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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Care to PM me a tactical summary? I'd like to introduce some characters there soon, and I kinda don't want to sieve through eight pages.
  2. Do we have to bring back amnesia fog? Please don't make them bring back amnesia fog.
  3. Looks like Casanuva needs to do some... genealogy. Intimate archeology. Anyway, could someone who has been following the battle in Ko-Koro PM me to appraise me of the general situation?
  4. Well, yeah. My theory is that everyone migrated from somewhere, and amnesia is involved. Although NOT the Amnesia Fog.
  5. 'Living memory' and cryptic references are different things.
  6. I would interpret that as the Dasaka once came from somewhere that had the other elemental Matoran, but not necessarily Mata Nui. Just a humble player's interpretation.
  7. Yeah, if players have to go through something like that just to interact between the Dasaka and Mata Nui, I can see why the two are pretty separate...
  8. IC: Three, actually. Kalyss nodded. "Yes. Skorm, Zeuya, and Aelied are still unaccounted for." Casanuva leaned against the wall. "Which would be our best fighter, youngest, weakest member, and our team leader/mentor/guru guy. Respectively." Kalyss rolled out her map on the table, and examined it. Pointing to a spot at the northern edge of the island, she said "This was where I washed up. In a desert the locals call Po-Wahi." Vakua pointed to a spot on the coast near the bay. I woke up here. In Ga-Wahi. Casanuva pushed himself off the wall, and pointed to the reef to the northwest of the island. "I spent a couple days huddled on this reef, in Onu-Wahi." Kalyss looked up at everyone. "Do you think..." "Someone likes the number 'six' way too much?" Casanuva cut her off. A usual team of six toa, washing up on an island with six distinct geographical locations? That can't be a coincidence.
  9. There were no psychic powers at all before them? Well, Vakua better watch himself should he travel among Dasaka...
  10. Interesting. Is there a suitable in-game discovery that this came about by, or is it just a confirmation?
  11. Also, I updated my profiles to highlight the fact that the Toa Kalta are a cohesive unit; grouped them together (including a theme!), and updated their profiles to state that they are somewhat resistant to mental powers, due to close training with Vakua.
  12. I guess a lot of Ba-Toa are gonna have to start using this as their theme song:
  13. Hi, I'm a writer and lots of things that come out of this forum make my eyes bleed.
  14. Well, I was not made aware of it when there was a discussion on it pages ago. That really screws around with my plans.
  15. 1) takes a while for the singularity to form, easy to tell. On top of that, guess what the Toa is doing all this time? 2) event horizon is tiny. Can be resisted before that.
  16. No, a gravity user can create black holes, I aksed earlier in the thread. They are small and controlled, but it is possible. I was under the same impression; I just don't want to consider what a nova blast's destruction is like.
  17. A Maser is a laser that's goes slower than the speed of light. It passes through things slower, doing more damage. It was a joke, regardless of my disuse of smilies.
  18. Nooooope. Laser Vision, contrary to what physics might say, does not travel at the speed of light. Not even close. Substantially slower than that. Still quick, but it isn't an unavoidable speed of light strike. That would be very OP. So.... Maser vision? That just makes it more powerful!
  19. IC: Exactly. Some of us are still working on the first two parts, though.
  20. IC: Kalyss looked at Casanuva. "Why the karzahni were you attacked by a Ba-Toa?" Casanuva shrugged. "I don't know. He was an assassin, he said that much. Didn't say anything about who hired him." Kalyss turned away, to the map. "This could be bad." "You say that, but I'm the only one who was targeted." All of us could be a target. Tell them about what you know about our mission. "Mission? I don't remember anything." Casanuva looked skeptical as he crossed his arms. "I know the Kalta have to do two things. Regroup, and that we are here, now, for a reason."
