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Status Updates posted by Calliou

  1. That...was the intention. But hey. ^^

  2. I will be joining, and bringing a friend with me. If you want to come along, I might be able to find a spot for you. =P

    Writing is, but only if you write enough that you're practiced at it and write to dominate.

  3. But still a 'no' from you as far as trying it goes?

    Heh, domination. Gooood luck with that one. =P

  4. You should come along and try it out, at least once. It's clean now, without all that old stuff clogging it up.

    Well, at least now you get to learn how the rest of us live. =D

  5. Doing well, doing well. I've taken a good chunk of time off to go about my own business and spend time elsewhere, although I may be getting back into the BZPRPG.

    And you? Still harboring lost dreams of domination?

  6. Do you, now. What inspired that comment? =P

  7. Out of XBL, you guys almost never show up. =P

  8. Why, is this one of those people from XBL? I am shocked to find you out of your native habitat. =P

  9. I simply don't know this person whom you are talking about. The name isn't familiar to me.

  10. I don't know what you're talking about. Who is this person?

  11. Oh, and *Rockhound uses Capture* It is super effective. "The Leader" is forced to remain in this website. =P

  12. Will you look at that. It came back. Maybe it even will get on AIM. XP

  13. Well, actually, I'm sitting happily on a bandwagon, 'borrowing' Gato ("My name is a sentence.")'s avatar rotation code and using it. It has over 200 different avatars and will be different every time you refresh. =P

  14. I'm a thief and stole someone's Av rotation. With permission, of course. =P

  15. Shoot for AIM first. =P

  16. Tell me about it. This is yet another reason why you either need AIM or an XBox. =P

  17. Well, I don't see any point in posting during the epitome of strangeness, so I'll just wait it out and see if Alex can take it back to being normal. =P

  18. Whatever it is that Alex is doing now. I have absolutely NO idea what on Earth (or elsewhere) is going on. XP

  19. But you all love the strangeness, right? You're still there, aren't you? =P

  20. Yeah, I decided to stay on a little longer and see if it all pans out like I think. If it gets much stranger, though, I'm not so sure. =P

  21. Hello there. Welcome to BZP and I hope you enjoy your stay, and it's always nice to find a fellow Christian here.

    Personally, I find that as TFK's CD's get newer, one or two songs really stand out and the rest are just kind of 'meh' to me, so I just buy those two songs and leave the rest.

  22. I was looking for people who use XBox Live to add to my very small 'friend' list. =P

  23. Aye, that you did. Nothing really is going on, actually. Just some pretty boring stuff IRL. You don't happen to have an XBox, do you?

  24. *Steps back and smiles widely*

    You see how much easier it is when you eat what you give?

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