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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. IC: "Well, I hope that we're not walking into an old debt, then."
  2. While I may have expressed misgivings with the BZPRPG world before, I am legitimately excited for this story arc.
  3. IC: Casanuva stood up. "Well. As much as I'd like to, ah, 'see the sights' here, we should be leaving." The Fa-Toa stood up from the table, and left his last handful of widgets on the table. "Otana! I don't suppose your friend has a few spare bunks, does he?"
  4. IC: Though Vakua was reasonable tall, even for a toa, he still had to look up to the skakdi. The toa opened up his thoughts to her. I'm new to the island, and I heard the Great Takea is, well, great. I guess you could say I'm in the music business, and I was thinking your place of business could use a little night life. He looked over Rhow and Taoki; they didn't look like they had come up out of the basement just to go upstairs. He extended his telepathy too Taoki as well. You two look like you're heading out. Is now not a good time, or do you want a demonstration?
  5. Thats, uh, kinda exactly what I did, but I didn't know about the forgetful fog (thought that was a toa pod thing... or something...). I just said I was thinking about the backstory as if they were from Karda Nui. Any other place that was centrally united, with somewhat advanced technology would work. A better way to state Casanuva and Vakua's backstories is this: both hail from a different place, someplace with a higher level of tech and civilization, where matoran are the primary race. Neither know (anymore, at least) where they came from or why they showed up, but they remember some elements from their past (Casanuva never wanted to be a Toa, Vakua learned to cope with his mask, etc)
  6. Glaaaaaaauuuuuurgh this canon makes my brain hurt...
  7. If you look at their profiles, they never mention Karda Nui. I didn't initially create them like that; only that they are strangers to the island of Mata Nui, much like the original toa, but a little less blank slate. I just thought it would be amusing as a mental exercise if they were from there. Honestly, I'm getting a bit tired of this Schrodinger's canon; I can completely understand making up new stuff, but selectively ignoring elements is confusing. For example, the Piraka are a thing. All right, interesting. Dark Hunters are not a thing. But if that's true, how were they brought together? The Dark Hunters figure heavily into the Piraka's backstory.
  8. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm writing Casanuva and Vakua like they are amnesiacs from Karda Nui. Any place with somewhat advanced tech would work, but thats what I am doing.
  9. OOC: Don't know if I'm barging in on something or not; if my context is comepletely wrong, I'll fix it. IC: Vakua had eventually made his way to the Great Takea. He softly opened and closed the door, despite the noise inside. The smell of fresh fish hit the de-toa's senses like a protodermis brick. Vakua pushed his visor back up onto his mask. He looked around, taking the tavern in. The place had decent acoustics. Basement made it even better. He rubbed his mask as he sent out a mental ping, searching for any mention of an owner. The words and images he received back were enough. Rhow. Skakdi, blue. Female? Vakua's spine shuddered straight. Uh oh. Did I think that for myself?
  10. IC: Casanuva pushed his plate over to Nunonu. "Have some! It's good." Casanuva leaned in. His customary smile was replaced by a more serious frown. He looked around at the increasingly busy inn; many people had come in since he had sat down. "Eat up. This is the last of my money. We'll have to find a job here to go further, especially if I want this new sword."
  11. IC: "The design for my new sword." Casanuva slid his sketch across the table, grabbing the cup of madu juice with his other hand. It was a cross section of a sword, with the center removed , leaving a long chamber through the center. In the hilt, there appeared to be some sort of mechanism for storing ball bearings. While the concepts and math was sound, the sketch was very amateur "I call it a rail sword. I magnetize each edge of the blade, and use the pressure on the ball bearing to shoot it out. Plus, there's a small chamber for reloading the ball bearings." Casanuva absentmindedly took a crunch off of a piece of nui-rama bacon. "Mmm. Not bad." OOC: I gotta log off for the night. Cya tomorrow!
  12. OOC: I know that. Not being from Mata Nui, and since Metru Nui evidently does not exist, he is not used to it. IC: "... Giant... wasps?" The waitress brought Casanuva's order. The toa looked at the green pieces of stiff, flat organic material. "They... they look like pieces of wing." Casanuva pushed the meal around on the plate. "Maybe Nunonu is hungry." He went back to his notebook. "Say... how good is your friend in Ta-Koro?"
  13. IC: Casanuva had taken out a notebook, and was looking over a sketch. "Just ordered my, er, 'early-eating.' Tell me, what are nui-rama? I just ordered bacon made from it."
  14. I would think its a control issue. And while I do believe there should be some overlap between Lightning and Magnetism (electromagnets! Best of both worlds!), being able to cross over into a radically different powerbase would be a little against the spirit of Elemental Powers.
  15. I was going to bring up super-cooled plasma, and mention that Plasma as an element is much more versatile than people give it credit. Now, to find a Toa of Plasma to team of with my Toa of Magnetism to make an organic plasma gun...
  16. What a coincidence, all my favorite elements!
  17. It can be magnetically contained, though.
  18. IC: Casanuva knelt at one of the matoran-sized tables and waved over a le-matoran waitress. Without waiting for her greeting, he placed his order: "I'd like an order of gukko eggs, scrambled, madu juice, and... Ooh, the special today is nui-rama bacon! I don't know what that is, but it sounds delicious!"
  19. IC: Vakua pondered the problem at hand, scratching his chin. And they weren't around the boat crash? I don't know how I can really help you.
  20. IC: "Excuse me have you seen any arrows or a bow around here?" Vakua slowly spun around to look at the po-matoran. Vakua felt the matoran's frayed nerves as he asked him the question. Afraid not, little guy. Were they stolen, or did you just misplace them? The thought was projected directly into the matoran's mind.
  21. IC: Vakua ambled through the Ga-Koro gate. Anybody watching him might think he was listening to music, and walking along to some unheard rhythm. He wore a tinted visor over his eyes, which the ocean glare brightly reflected off of. His head slightly bobbed to the same beat, nodding at several ga-matoran who passed him. Several ga-matoran, friends or co-workers presumably, starting whispering to each other as they saw the strange toa pass. Morning, ladies. That seemed to quiet them up. Vakua smiled softly; it was always fun spooking gossips. But more pressing matters came to mind; namely, follow the good thoughts to the nearest bar, and see if they needed a DJ.
  22. IC: Casanuva had spent several days recuperating from the battle at the Bright-Star Inn, letting his elemental power recharge, and his body repair the immense strain. However, one morning three days after the fight, he was suddenly up and about. "Nunonu, c'mon! Wake up! This place promises fresh-squeezed madu juice with breakfast!"
  23. Ah. I thought you were referring to some rahkshi PC cameo. And I was about to get jealous.
  24. Who is Darkness, might I ask? Or rather, who WAS Darkness?
  25. Sooooo... are we basically doing Voya Nui now? Or what?
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