  21. IC: Vakua and Casanuva exited the Great Takea, Mura and Nunonu in tow. Vakua opened his mind to the entire group. So, what's the story with the arm? Casanuva chuckled and shook his head. "Alright, alright. We were traveling to Ta-Koro from Le-Koro-" Le-Koro? Did you hear anything about the evacuation? "Evacuation?" Casanuva looked a bit confused, but perhaps not as concerned as he should have been "No, it seemed in fine condition when we left. Something happen since we left?" Interesting. Yes, something happened, but Kalyss and I will fill you in from what we learned from radio reports later. Anyway, continue. You were travelling? "Walking! Yes. Our guide opted to take a shortcut through an old cave. We find the remains of an old mining operation, and a box. Box has a creepy De-Toa in it. You should meet this guy, a real headcase. He has a Tryna!" Vakua recoiled. A kanohi of Reanimation? Toa actually wear that? That's... perverse. Whatever floats his boat. "Yeah. Kinda puts you and your Suletu in perspective, don't it?" I'm thankful for my mask, since it helps turn what others might perceive as a weakness into an advantage. The two toa seemed lost in memory for a few seconds. "Well, anyway, then some giant bug rahi attack us." Vakua turned his head at Casanuva, and lifted up his visor with one finger, silently raising an eyebrow. His yellow eyes shined brightly. "Yeah. I really think the De-Toa should have given us a heads-up. So, this big nui-kopen attacks us, and I decide to try that technique I never quite managed to pull off back in training." I remember it vaguely. It was the... uh... electromagnet, right? Or was it that rail thing? I was studying frequencies when you came up with it. "Railgun technique. So, using one of the ball bearings I carry, I put my hand like this," Casanuva said as he held out his left hand, making his thumb and index fingers parallel to each other, "... and I just aligned the magnetism fields I generated around my fingers very, very carefully, and used the force exerted by them to accelerate the ball bearing through the nui-kopen." Wait, through? "Oh yeah. Left a little hole, but made a big mess on the wall of the cave. It was going really fast. Faster-than-Kalyss-fast." That's... really, really fast, considering she breaks the sound barrier like you break hearts. "Oh, you wound me good sir." he said, smirking as he placed his wounded arm over his heartstone in mock shock. So your hand? "Yeah, turns out something moving that fast without the benefit of a Kanohi that's built for it generates a lot of friction. Never touched my fingers, but it moved so fast it ignited a bit of air. Next thing I knew after I let loose with the railgun, my hand was on fire, and the bug's innards were splattered against the wall. I didn't see any water in sight, so I plunged my hand into the nui-kopen's wound." That can't be sanitary. "It wasn't. I was lucky enough our guide was friends with both a ga-matoran healer and a smith. In fact, he's helping me now; I've been designing a new sword that can be used to use the rail technique, with the bonus of not catching limbs on fire." Why aren't you there, then? I would think you would want to oversee the construction of your new toa tool. "Well, Nunonu and I were heading here anyway, and, very conveniently, we need to find someone to make some of the reloading mechanism for the sword. Po-matoran named Ry or... something." Vakua closed off his mind once again. Ry... that sounded familiar. He would withhold that particular tidbit for now, at least until things were worked out with Kalyss. While he pondered the actions available to him, they reached Vakua's hut. It hadn't a long walk back to his rented domicile, the residential lilypad lying between a greenhouse and a fish market. Wonderful smell, with the fertilizer and the dead fish. He pushed the sliding door open, and Kalyss was inside. She didn't look up as she was poring over an old map. "Hello. I picked this up off an observatory; we can use this map to schedule expeditions to find the others." "You know, I'd like to think it was my magnetic personality which drew us all together, but I can accept pure dumb luck as well." Kalyss looked up. "Casanuva," she said coldly. The Fa-Toa smiled and opened his arms. "What have you been up to, Kalyss?" "Not much. Helping people, planning, being a responsible toa. You know, everything you don't do." Kalyss folded her arms, then looked to the onu-matoran that had also walked in. A thought from Vakua entered her mind. Nunono. Traveled here with Casanuva from Onu-Koro. Don't know much else. Kalyss left the map and walked over to Nunonu, crouching and offering a hand. "Hi, I'm Kalyss. Casanuva's sister. What brings you here?"
  22. AAAAAAAaaaaagh. Feels like forever since I posted. Coursework has be clawing me into an early stress-induced grave over the last week, and I am finally (kinda) caught up, so I will try to advance my plot... stuff. Things will be going down in Ga-Koro. Most definitely.
  23. OOC: Oof. Writing is hard. I would be posting more, but my coursework is kicking by butt in that regard, so sorry for leaving people hanging. IC: Casanuva seemed startled, and turned to face the su-matoran. His name's Mura. Came in with Kalyss from Po-Koro, they met during a sandstorm. How romantic. "Why, ah, yes. Yes I am. My name is Casanuva, Fa-Toa, master seducer, magnet expert, and generally where 60% of the fun lies in the Toa Kalta. Vakua has the other 40%." Casanuva offered his good hand in a handshake. What happened to your arm? Burn it or something? Yeah, its a long story. Vakua raised an eyebrow. Speed. Of. Thought. Casanuva just rolled his eyes. You hit on the wrong Ta-Toa? Or their girlfriend? I'll tell you and Kalyss later! So you are coming back with us? "Yes!" Casanuva shouted. Looking at the startled matoran around him, he realized the conversation was only between him and Vakua. "Vakua, take us back to Kalyss. Nunonu! We should go with!"
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