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Everything posted by Whiplaaash

  1. Yup, $80. Like I just edited in, my chances of getting that awesome battleship are like the chances of a fish becoming a whale on stilts, gathering other whales, and starring in a motivational poster. Yes.
  2. PINEAPPLE. I like pineapple. I have Karzahni too, but I actually borrowed him from a friend who doesn't do anything with him.
  3. I don't think it is in the movie. Read on for TINY TINY Joker spoilers. I haven't even seen it so they're not really anything major, and may be false: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The kid said that the Joker's red mouth were huge scars that his parents gave him by cutting his lips open. *shudders*
  4. She wasn't good? She looks extremely cool to me. Oh well, as Pridak would say, good taste is in the jaws of the devourer. Not that I eat my Bionicles, though. Although I dun't know about you..
  5. I still has no Mistika. But I has a sad. Do you has no Mistika and has a sad? On another note, I'm leaving for Kahneeta tomorrow so don't pester me while I'm away. Also, it's almost my birthday! I better be seeing some Mistika show up in my mailbox. T.T (jk) This is probably going to be one of the best vacations ever. I'm staying in a hotel with my friends, and apparently Kahneeta has pools, arcades, a beach, EVERYTHING. Maybe even Chuck Norris. xD But I'll enjoy it most of all because we're bringing donuts. I also REALLY want to see The Dark Knight. It's on the top of my want to see list this year. Heath Ledger's gonna do such a good job... And the movie looks pure awesome. Although I'm afraid I'll be disturbed by it, judging by one fact that one of the kids in Swim Team told me. He told me the truth why the Joker's mouth was all red..I'm already freaked out. Oh well, I should be getting to packing and stuff. See y'all later.
  6. Whiplaaash

    Mata Body

    You're doing a Kopaka/Muaka reenactment? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG Go ahead and use a modified body - it'll make it look more Kopaka-ish and 2001-ish. I'm eagerly awaiting your MOC. Also... You deserve it.
  7. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.... You're so lucky. I wish I had money to buy loads of technic and system. My MOCs need a huge spicing up. They all look so unoriginal, yet they aren't. Some System pieces would just make them look freaking awesome, but I have none. >_<
  8. Yeah, that's authentication that it wasn't a blog newb that posted it.
  9. Sweet. I should go check out your Blog. *runs*
  10. Now how's my blog gonna get any attention now that a horde of noobs are here to post there own blogs? (Don't take offense to this, it's just a joke)
  11. Oh, sorry. It wasn't meant to be. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll be sure to include that it's just a joke. I apologize if I offended you or anybody who read this.
  12. o.O

    Creepy avatar/banner, dude. :P

  13. Whiplaaash

    12th Entry

    YES ITS MY 12TH ENTRY COOKIES FOR ALL OF YOU *throws cookies* Also, it took me like 12 times to spell 'entry' correctly on this. Anyway, life-ish-ness is fine right now, I have a swim meet tomorrow and am swimming 100 IM, 50 Backstroke and 50 Freestyle. My birthday is so close...o.O So is Kenita. My lack of Mistika is hurting my brain, and right now my cat is attacking several empty plastic bags and trying to find his little ball. Not that you care, though, you're just gonna read this and leave because you have nothing good to say. So to retain your interest I must ask readers a question: Do you have any cats? If so, what kind are they? I have a huge black fatteh, a runt mainecoone who was just attacking some bags, and an older-than dirt runt mutt. I'm also starting an idea of making a stop-motion movie of the Mistika. Like that idea? Be sure to tell me in your post.
  14. After so long, here's my BL10 review. The first spoiler tag contains a tiny amount of spoilers, so people who haven't read it yet can check that one out. The second one is for people that have already read the book and want to know what I think about it (it contains many spoilers). WARNING: Below Review Contains Minor Spoilers That Readers May Think Too Revealing » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Plot: I didn't enjoy the plot that much. Most of the chapters in present time were about the Makuta and Toa Nuva confronting one another, no side stories really. The interludes were what I would consider lame, because they featured no cool side stories like Krekka vs. Gorast, or Hydraxon vs. Kalmah and Ehlek or anything. They were all about the Toa Mata, and most about their training. The Bohrok-Matoran connection was REALLY WEIRD. Like, really weird. It made sense, but it wasn't exciting. The Toa Mata actually confront the First Toa, not the Nuva. That disappointed me. Character Development: As usual, the Toa Nuva were...the Toa Nuva. As for the First Toa, the other three Makuta and Krakua, here's what I have to say. The First Toa was rude and irritating, and I just didn't like her character. She was somewhat like Tuyet when she was fighting Nidhiki and Lhikan, just not crazy or evil. The three Makuta, I really just couldn't get behind. Bitil truly only got one chapter for his development, and he appeared to be a high-pitched, somewhat mad Makuta. Gorast was awfully bloodthirsty and kept commenting on the fact that she would gladly commit suicide for the plan. Krika kept feeling sorry for himself, and was rather irritating. Not what I pictured him to be at all. Overall: The book, in my opinion, got a 5/10. It would have been three, but since the Nuva were in it, it increased the score. I'm sure I would have liked it more, had there not been so many interludes. The book set up nicely for The Final Battle, so that better be good. WARNING: Below Review Contains Major Spoilers » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Plot: The plot wasn't very well thought of, in my opinion. The whole Codrex ordeal was thrown together in my opinion. The story in the present was lame, too, just another excuse to get the keystones and beat up some bad guys. The interludes were horrid in my opinion. I thought they would have a chapter or two on the Mata, and the other chapters would have short stories like Botar's death, Gorast vs. Krekka, etc. Those were a large disappointment. Character Development: Well, to start off with, Krakua got no development whatsoever. The only impression I have of him now is a silent messenger boy. Helryx was a HUGE you know what. She was kind of Tuyet on the good side. The Makuta got even lamer development. Here's a comparison: in SitS, they gave the Phankuta very good development, like Antroz's noble sense, Chirox's scientist-esque attitude, etc. In SoS, each Makuta got a chapter to themselves. And in those chapters, they got no character development. Gorast was a crazy bloodthirsty, suicidal madwoman. Bitil was a high-pitched, obsessive madman, and Krika was a moaning pain in the butt who kept feeling sorry for himself. Not what I pictured them to be at all. So the book got a solid 5/10. Nuff said. On another note, it's almost my birthday! =D So you all better buy me some Mistika. Also, yes, I'm still me, I've just changed my font and everything. GORAST FTW
  15. Whiplaaash


    You guys are all so fat and lazy, I had to edit it. Just kidding. Rendokulus (sp? )..Sounds cool. What word are you gonna come up with next?
  16. Whiplaaash

    Bl10 Review

    They're pretty similiar though. *tries to cover up stupid moment in which he didn't realize they were pretty different* Geesh, I can't adjust to my new font.
  17. Whiplaaash

    Bl10 Review

    I just thought Krika wailed too much. In my eyes, any good villain shouldn't complain and moan all the time. It was somewhat cool that he wanted to be good, but it was too Antroz-esque. I thought that should be exclusive to only one Makuta.
  18. It's on a site with forums. We can't discuss it, sorry. Maybe I should make my own Dume kitteh. *looks at cat, then Ultimate Dume*
  19. Bye lappeh! D: Come back soon.
  20. Woot, I got my first approval! *shoops da woop*
  21. It does? I checked. I must have checked in the wrong place. Thanks Shine.
  22. Yeah. I check it every day or so. There aren't very many funny ones, though. Still, there's always the FailBlog, Political Humor, etc.
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