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Status Updates posted by Zokau

  1. I hate Xasty.

  2. In other words, yes the hack friggin worked. <_<

  3. We are hacked. What are we going to do?

  4. I IZ NT A NUB111! Wat doe u tink i iz111111?

  5. I am waiting for a new one too.

  6. 24 FTW.

    Just like me. =D

  7. Haha. Zyglakky lieks Pink text. :P

  8. Zokau

    Lots of inactivity.

  9. Still not ringing any bells.

  10. Eh. Okay.


  11. 1st Comment: Nuh Uh.

    @nd Comment: I went to a shop in Shops and Kits.

    The Shop was "The 3D mask Depot"

  12. Bionicle Underwear?

    How demented.

    24 Underwear FTW. :P

  13. lol. Dr. Haru. You get that from the other place?

  14. It says your name was "Problamatic"

  15. Old McDok had a Farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm...

  16. Lulz. Curiousity killed the Cat.

  17. Yup. Changed my name again.

    Looks like you can change your name now too...

    If you want. :P

  18. lol

    Were you a noob?

  19. =O


    Welcome to Bzp. ;)

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