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Status Updates posted by Zokau

  1. 25 Minutes Later:

    Oh I get it now.

    Seriously. It took me that long.

  2. KNOW WAEZ!!!!1

  3. Zokau

    Mine is flipper.


  4. Zokau

    I am getting pretty ticked about the events taking place elsewhere.

  5. Lol. Curiosity killed the cat. :P

    Or in this case, the dog.

  6. !UHSAN S'TI !HAAA Well that is a change. :P


  7. Zokau

    Wow. You must think you are something special.

  8. Wow. I have not talked to you in a long time. =O

    So, How's it goin'?

  9. Did you get my PM?

  10. Gah. I am never talked to anymore.

  11. On this site anyway...

  12. Hey Aanchir. How's it goin?

    Yeah! You said I made an intelligent topic!

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