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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. I remember your name, though no real details about you.

    It's certainly weird logging in here, seeing a name like Black Six in the four active users present, and then 60 or so "guests" who are probably all bots crawling over the corpse of the site, trying to absorb information for targeted ads. (What are they gonna sell to us anyways, with the franchise dead?)

    It's crazy that the site doesn't ever seem to fully die. Every time I visit, there are a few people present, often people who were very prominent in the community once. I wonder, are they posting, or sitting watch as moderators, or are they hanging around PMing each other? Or are they just locked into a habit of hanging out where they always have, attracted even more strongly to the site than I am, who only pops in a few times a year? All the same, it's comforting to see familiar names hanging out on here. It'll be a sad day when the site truly goes dark. I just wish all the threads from before the Dataclysm were still accessible-- there'd be a lot more to do here.

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  2. Name: Wrinkledlion, last name "X"


    Area of Expertise: Currently a recluse/amateur woodcarver; formerly a historian before he left his academic post under questionable circumstances (he was a member of the poorly-named "SS," the Bionicle Story Squad)


    Mask: Wears a grey Noble Ruru


    Weapon / Element: Length of bamboo pipe / Earth, but he's a powerless Onu-Matoran who keeps having to be saved when things get out of hand


    Side: Good, but very apathetic. Used to live in BZ-Koro before wandering off to live in a hut by the outskirts; now tends to forget his allegiances


    Motivation: Probably nostalgia. If he had to go on a quest, he would just enjoy it for old time's sake


    Fatal Flaw: Powerless, and deeply unfocused when it comes to his fellow BZ-Koronans. Forgets everyone's names, all the time


    Other Details: Despite his small stature as a Matoran, others often get the sense that he's one of the bigger people in the room; even much more powerful characters will turn to him in times of danger, because his apathy and detachment allow him to keep a very cool head. Though he seems distant at times, he's got a definite love for BZ-Koro and its people, even if it's pushed way to the back of his mind. He's also got a sly, perverse sense of humor, and likes to mess with people more serious than him.

  3. When I first started working out, I'd always exercise for a couple weeks and then get discouraged and stop because I didn't look any better. Eventually, though, I realized that by focusing exclusively on the numbers--lifting progressively higher weights--I could ignore my appearance and treat it as I would any other work. Like brushing your teeth, or working a retail job just for the paycheck.


    Just make it's something that you attend to diligently, and separate it from any notion of body image. I know a lot of bodybuilder types who obsess over the visual aspect of it, and it hardly seems healthy to me. By focusing on the numbers, I've avoided a lot of insecurity while still improving my appearance. 


    And eat healthy of course; that's important whether you're working out or not. My go-to meal is a tuna sandwich with some kind of vegetables on the side. 


    TL;DR -- Don't think of it in terms of motivation, think of it as simple work.

  4. Very good points. I was definitely one of the complaining ohwunners from 2006-ish to 2010, and I'm very supportive of the direction I see this new line taking. (Though to be fair, I'm also a lot less emotionally invested than I was, since my Bionicle days are pretty much behind me.)

  5. A time skip seems to be the most popular idea of how to get a "fresh start" even in a continuation, and it's an idea even I was somewhat fond of for a long time, but even a time skip would tie the hands of the writers and designers by forcing them to come up with new in-universe excuses for each and every change they make that contradicts the original sets and storyline. Example from the original storyline:

    As an example, every single set of Matoran had to be given an excuse for why they looked different than previous Matoran. 2003? "Well, the 2001 Matoran were taught to rebuild themselves". 2004? "Well, the 2001 Matoran sets were shrunken versions of these, their natural forms". 2006? "Well, they were rebuilt into weird deformed versions by a mad genius (this example was particularly appalling, because like a lot of things in 2006 it took what could have become a bold new design standard — "Matoran don't all have to look alike" — and immediately treated it as weird and unnatural). 2007? "Well, the mutagen in the water magically cured their deformities". 2008? "Well, the energies of Karda Nui made the Matoran taller". As long as previous sets and story remained 100% official, the designers couldn't just treat new ideas as NORMAL, they had to come up with increasingly contrived excuses for why it was different.

    Retcons could be used to get around that, but they have their own share of problems, and to be honest, a lot of older fans would probably not be any more open to major retcons than to a complete reboot.



    I don't know, couldn't we just decide not to care about that sort of thing? I tend to ignore all that anyway, especially now that I have some distance from the story.


    I don't think it would be that big a deal, especially since a big time skip could have changed things in the interim. We wouldn't have to explain the Toa's current appearance, for example, if there are thousands of years of story between 2010 and 2015. For all we know, their Nuva transformation just wore off over time.

  6. I agree with Adventurer that it's a spectrum. Personally, I'm hoping for a soft reboot: a few thousand years have gone by and all the characters are established in their new homes, so we don't have to address the past story. 


    (I like the idea that the Toa Nuva/Mata have just been doing their thing now for a few thousand years--lava surfing, tunneling, swimming, etc.)

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  7. I'm not sure how much of a 3-D printing scene there would be in the community even if BIONICLE were still around. Think about it-- how many people were even rendering custom masks even when BIONICLE was around?As far as I've seen, 3-D rendering actually picked up after BIONICLE ended since fans wanted to create 3-D movies to replace the new movies we'd never see. And even so that project has sort of crashed and burned (or in the very least, stumbled and fell).I don't think BIONICLE's end has been a huge hindrance to those members of the community who would be producing creative masterpieces like the Ignika that recently turned up in General Art. Those members would have likely been a small segment of the community even if BIONICLE had continued, because the 3-D rendering is the difficult part of the process, and few people were doing that during BIONICLE's lifetime even though the resources were available.Still, it's encouraging to see that some people do continue to express their creativity and hard work in this community, finding new ways to express their love of BIONICLE now that the theme is no longer giving us new material.


    I'm sure it would still be a minority, but it would be far more accessible all the same. I know I've wanted to make my own masks for ages, but the major impediment was the plastic itself—I simply had no means of producing anything. Here, someone else takes care of the material end of the process.


    I'm not saying it'd be huge, but we'd probably have more than just Flintsmith and Heir of the Chronicler to look to.

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