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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Laka

  1. Laka

    LOL, yeah, for once. =P

    Ebony and ivory....

  2. Laka

    Haha! I know!! It's so good!

  3. Did you realize that you're over nine THOUSAAAAAAND?

  4. Why hello my good internet lawyer.

  5. *Also adds to friend list*


  6. That is the single greatest smiley EVER. I see you gave it to DX. Lol. oD

  7. Laka

    Ganadorf stole all of Cpt. Falcon's moves. That's why he's so almost good. Cpt. Falcon still owns him every time! I need some....


  9. Laka

    I want BD's pieces moar! I will defeat you all with my mighty Falcon Punch!

  10. Ciao, ER.

    I do have a few in the works. I've got an entry for my blog contest, and check my blog for the other one.

  11. My bad. I meant end of June. It shouldn't start too late. You might not be the first Gym leader on the list, so it shouldn't be too big of a problem.

  12. I think we should start it end of July. You're... Psychic leader? We need some more people to be challengers....

  13. Laka

    Nokama's your only interest? And, my mom is your Aim/Yahoo/MSN screen name? Odd.

  14. Have you forgotten about the new Pokemon League we started?

  15. I need to edit that. I read Extras a while ago. Eulalia was pretty good. Most of the Redwall series are mostly the same. I'd say it's in the top 7 Redwall books, though. Lord Brocktree, the Pearls of Lutra, Rakkety Tam, and Taggerung are some of the others.

  16. Sometimes. *High Fives*

  17. Bunda~ I don't know why your comments never showed up. :?

    Velox~ Yeah I seen it. I might post in it tomorrow.

  18. I'd like to say it'll be up this weekend, but I don't know for sure.

  19. It's a website that gives you words, and you have to pick the synonym for that word. They supposedly give 20 grains of rice to somewhere that I forgot per right answer.

  20. Whut exactly is your personal pic?? *Is confused*

  21. Laka

    I finally posted in your review topic for The Battle of All Time. Sorry it took me so long =(

  22. *Runs to your blog*

  23. Dr. C~ LOL. Is that possible? :P

    Aklan~ Because it's WIN.

    Nieve~ I think I made it up to 2000 and maybe 30something.

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