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Everything posted by Whiplaaash

  1. Thanks for posting this right while I was eating, Bunda. >.<
  2. LOL, Cholie takes the cake this time. xD Also, POST IN SWARM.
  3. MONORAGE? BtB Railrage. I have the sudden urge to get a bunch of monorail parts and buy a bunch of system sets so I can make Monorail Cat. O_o BtB DO IT.
  4. *tries burning Vakama, but suddenly realizes something is wrong* I know where else you can find the sets, but I'm not telling you. Luckily, I saved them onto my desktop. POST IHU PICS
  5. Posting has been done. :P

  6. So over the past few days I've bought a very cool pile for $20 with lots of good pieces, my order STILL hasn't got here (I intend to complain) and I'm starting to think about writing an epic depicting the days of the Toa Mangai in all of their hidden glory, starting from when Lhikan first met up with the others, to the final moments of the legendary hero. I've had quite a lot of ideas to write more epics (first two failed hard >.<) and I think this one is pure win. Two wicked looking Tuyet and Nidhiki MOCs are right next to me, and I can totally build the other four ice Toa and the others. I'll just be missing Lhikan though. Urgh. I'll post them soon, along with more massive updates. Anybody else here seen Charlie the Unicorn?
  7. Whiplaaash


    I hate it too. *slams head on desk repeatedly*
  8. Whiplaaash


    I only lurve a few of them. The others are kind of fail..regardless, though, I'll buy a few. Hold your mouse over this to hear my opinions of the sets.
  9. Whiplaaash


    Cool, I'm glad you cleared this up. It might even just stop most of your PMs for a few days. However, expect tons of 2009 theories popping up for you to disprove.
  10. Lulz, it's by far the best online movie I've ever seen. CTU2 was better, though in my opinion. But neither of them could match the Sparta Techno Remix.
  11. Whiplaaash

    I Know This

    Yahoo is win. Hotmail is ROFLsuck.
  12. Whiplaaash


    I have almost decimated the entire pile I bought. I just need to build a few more sets I already have and do something with them, then I'll dump the rest in with my other pile. Once that's done, I'll be able to post pictures of everything. Updates on Brickshelf, MOCs, everything. Also.. We're all gonna die. Warning, the video might freak out some little children. It just has chupacabra stuff in it. Just hit the play button and it'll roll.
  13. DEATH TO THE EMO TOA I hate Vakama too with a burning passion. Oh wait..
  14. Oh. Dangit. :P

    *still keeps him locked up*

  15. Whiplaaash


    I'm actually the only one in my family that thinks the Chupacabra is real, but doesn't think the bigfoot is. It seriously doesn't look real. If we had a few more pictures, I might consider believing it.
  16. Whiplaaash


    I think its pretty cool that we might have actually found a Chupacabra. Even though it's pretty disturbing, Cryptozoology is cool at the same time. Think about it. A long time back, we would have thought the platypus was an alien. Still, I can see what you mean. It is kind of creepy. o.O
  17. Whiplaaash

    It's Gone.

    You spent $100 just to make the entry? ._. Now I know why I suck so bad. I just use parts out of my bin. >.<
  18. Whiplaaash


    It doesn't? Huh. Let me find a different one. I think that'll be hard, though... EDIT: There's a better video. Tell me if it works.
  19. Whiplaaash


    Yup, I just stole from the guy. Also, the reason why he didn't want them anymore is because he was more interested in Lego than Bionicle. ... lol
  20. Whiplaaash


    I scored big time on the bucket of Bionicles. I payed $20 for it. Here's what I got. ::Takanuva and Ussanui:: ::Makuta:: ::Kopeke:: ::Matoro:: (2003) ::Hahli:: ::Macku:: ::Hewkii:: ::Hafu:: (2003) ::Jala:: ::Nuparu:: ::Takua:: ::Akamai:: ::Wairuha:: ::Vhisola:: ::Nivawk:: And a bunch of other pieces I can use for MOCing. So yeah, I won the lottery.
  21. Whoops, that was Bfahome. Sorry 'bout that. He commented on the last entry and said 'I have sixteen lines. YOUR HEAD ASPLODE'. You post so often I get you mixed up with other members. xD
  22. Whiplaaash

    New Name?

    How about you call it 'The Blogginest Blog ever to be Blogged around Blogsville'? I almost did.
  23. Yes, but some people have built it. Perhaps even a few to auction off at the start of the 'Klakk-hype'. Besides, some people just have spare parts laying around.
  24. The deal is sealed. I, instead bought off another site and am going to somebody's house today to pick up a huge load of Bionicles for $20. It has Mata, Metru, and titans plus more. I'll let you guys know what I got in the next entry.
  25. Post...in...SWAAAAARRRRMMM....

    Also, that thing that we met in the Greenland Cave, that was the Overmind, right?

    *suddenly wants to add a Queen, Overlord and Ultralisk to the team*

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