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Everything posted by Whiplaaash

  1. [toarogaripoff]Leap year, most likely.[/toarogaripoff] Also, since I'm deleting my first approval from my BShelf account, just replace it's url with this one's.
  2. Uggh, ninety-one smacks for Axalara? I want to throw up. >_< GET THE FLYING BEETLE. GET THE FLYING BEETLE. Also, I'm tricking out my BShelf Account, so here, choose one of these approvals. Just choose either one you like better. The reason I'm reposting these is because I'm deleting my first approval from BShelf and adding it to Maj, so the urls will be different.
  3. I just counted and mine has fourteen so close to beating yours...*head asplode* I gotta think of a few more things to put in there.
  4. They hurt my brain. D: Mine is so complicated it takes up about 12 lines of tags and text and such. [headthrob] UGGH [/headthrob]
  5. So today I was rather frustrated because we went garage sailing, and I found nothing. No magazines, books, anything. Squat. So I got onto a site that sells Lego products. I would mention the name, but it has forums. After reactivating my account, I managed to pinpoint a certain past seller's store, and checked it out. Then my jaw just fell to the floor. He had almost over a million things in his store. I also had 36 smacks. So that meant one thing - I ordered parts. I'm a bit short on useful ones at the moment. I have tons of pins and weapons that can't be used for anything good, as well as the occasional tile that doesn't end up anywhere. Plus, my MOCs are, face it, terrible. Compared to Bunda's, Cajun's, JackHunters, ANYBODYS, they look like joe blow thrown together sets. They have pretty much no system in them which is my current goal. As some people would say, my MOCs 'need moar system'. Anyway, here's what I ordered. - 8567 Lewa Nuva (no instructions or container) Parts in very good condition. (x1) - Black Technic, Axle 2 Notched (x150) - Dark Gray Technic, Liftarm 1 x 3 Thin (x10) - Medium Blue Technic, Angle Connector #5 - 112.5 degrees (x1) - Orange Technic Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket, Open Sides (x5) - Pearl Light Gray Arm Mechanical, Exo-Force / Bionicle (x6) - Pearl Light Gray Bionicle 1 x 3 Tooth with Axle Hole (x20) - Purple Hose, Ribbed 7mm D. 2L (x1) - Purple Hose, Ribbed 7mm D. 4L (x1) - Purple Technic Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket, Open Sides (x7) - Purple Technic, Liftarm 1 x 7 with Fan (x2) - Purple Tile, Modified 1 x 2 Grill with Bottom Groove / Lip (x15) - Trans-Neon Orange Wave Rounded (Castle Dragon Flame, Seaweed, Water) (x50) - Yellow Technic Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket, Open Sides (x1) Can somebody help me and show me to a site that can actually provide copyable images so I can show everybody what pieces I'm talking about? Thanks. The total for all of this was $13.75 or something close to that. Without shipping, but the shipping will probably cost about five dollars. That's a screaming good deal. With these I can actually spice up my MOCs. Until next time, au revoir.
  6. Whiplaaash

    Parts Order

    Yes. Purple tubes and handpieces. My mind is still turning with all the possibilities available for MOCs. Entities of gravity...superheated flame monsters, armored protectors... But I'm also really excited about Lewa Nuva, because he's the only Toa Nuva excluding Takanuva that I missed out on.
  7. Whiplaaash

