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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. What other elements can pull flight off? I like to think Gravity can, or at least 'falling in whatever direction they want'.
  2. But the Chaos gods can give you such good things!
  3. IC: The Ba-Toa spun so his cloak caught the dagger flying towards him. Skorm looked at the strange toa, so calm in the chaos surrounding him. "My motives are my own, Toa of Sonics. You can either be in my way, or not. By the way... jump." Skorm jumped, amplifying the gravity under him as he landed; the lilypad lurched, Skorm's side plunging into the ocean. He altered his gravity so that he was straight on the platform. He couldn't see much with the smoke, and chaos echoed around him. Just as he liked it. When the other side of the platform went up, only Casanuva managed to properly anchor himself. Kalyss slipped onto her back, only stopping herself from sliding by burning handholds into the platform. Vakua, though, was flipped straight off the platform, and splashed into the water. Not feeling the mental link, Kalyss shouted to Casanuva over the din. "I think Vakua's unconscious! I'm not getting anything!" "Me neither! I'll get him, you handle Skorm!" Before Kalyss could argue, Casanuva's mask glowed, and he leaped off of the platform, into the water. Kalyss looked through the glowing smoke, and coughed. Whatever this stuff was, it wasn't healthy to breath in OOC: And.. cue theme. IC: She became aware of heavy footsteps, and rolled over, barely dodging a saber that would have decapitated her. Kalyss slid down the platform, sliding past Skorm's legs. She leaned up, getting ready to push off the platform. Skorm stomped again, and the platform shifted as gravity was increased on the other side. Kalyss cursed as she was splashed with water, turning over. The Su-Toa spat out saltwater. "What the karzhani is wrong with you? We're your team!" Skorm lifted off the ground slightly. The platform was rapidly going underwater. "I've been... enlightened." "And the best thing to do about that is killing us?" Skorm smirked. "Yes, actually." He floated slightly above the water line and moved towards her, saber drawn. Kalyss saw her chance. She actived her Kakama, and the world blurred. She channeled a burst of plasma to rocker herself upright, and dashed at Skorm. She tackled him, but didn't stop running; she knew that Skorm only floated by affecting himself with zero-G; this made him, essentially, weightless. She continued running, away from the smoke, away from civilians. She didn't make it very far out of the koro when Skorm started reacting and grabbed her throat. "I... know... where your speed can't help you!" The water around them pulsed outward, then started falling... up. Skorm reversed the gravity for the entire area, himself and Kalyss included. As they fell faster and faster into the night sky, Skorm punched Kalyss in the face with the hilt of his sword; she let go of him, but returned the blow by sending a plasma-propelled kick into his abdomen. He grunted in pain, but then smiled cruelly. "See you on the way down." As abruptly as it had turned, the gravity returned to normal. Skorm quickly lashed out with his sword. The blow was mostly deflected by her armor, but it achieved its purpose, and she spun off. Skorm spread his limbs out in an 'X', to slow his descent. Two down, one to go. * * * Casanuva dived into the bay; he felt out with his magnetism, trying to sense the nearest being. There was the su-matoran than tagged along with Kalyss... there. Vakua's unconscious body was drifting towards the bottom. Casanuva's bulk and armor made it so he didn't have to swim downward much to reach him. When he reached his brother, he turned, and magnetized Vakua to his back, and activated his Pakari, and dragged himself up by his armor. Through that combination, he was able to breach the surface, and swam to the nearest stable platform. Casanuva pushed Vakua onto the lilypad, and climbed up after him, gasping. "Where are Skorm and Kalyss?"
