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Status Updates posted by Zokau

  1. Zokau

    Homework Sucks. I am an A+ student and Recently I have been sick and getting bad grades in math. So I have to redo and get My math grade from B- to A+

  2. Thank You for the Stars. I gave you 5 as well. I added you as a friend. And by the way, the Halo series is ne of the Best after Assassin's Creed and Turok for the PS3. Split screen forges in Halo 3 are my favorite.

  3. Hello ~EliteSpartan-6~


  4. Hello Jordboy1.

  5. Why aren't you doing this in endless feud?

  6. I added you as a friend.

  7. Psst. Did you know Makuta Gorast is a girl?

  8. Ok. We are friends now.

  9. I am sorry I never really got to know you.

  10. Zokau

    Sadly No ####### account. My parents are strict about a lot of those Websites. Think I will get in trouble. So. Do you want to know the Lombax Secret?

  11. Zokau

    You play Ratchet and Clank?!? I have been a fan all my life. I have every game(Except Size Matters For I have no PSP) including R&CF:ToD for the PS3. I can hook you up with info if you like.

  12. Wow. You seem intelligent.

  13. Zokau

    No, do not.

  14. Ok, I will live.

  15. Thank You for the Banner.

  16. I have started my Attack in endless fued.

  17. What about me am I in? I was Chirox: the Destroyer. We could call it "The league of six Chirox, and a Bitil"

  18. That is all right. We all get busy.

  19. Aww, you did not add me as a friend:( I added you:) A long time ago.

  20. Zokau

    Sounds good. That just shows how much of a noob of Spanish I am. I almost had you basically put Bitil of Air. XD

  21. Zokau

    How about Bitil el Aereo Habitante. Just to keep the same character between us.

  22. Zokau

    I am sorry Chirox el Aereo Habitante, I changed my name. When can you next change yours?

  23. Hello. I am Chirox The Destroyer. I added you as a friend. Please do the same :)

  24. Happy Birthday.


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