    Parts Order

    But that would take an eternity to do. Oh well, I might as well do it, because what other choice do I have. >.<
  8. I went to see The Dark Knight. I don't want to write a review, so here's just what I thought. heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was amazing. It deserves to win an Oscar, I think. Christian Bale was slightly campier than the first movie, but not by much. I got kind of bored halfway through because there was SO MUCH PLOT, but it payed off in the end. The Joker was very cool. I loved his tricks and sayings. Batman didn't get showed much in the movie, though. The movie wasn't as disturbing as I portrayed it to be, although there is language in it. I give it an 8/10, because they didn't truly do too much with the entire plot with the Joker, and there wasn't a lot of action. Mini Lewa is riding Krika right now on my desk. xD I'm also too lazy to take pictures of him, or Bitil. Yes Bunda, I'm talking to you. Since I got my Coby Player, I can now finally listen to music without being interrupted. I finally got around to listening to every track in Collide, and now My Obsession is my favorite song. GAH, I can't decide. >.< Until tomorrow, au revoir!
  9. I said I got somewhat bored in the middle. My motive for watching the whole movie word by word and every twist by twist kept me going. I still liked the movie very much.
  10. Mmkay. I guess I'll do Bitil, he doesn't get much attention. Then Gali, then Krika, and so on and so forth. It'll be up soon. I need to wait until my entire backyard is dry, though.
  11. They shalt come in time, Bunda. Patience is a virtue. Although I packed everything in my house once my Mom turned on the sprinklers, so I could possibly make a Bitil/Gorast review if you beg enough. Get down on your knees and pray for them, mortal.
  12. So I bought Lewa a few days ago to buy Spiriah, and it turns out he sucked. Oh well, at least I have another Makuta in my collection. Then I had lots of leftover pieces from Lewa, and thought 'hmm, what to do with these..'. So with a little idea I thought of, and some inspiration from Roa, I built a Chibi Lewa! He looks fantastic, actually, and doesn't look like a boring old cruddy one. I'll post pictures when I get time to. So..I have to write and take pictures for my Krika Review soon. Yes, I decided to do a Krika Review instead. Then Gali. Then Bitil. Then Onua. Then Gorast. Then Rockoh. Then Jetrax/Axalara/Mazeka. ... D:
  13. Er, is that good? I really have no clue. xD If it's not too gruesome for you, could you replace my past approval with this one? That other one sucks, and I like this one bettter. Plus, it matches my theme.
  14. So I got a Coby Player in return for my cruddy Sylvania. I have one thing to say - Coby Player FTW. My next theme will be the Joker, and it'll stay for quite some time, k? Like a few months..or for the rest of eternity.
  15. Whiplaaash


    Gah, so we're both unlucky. My only real choices now are to order him online, beg my Mom to take me to a Lego Store waaaay far from my area, or wait until Christmas, when he's probably already gone. Unless I go to wal-Mart again soon, I'll have to order the bugger online. >_<
  16. Whiplaaash