  4. I might be jumping the gun a little on this one, but... BRAAAAAAAAWL!
  5. IC: There's too many people, I can't pinpoint who it could be. Kalyss glared at the gathering crowd. "Stay back! All of you-" Skorm seized his chance. He amplified the gravity field under the three, and all of them buckled. In the flash of movement, he stepped forward. He joined his fists and slammed down on Vakua's head. Skorm barely jumped back in time to dodge a slash from Casanuva's sword. The gravity returned to normal as he fell back. Vakua still knelt on the floor, clutching his head. You okay, Vakua? My ears are ringing... now I know why I couldn't find him. He's invisible. And has gravity powers. We know someone who has those. Nunonu and I were attacked by a Ba-Toa in Le-Wahi. He could have learned a new trick. He liked ambushes, too. Non-visibility protocol? Got it. It seemed to be only a fraction of a second while the mind-linked team carried out their conversation. Kalyss's hand glowed brightly as she charged an orb of plasma. She hurled it into the air, where it exploded like a flare, shedding harsh, fluorescent light everywhere. Vakua winced as he pushed his visor back on. Casanuva squinted in the harsh light, opening his bag of ball bearings with his free, bandaged hand. He scanned the ground. Nothing, nothing, debris, nothing... There we go. Shadow, moving. I'll tag him. Casanuva grabbed a handful of ball bearings, then threw them in front of him. Magnetizing them in midair, he repelled them in a wide arc; most scattered into the ground of water, but about a half dozen swerved and pelted their invisible assailant. Skorm grunted as he was pelted with the magnetic projectiles. He lost focus, and twisted to the ground, his mask deactivating. He channeled his elemental fury into the ground below him, reaching out, and remembered how these lilypads worked. Kalyss squinted. It couldn't be... "Skorm? What the karzhani are you doing? Have you lost your mind?" Vakua probed outwards into his brother's mind, but was met with a wall of corruption and fury. I... I don't think that's Skorm. It may look like him, act like him, and know what he knows... but that can't be Skorm. Skorm laughed. A deep, throaty chuckle, which then grew into an uncomfortable shouting. "You see, little brother... that's where you're wrong!" Skorm finished channeling his raw elemental fury into the reinforced stem below them. Several metallic twangs echoed through the water as the stem, reinforced with metal, buckled and snapped under the intense pressure Skorm was causing. The entire platform fell several inches onto the water, and one side started to rise as the other sank into the now frothy water. We need people out of here. Calmly, and minimizing panic- Casanuva cupped his hands around his mouth. "Everybody RUN!" OOC: Okay, now I'm assuming this should have caused enough ruckus... collapsing lily platform, neon flares, shouting... I think it's safe to assume there might be some outside attention on this.
  6. IC: Skorm leaped from building to building. His time was limited. Casanuva was nearby, and he would peg Vakua as not being far behind. Unfortunately, several potential witnesses knew he was looking for his brother, and knew approximately the right way to go. He was practically salivating at the thought of- Wait. He needed to thing, to focus. The element of surprise was one of the only things going for him, and Vakua was there. He'd have to guard his thoughts carefully; Vakua would easily pick up Skorm's thoughts, he was so familiar with them from training. He reached one lilypad, a large intersection, and he slowed himself. He heard them before he saw them. Casanuva was shouting, at... Kalyss? She was here too? This certainly complicated things even more, but... half the team! Skorm wiped away the fluid from his mask as he cherished the thought of ripping apart that stuck-up she-toa with their brothers, then silently cursed as he remembered to maintain mental discipline. Below, meanwhile, Casanuva and Kalyss's exchange had... escalated. "You've got a knot in your armor just because I got higher marks than you in training!" Casanuva shouted. "That is a load of kane-ra sh-" Vakua felt a sharp pang, not unlike when his sensitive hearing was provoked. Something... someone? A malevolence was nearby. It wished active harm upon him, Casanuva, and Kalyss. Drawing his tuning spear, he scanned the area, and opened his mind to his two arguing teammates. Stop. Something is nearby, hostile. Having trouble sensing it, must have experience with telepathy. Casanuva leaned past Kalyss, giving Vakua a look of concern. "What?" Assume it can hear us. Tactical mindset. Got it. Kalta, delta formation. Unknown hostile elements. Just what we needed tonight. Vakua, Kalyss, and Casanuva backed towards each other, forming a triangle, each facing outwards. Kalyss entered a stance, ready to attack, and Casanuva magnetized the handle of his sword to his good hand, and flipped it around so he was holding it straight. Vakua tapped his spear to the ground, the fork at the end emitting a constant hum. Skorm snarled silently, and started to levitate downwards, not touching the ground. His sword remained sheathed, though he clenched his hand around the hilt.
  7. IC: Skorm smiled wickedly. He now knew where his prey was. He let go of Nunonu's leg, but the matoran didn't hurtle into the air; instead, he floated, his gravity nullified. "Good... Now, don't do anything too rash." Giving the terrified matoran one last spin, he reactivated his Huna, and faded from sight. He levitated up to the top of the nearest building, and took off in the direction the matoran had walked from.
  8. IC: Skorm shook the matoran. "I could reverse your personal gravity, and send you falling into the stratosphere. Would the thin air help clear your head?" To prove his point, Skorm did so, flipping Nunonu's gravity. He flipped around the matoran in his hand, so that Nunonu was only held from falling up by the toa's grip on his leg. "Tell me everything. Where is he?"
  9. IC: "We should get going. It's getting dark. Wouldn't want to lose him." Skorm pushed through the crowd, exiting the building. The night air was cool, coming off the bay. Skorm shivered, half in disgust, and pulled his hood down, and his cloak around him. The Ba-Toa grumbled as he waited for all of the beings who were latching onto him. Skorm looked off in the direction he would supposedly find his prey, when a flash of orange caught his eye. An onu-matoran out here... well, it was a pretty unusual sight. Skorm decided to check this out. Was this Nunonu? As his 'friends' started to filter out of the Great Takea, he needed an excuse. "I... have to go get something. You all go off without me. I'll find you later." Before he could get a reply, he had stepped into the shadows of an alley; his mask quickly activated, and he strode off. He walked straight at the onu-matoran; when he was in grabbing range, he grasped the front of Nunonu's mask, lifting him with one hand. Before any audible sounds could be made, Skorm dashed into an alley, grabbing Nunonu by one leg, and suspending him upside down. He deactivated his mask, and growled into his hostage's face. "I've been tracking you and your friend Casanuva halfway across this island; where is he!? Who else is with him?"
