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Piraka Slayer

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Everything posted by Piraka Slayer

  1. Piraka Slayer


    wait... 2008 is when mata-nui is awakened! i thought 2009 was. 2009 sounds cool . piraka slayer
  2. what is the new mask power you told ? I also have question: Would a mask of Darkness be the same as a mask of Shadows? piraka slayer
  3. Piraka Slayer

    2008 Faqs

    Are the ''Makuta'' really makuta, as in the species? piraka slayer
  4. just thought i'd say sup' so well sup'. well talk ta ya' lata bud.

  5. yeah isn't that great i think it's hilarious :}!

  6. Sup' is that you on your avie if it is you look a witto bit like Arya from the inheritance series... by da' way that is a high complement!

    see ya.

  7. I love your username it sounds like mine.

  8. hope i won! can't wait to see the reika pics *cries*. piraka slayer
  9. SOMEONE DIED IN MY HOUSE! hmm i might have to ask your mom about things like this... Gosh that sounds creepy! piraka slayer
  10. ta: Valta {cursed flame} Ga: Gadika {water beast} le: Leaka {ariel killer} Ko: Kopir {ice thief} onu: Voyonu {earth traveler} Po: Poval {cursed stone} HOPE YOU LIKE THEM! piraka slayer :wakeup2:
  11. Piraka Slayer

    Comics! No Wai!

    i eat ants all the time, they're sometimes sour. i'll probably read the comic. piraka slayer
  12. tahu, is there a prize for the winner piraka slayer
  13. cool i wish i had your job its the best out there! piraka slayer :wakeup2:
  14. gosh, when i PM him asking about things i try to say it in the kindest manner possible, i mean its an honor to even be able to talk to him! i've only gotten one PM that wasn't nice but that person said sorry alot. i never even thought you liked getting tons a' PMs. piraka slayer
  15. Piraka Slayer


    Lady K thats n' intresting dream. for some reason theres girls in my dreams like mary-kate n' ashley and other famous females. i had one dream/vision last summer onces a it was shweet all of these [] are what they represent i dreamed that i was looking at a lego mag. and there was the toa inika transformed [ toa marhi] and know that i think about it they looked like the barraki. two in one vision mabye ! piraka slayer :wakeup2:
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