    I'm going to Fred Meyers today to pick up a Lewa to build Spiriah and replace my newly-received MP3 player that fried with something else - hopefully an iPod, or something $30 or under. Also, no luck with finding Mazeka yesterday at Wal-Mart. They had every Phantoka except for Lewa and Antroz, yet that also had a bunch of Takanuva and a Jetrax which I could have bought. Darn you, mom. One thing left to say: KHAAAAN!
  17. Woohoo Skillet. I knew you'd start liking them sooner or later. I'll have to try Demon Hunter. I could already have it on my newly-bought MP3 player, but then the little thing short-circuited or something and died entirely (batteries were not an issue). >_< Good thing we have the receipt. Also, for listening to Skillet -
  18. Oh yeah? I have every Mistika but the two Jetrax and Mistika. *hah* But yeah, I think Krika's pretty cool too. He's in fact my second favorite set. My Dad thought he glowed in the dark so we tested that theory and I owned him. xD
  19. Thanks SB. Woah, I made Bunda use and emote he never does? I rock. I was thinking about reviewing Krika/Gorast first, but I guess I'll do Rockoh first since he's the only thing anybody wants to see. I'll post it today or tomorrow.
  20. So yesterday was NOT a shabby Birthday at all. This is how it went - Once I'm done building Rockoh, I go to Barnes and Noble and pick up Polgara the Sorceress, The Rivan Codex, The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes Collection, and the first Bionicle Graphic Novel. After waiting for about a half-hour for my mom, sister, and her friend from getting back from Build-A-Bear, we then went to Olive Garden where the waitress let me slip and order a Cheese Pizza off of the kid's menu because it was the last time I'd ever be able to do so. Then we went home, and after a while of being on the computer, I'm going to sit down in my seat to watch TV, when I see this bag. I open it, and inside are Bitil and Onua! freaking sweet. I made them have an somewhat epic battle and tested how they'd look on display, then kept them around me for the remainder of the time. Then my Dad hands me a sheet of paper saying that I get to have a combination called Surf and Turf, which is Alaskan King Crab legs and steak (I got the flay minion side). When I thought things couldn't get any better, my Dad goes downstairs to 'get a beer', and comes up with four bags. After dinner, I open the first one up. Inside is an MP3 Player! That's awesome. Next I open another bag, and inside is a sketch pad, custom ear plugs, and a sheet of paper saying that my Dad will now out fifty dollars from our savings account every month into my College Funds. I huge him for that, yada yada, yada yada. Then the next bag has a golden Lego Brick on it. I'll put that on my backpack or something. I open it, and inside's Vultraz. Finally, in the largest bag is.. Krika, Gali, Tahu, and Gorast! AWESOMENESS. I get to building them right away while conversing with my family. My dad then starts playing around with the MP3 Player and starts singing along (horribly) to some songs like Rap and Country and other stuff. o.O We caught it on tape and it made my mom and I laugh so hard we cried. Then we turned on a movie, and while I was in the kitchen, going to the bathroom, I see this HUGE box under the desk. I put it on the living room table, and I open it, and inside is Axalara T9. WOOT. So I built those, and the entire thing wasn't bad at all. It went waaaaaaay better than I expected, too. So Axalara is mine, now, and also my favorite set. Now I just need Mazeka, Jetrax, and SOOPER Jetrax. So many things to review..Yes, I said thanks to everybody and consider myself super blessed. That was by far one of the best Birthdays I've ever had. I also have $30 leftover, so I'm smelling me some Mazeka today. Or that's just the stench of crab wafting around the house from last night, or the burned mess of food my Mom's probably cooking. So what new sets do you guys want me to review? Again, I have every single one of them except for Mazeka and the two Jetrax. Check out the Takanuva review in my signature for a good overlook on how I review things. EDIT: I said I went to B&N after building Axalara. I meant Rockoh.
  21. Thankee. ^^ The review will most likely be held in my blog because I can't post them in Sets and I don't feel like creating a huge "Mizzy's Reviews" topic. It'll probably be up somewhere from Thursday to Sunday. If you're lucky, and my sister's lying, then I'll probably post it tomorrow. Although here's the dirt - my sister, being the spoiler-barfing little girl she is, told me I have quite a few presents downstairs, including "a box that is waaaaay bigger than that one (Rockoh's)". I smell Mistika, among other things. *squeals like little girl* I'll be sure to PM you when the review's up, since you seem so excited about it. If you haven't already, check out my Takashmakalaka review linked in my signature. That'll give you a feel for how I review things.
  22. IZ MEH BIRFDAY! I had a rather disturbed and difficult time sleeping last night, because there was a rather large box sitting on the living room table. I got about six hours of sleep in..Oh well. But it's all worth it because I opened it around 9:00, and guess what was inside? ROCKOH T3! At first, I thought - "Dang, this is lame. Where's Axalara?" But then I built it, and I came to realize this is one of the coolest Bionicles ever made. The ship is pure win, and it's HUGE! Not taller than Takashmakanuva, though. I'll review it, don't worry. Pohatu was quite a bit of fail, but his new pieces and spiked visor saved him. Also, my next theme's gonna be Axalara, so stick around to see some new red font and banner/avatar. I'll probably update this entry as I open more presents (my parents claim I have none, but my sister begs to differ and told me I had some more).
  23. Sorry dude. I've been busy, and today's my birthday. :P I'll be in there soon - I'm still thinking of what to post so the story isn't repetitive.

  24. I've never read it, I just found that image and edited it so it wasn't inappropriate. I should check into it, though and see how dumb it is. xD
  25. They're in your base. Yada yada. I'm back from Kahneeta, too. I finally spelled it right. xD The trip was awesome, but I won't bore you with the details. Also, it's my BDay tomorrow. WOOT. I also might get Axalara, but the chances are extremely slim, like more slim than a wild dog that's been starved for several days. Still, it's fine. My party has to be in September, unfortunately, so that everybody can come. If I wanted to exclude three people, I could have it in August, but still, in September there's a better chance of getting Mistika. Speaking about Mistika, I REALLY WANT THEM. o.O To end this entry there'll probably be a Klakk/Kojol MOC hosted on this blog on the 30th. As Steve McGranahan would say - "Baah". EDIT: Present located. Blood red wrapping concealment non-transparent. Locking onto target. Object out of view. Object placed on table. *goes and looks at it*
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