  10. Me too... this darn spanish coursework. I might be able to start it tonight.
  11. Timeskip? Timeskip! I can finally introduce my characters in Ko-Wahi! Well, after, I do all my hefty posting in Ga-Wahi. Oh, by the way, there is going to be some big(-ish) stuff going down in Ga-Koro soon involving the Toa Kalta.
  12. So, what happens when Skorm tears the mask off his teammates' face after killing them? He decides to visit a taxidermist?
  13. Well, Skorm is getting more than one mask, but I guess it will just be macabre decoration then.
  14. Yeah, Skorm just got the perspective shift. He's already powerful, though, so I don't sweat it much. Though I am holding out for a second dose to get some freaky power. Like Void. Or extra faces so he can wear multiple masks.
  15. Since I believe Skorm was the first decidedly non-evil character to get dosed with the stuff, when I asked Nuju for it to work that way, I described it as 'if there is a seed of darkness, Antidermis makes it grow'. And It doesn't really grant special abilities when it's used that way, the shift in morals seems to be enough.
  16. IC: Skorm readied to leave, at last. "So... who is coming?" OOC: Could I get a sound-off of who is coming? It's gonna be important.
  17. OOC: I'm going to be busy for the night, so last IC post of the day. IC: Skorm looked at the people surrounding him. "My name is Skorm. I haven't been on the island long, only a few weeks." He finished gulping down the fish, wiped his mouth (and the black ooze that had accumulated) with the back of his hand. "I agree. We should try to find him as soon as possible. If you all are not done, I wouldn't hold it against you if you stayed behind for now."
  18. IC: Skorm recoiled as the bowl was pushed in front of him. While he didn't have time for this, he didn't really have a choice, either. He sat, and grabbed a knife, and impaled the fish, and tore chunks off. It was sort of bland, and tasted of ash. It wasn't really filling; he hungered for something more rare... something a good vet could bring back. Without really chewing, he swallowed, and turned to a waitress "Waitress. There is a De-Toa that performs here, he wears a Suletu. Do you know where he lives?" (NPC) The ga-matoran waitress thought for a second. "Hmm... I think he rented out a hut in the northeast, near one of the greenhouses. It's on a big lilypad with about a half dozen other rental huts. They're toa-sized, so they should be easy to spot
  19. IC: Skorm looked at the others. He could probably ask one of the staff, but... "Splitting up may be advantageous. Cover more ground faster. He might not be at home, after all."
  20. Speaking of art, does anyone know if there has been art done of a non-organic Suletu?
  21. IC: Casanuva looked down at the su-matoran. "Listen, my 'destiny' concerns me, and me alone." Casanuva put emphasis on his words by pointing his thumb at himself. "If you haven't noticed, things are going to karz-in-a-handbasket here! We need to stick together!" Kalyss pointed at Casanuva's burnt hand. "At the very least stick together to avoid stuff like this!" Casanuva stepped back. "You think I wanted this? Any of this? I didn't have a choice! I am taking that freedom back, one step at a time."
  22. OOC: Vakua performs pretty much daily. Mirra and Wisp could have been out during this day's performance, or slept through it, or something. IC: Skorm became aware that he was being sized up. The matoran were beneath his notice, but the four toa could be problems. The two at the counter seemed to be a couple; they didn't seem to be too interested in the proceedings. The other Ba-Toa, the one who seemed to be looking for a telepath, didn't seem overly concerned. The De-Toa, however, was definitely eying him up, with his Akaku. Skorm narrowed his eyes as the lenses shifted, and the De-Toa chuckled. He'd have to keep an eye on this one.
  23. IC: Skorm couldn't believe his luck. Vakua? And Casanuva, in the same settlement. The Ba-Toa had to slow himself down. If Vakua supposedly came here, and Casanuva had been spotted here, his brothers were likely working together. That was a dangerous combination. He was certain he could destroy either of them, particularly Vakua, in single combat, but that weakling telepath was a force multiplier. Wiping his mask clean of the black ooze one last time, he approached the De-Toa and the other Ba-Toa "How fortunate. I've been looking for Vakua as well. I can't say I know where he lives. Perhaps one of the staff here knows? He supposedly works here occasionally." OOC: How lucky you are for ending up in the workplace of the only telepath allowed on the island, Smarty!
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