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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Snoopy82

  1. Snoopy82

    Goin' To Dc

    Possibly without interwebs access over the weekend, so hold all interaction!
  2. Snoopy82


    Ya'll Got It?
  3. Snoopy82

    This Past Week

    Oh that's cold. So tell us what it is then, eh? - The fifth bullet lead to all of the others.
  4. This past week has been the absolute best week of my life. I discovered the direction of my life for the next 4 yearsI met some of the nicest, funniest, most caring people you'll ever seeI have a new love I had more fun than most people can only dream ofI performed in the greatest musical ever put on by my schoolI received an amazing complement from one of the most important people in my lifeI got my time back So all in all... yay. I can't wait for next year!
  5. Snoopy82


    Yo all- things are getting pretty busy around here right now, so don't expect much if at all from me until after the 28th.
  6. Snoopy82


    ...So someone mind filling me in on why all the staff are ranting about Drama and radicals and other stuff?
  7. Snoopy82


    I'll always have that little spot of pride in my heart that says I am that one reply. ... ...
  8. Snoopy82

    Hey Jude,

    the minute, you let her under your skin
  9. Snoopy82


    The Party has gone to pieces.
  10. Snoopy82

    Blog Entry

    I really need to start using this thing again.
  11. Snoopy82


    I did it. YEAH BAYBE 5000 posts/7 years=714 posts a year I should really pick that up...
  12. Snoopy82


    4999 posts. Should I make 5000 tonight?
  13. Faithful readers, It was August, 2008. I had just completed a piece of writing, which I had no real desire to continue, and posted it on this blog. The reviews were smashing, as people from every nook and cranny of this site came to read it. And thus The BZ-Metru Story was born. Here we are, a year and a half almost exactly later, and I've been slacking off. I haven't been writing nearly enough, due to school, extracurricular activities, and other stuff. This has lead to a severely decreased readership. So basically, this entry is apologizing for not keeping up with BZMS. It's just become too much of a burden for me to write it, mainly because I have no clue where to go after the next chapter I will post and even exactly how I'll end it. As such, I will announce that after the next chapter I post, the BZMS Part One will be finished. When will Part 2 start? Who knows at this point. All I do know is that I WILL finish it. Maybe not tomorrow, or next year, or 10 years from now. Don't worry though. I won't fall off the face of the writing circuit completely. I have something up my sleeve, something that I will be much more prepared to do and something I have been wanting to do for years. So... see you round the library!
  14. http://games.espn.go.com/flb/clubhouse?lea...p;seasonId=2010 How's my team? I think I've got a really good pitching staff going, but we'll see...
  15. Hello fools. I am your new overlord. While you weren't looking I stepped in and killed the cool dude you call "Snoopy82." While he was writhing in pain during his last moments, I slipped into his body and consumed his soul. I am now him. He is now me. As such I have seen fit to take over this website. You are to do as I say. Do as I do. Think as I think. Be as I am. Thank you. Have a horrible day.
  16. Snoopy82


    Because I actually AM Nuju Metru, so whatever he knows I know. When you think about it, it's amazing that we [or I, I guess, as we are one in the same] have made nearly 20,000 posts on this site. Loser(s?)...
  17. Snoopy82


    Nah, leave it a mystery for them. You can tell me, can't you?
  18. I feel like Art Rooney. At least I would; if I owned a football team and were dead...
  19. Snoopy82

    Oy Vey

    They canceled all of our musical rehearsals this week due to 2+ feet of snow.
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