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Status Updates posted by Zokau

  1. I really like your profile too. I added you as a friend.

  2. Oh, thanks. Did you try to comment?

  3. Zokau

    I like Macadamia Nut cookies. And Peanut Butter. :P

  4. What was 4?

    I know 3 was poison. XD

  5. I know you!

  6. Very Good. Similar controls, Entertaining storyline, eicked enemies, only problem I have is that you can't carry every weapon you get like in RFOM.

  7. Hello there, just dropping in to say hello.


  8. sO wE iS iN eAcHoThErS bAsEs?

  9. Ah. Any idea when/if he will return?

  10. Leave a comment any time now.

  11. 149 is the answer.

  12. KNOW WAEZ!!!!1

  13. Yeah, I own Turok. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is awesome. So is HAZE.

  14. I added you as a friend.

  15. Zokau

    Hey, thanks. I got it from Bonesiii's newest topic. Those are all good names.

  16. Hello.


  17. Yeah. Running is always fun. Unless you sprained your ankle. Then it is not fun. I played Basketball for a while. I was... not good. But my height made up for some. I learned how to shoot wrong.

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