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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Interesting... Though I don't think they're quite as great, overall, as the Winter sets, they look pretty nice. Let's see:
    Mata Nui: It's a shame that there's no gold, but I'm still liking the look of him. Can anyone tell what color his eyes are?
    Ackar: Still not a huge fan of him, but his color scheme is very welcome. I've yet to decide whether I like his Berix-helmet, and I wish the sword-thing wasn't silver. Good flame-piece, though.
    Kiina: I like the prominence of the light blue and the new armor's pretty cool (Looks like it would do well on Gorast). The mask looks like a cross between Tuma and Vezon, but I'm not sure yet whether I like it or not. The new joints are awesome, of course, but I wish they didn't have grey Hordika necks showing like that.
    Vastus: Vastus is very odd and I'm not sure about anything at all regarding him. His mask an interesting design and he has an interesting vine-snake aesthetic. Very exotic-looking. And that's all I know so far.
    Gelu: Meh, mostly. He has silver where white would look better, but is that a dark blue head? 'Cause that'd be cool. I like his Hermes-wings, too.
    Stronius: Best head out of all these. Very, very cool. My main worry about him was that he wouldn't look very Skrall-like, but he does. A very beefed up Skrall, but a Skrall. Of course, you guys know about my thoughts on clubs, so you know how I feel about them here. (Awesome.) Very rocky texture all over him, and a new torso as well.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Worf. That's pretty high up there, isn't it? Let's get Leonard Nimoy to voice someone.
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    We did a lab in school the other day where we used beans of various colors to represent genes and alleles and stuff. For some reason, this part of the instructions cracks me up:

    (Emphasis mine.)
    It just makes me think of some feebly sadistic guy quietly sorting beans into "those that may live" and the "non-survivors." Maybe I just have a really weird sense of humor.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    It's called "Corks."
    The two players sit across from each other at a table. One person starts out with the cork from a wine bottle, and he stands it on its end, upright, on the table. He then places his finger halfway across and pushes down hard until it jumps forward a few feet. The goal is more-or-less to hit the other player, but points are also awarded for air and distance. If the other player catches the cork in his hand or elbow, he gets points for himself.
    Penalties are given when you hit your opponent's eyes or nose, but the rest of the body and face is fair game. If you happen to accidentally hit a religious medallion with your cork, your opponent is required to penalize you by throwing squids at you. (If squids are unavailable, other fishing lures will do.)
    Also, place a bucket a few feet behind each player's chair. If you manage to get the cork in, you get extra points.
    Play until bored.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm having difficulty getting around to updating my epic... I'm just itching to write so many other stories right now...
    Here, let me share with you my premises.
    1. I've mentioned my idea for a Vatuka-themed epic before, but I've been ruminating on it for months now and it continues to get more and more appealing. I'm thinking that, after the Matoran headed back to Metru Nui, the Vatuka tribes on Mata Nui formed their own little villages. When Makuta as Mata Nui stands up, some fall into the sea, others into the Matoran Universe, and others cling to the Great Spirit and go on a journey through the cosmos. They'll work to find each other again.
    2. Another idea is to write either an epic or short story about the mythology of the Makuta. Not the stories the Matoran believe about Teridax, but the actual mythology that the Makuta themselves believe in. (I got the idea from Krika's references to an afterlife in The Final Battle.)
    Besides, it would be interesting to think up a mythology for a species that's naturally immortal. A very different approach.
    3. Also, while I have no details worked out, I'm interested in writing a story with a Vorox as the main character...
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    I just realized the author of one of the sources for my Animal Farm essay is named "Michael Hunsucker."
    Also, I've invented a new invention.
    I call it "The Pogo-Crutch."
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