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Makuta GigaDon

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Everything posted by Makuta GigaDon

  1. Have you ever Watched Chobits??? Or Zoids, or Gundam Wing??? They are great animes.

  2. Eventually... but not for a long time, Ive given up for the time being to do other stuff.

  3. Dude you might as well take down the banner the comics are dead.

  4. Poor guy... he wasnt a member for long.

  5. Yo Robo Z, Pohuaki has given you a warning to stop making shops, apparently its the third time he's closed one from you.


  6. I had to report your Glatorian avatar topic as it became a ghost topic. What happened???


  7. When was your name Dark709??? I saw it in your display name history.


  8. Hey there, welcome to BZPower, check out the New Members Q&A section for all you need to know, make sure you read the rules to keep your Proto bar up, and enjoy you time on BZP.


  9. Welcome to BZPower, second home of Bionicle, you casn find alsorts here from random discussion to comics, even fan created games! Be sure to check out the new members section and read and memorise all the rules, have fun!!!


  10. I looked at the map and he is yellow, just the image is dark so it is hard to see from far away.

    It was a scan image though.


  11. Dude, nice drawings, and I like the way you are rebelious to some of the art rules, I say continue rebeling no matter what the risk, also, me likey some of your other drawings.KUTAW!!!





  13. So that explains it, well, I hope to see you back to MOCing soon.


  14. Why dont all you people stop saying how much you love them, I think he gets the point. So DD, whats this about you getting banned from BB???


  15. Red Sauce on PASTA!!!

    Hi, you like interweb a parodies?




  16. Reply to Vican:

    Actualy, he stopped a long time ago, he only makes GS appearences in Atlantis now, and he is a Brigadier (sp?) General. He was so funny, was he funny in Magyver? I know there was an episode that had Don S Davies and Christifer Judge in it.


  17. Dude, you aint no admin/moderator, stop spamming, your gonna get yourself banned!


  18. Hey Gav hows thing!


  19. Um... and I needed to know that why exactly???


  20. JM, I hope you dont mind with the fact that I am CyberNOVA now... it was part of my whole plot, and you kinda changed your name before me, I hope you dont mind. Do you???


  21. Well, you can miss me no longer!

  22. JM... Im back... why wont you clear your inbox.

  23. From the looks of your Avvy, you are going to get dizzy soon.


  24. Thanks, but I would rather start most of it my self, If I decide to let peopl make fan stuff I will.


  25. I say that you should be banned, stop spamming or you will. Why am I even bothering, your jutst pamming for attention, you are a big attention seeker, so, spam away, get banned, and we wont have to put up with your nonsense.


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