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Laughing Man

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by Laughing Man

  1. Who is this "Waffle" person?

  2. Stop hugging my wife! >=(

    *Grabs Turakii and carries her into indestructible, Dalek-proof, kidnapping-proof house and locks the door.*

  3. *Heroically rescues Turakii, saves the day, builds an indestructible, Dalek-proof, kidnapping-proof house with everything we ever need so that we never have to go outside again and lives happily ever after with no one ever being kidnapped again.*

  4. *Rescues Turakii, throws Dalek in a river, and lives happily ever after.*

  5. *Mugs Dalek and has a Matoro clone use the Ignika to un-mutate Turakii.*

    *Proceeds to build Dalek-proof house and go about his happy life.*

  6. In response to your comment in my profile -

    I chose the name Waffle because it's a nickname my best friend gave me. I used to be Laughin'Man, and my friend nicknamed me Waffin'Man, and Waffle just came from that.

  7. Yes, I am getting married! There are a couple entries about it in my blog.

  8. No PMship...?

    No more blog..!?


    Renew. Now. The Waffle demands it.

  9. In response to your comment in my profile:

    The girl in my avatar is Akari, a character from the manga Hikaru no Go.

  10. Thanks for the comment on my picture you made in my profile! Though Turakii gets all the credit for it. She drew it for me. ^^

  11. I miss the Bridge to Terabithia theme in your blog. ;.;

    Oh, and hello there. =P

  12. *Pops head through metophorical door of your profile and says "hi" and then runs away.*

  13. You're premier again, finally! =D

  14. Your music list... Amazing...

    You have such an awesome taste in music.

  15. *Sneaks in and starts randomly poking people.*


  16. *Sticks empty marshmallow fluff jar on head.*

    look i have a new hat =D

  17. Oh, good...

    *Eats marshmallow fuff.*


  18. Oh no! But I don't have any more moeny... I spent it all on that chocolate and that giant jar of marshmallow fluff that Turakii doesn't know about... Oops...

  19. Hi-ho meeper, awaaaaay!

    *Sings annoyingly happy songs about kittens and butterflies and rainbows.*

  20. Just have some employees load that onto the back of my magical giant flying meeper and watch as we fly away into the sunset, please. =D

  21. One Super Humongous Really Great Very Awesome Wonka bar, please!

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