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Status Updates posted by Zokau

  1. Also Congrats on 11,000 posts! You are the first person I have seen to get the rank Voya-Nui discovered. I didn't even know there was such a rank!

  2. Also Congrats on 11,000 posts! You are the first person I have seen to get the rank Voya-Nui discovered. I didn't even know there was such a rank!

  3. Good Find on S@H! You going to buy Alaxara first?

  4. Are you serious about the Phantoka being removed snd replaced with stickers for Mistika? Could you upload a photo of some of the tags?

  5. Luck.

    Let us know what you find tomorrow.

  6. That sucks. Played any new PS3 games lately?

  7. I'm doing okay, and yourself?

  8. Hey Resev.

  9. No, I live in one of the flooded cities, but not the downtown part where it is flooded worst in my city.

  10. Luz was that a yes or a no on 6? You said I could a while back, I was just double checking.

  11. I'll PM you.

  12. Hey, you are the first Iowan I have met on Bzp yet! Wow!

  13. What was your previous username?

  14. Okay, thanks anyway. Where do I know you from?

    (Sorry if it seems rude to ask)

  15. Why? They don't even know me.


  16. No, but now they are doing a Ninja Turtle thing. I never ordered a banner. Hey, add me too.

  17. Oh, now they moved on to Ninja Turtles, thats funny.


  18. Wait, the mereley thing? I dsaid it in my comment.

  19. Yeah, the pony topic.

  20. Thank You! Someone finally agrees with me on the stupid pony issue!


    I added you as well.

  21. Mereley is not a word is it?

  22. I hate the pony joke, I don't think that anyone should be making whole topics about them on a BIONICLE website. I am mereley expressing my views in that topic. Nothing wrong with that.

  23. Zokau

    Yeah, I decided to come back, but my sig is going to be full of stuff advertising against using words like retard.

  24. Zokau

    I am leaving as well. There was an issue. PM me if you want details.

  25. I am leaving as well.

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