
  17. Sort of true, for some odd reason.TPBM has people screaming on their street.
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