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Scotty Danger

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Everything posted by Scotty Danger

  1. <1I just logged in for the first time in 6 years to see if BZP still existed! Turns out, it does, but everything BIonicle is gone. Strange, but I guess it makes sense since they stopped making sets...Oh well, gonna wander back to real life now!
  2. It's still a guitar...technically...it's a thunderbird bass, and those sound pretty gutar-ish last time I checked... my friend has a yamaha guitar that the jack broke on too, seems to be a common problem...
  3. Scotty Danger


    I prefer the eastwood airlines guitars...those sound so awesome...have fun in high school! It gets better! peace
  4. Scotty Danger


    haha thanks for the wakeup...I'll get to it...maybe saturday? I'm having a pool party...so I'm sure something interesting will pop up...glad to see people read this, though!
  5. Scotty Danger


    well, I haven't posted in 23 days or so. Which is sitll better than my usual blog, which has gone far longer without an update. feel happy. so... I think this is a very bad idea. very very bad idea. The normal memebrs shouldn't get blogs. especially for just a week. It clutters up our space that we pretty much payed for, and while some may be interesting, a lot are just full of Spam. So yeah. In a few days, they'll all sink to the bottom and be done with. On the bright side, those memebrs with the interesting blogs will enjoy it enough to squeeze $8 or however much I paid to get blogs of their own, and the server will speed up. Huzzah. I got another guitar. Who'da guessed it? It's an Ibanez Artcore AM73 in brown. anywhere you look it up online, it's really ugly. But in person it's gorgeous. I love it. It compliments my SG perfectly. And I finally sold my bass amp to pay for it. woot. I'll update more often, I promise. peace
  6. So today marks the 230th anniversary of our founding fathers overthrowing their corrupt government. How I wish I could go into a political rant here, but for fear of being banned all I can say is that if you think something is wrong, act how our founding fathers did and fix it. Don't sit around and wish corruption would go away. Stand up and defeat the unjust rulers of the world. Not with violence, but with truth. It CAN be done, and I support revolution. Our founding fathers had the right idea. If you don't like it, change it. Peace.
  7. Haha, I have over 4 thousand songs...about 20 or so I actually wrote myself...what do all those acronyms stand for, anyway? never mind, figured it out after some more reading... peace
  8. Is getting easier. It's still scary. Especially in the red subaru monster... HUGE show coming up! I can't wait! The Starland Summer Campout! It's a huge outside SKA festival!!! Reel Big Fish, Streetlight Manifesto(my favorite), MxPx, and Bowling for soup(are bad) are headlining! It's gonna be awesome! Biggest show this summer! Leave a comment if you're going/wish you were going! peace
  9. Ah, you can get some good stuff relatively cheap. If you want help finding one that's right for you price/style wise just ask me, and I can point you in the right direction!
  10. ...soon! Really soon, I hope....as soon as this guy in Puerto Rico responds to my ebay auction that he won...I need that money to finally be able to afford the new one. I'm gonna get a Fender, finally. I have a Fender Bass, but my Guitar is Gibson. I'm gonna get a Fender Cyclone in bright yellow! Then Moderator it a bit, because I'm scared to take apart the Gbson. peace
  11. Scotty Danger


    I need more of it. I just sold an old bass amp to someone on ebay, and it's taking forever to get my money...I think I'm gonna go apply at a cafe tomorrow, they need help there, and I need a job. I also need a new guitar and a mac laptop. If anyone out there is selling a yellow fender cyclone or a mac laptop, let me know please. not that anyone reads this... I can play Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. I'm gonna play it at an open mic next week and dedicate it to my friend who moved away to Vermont last year, and my friend who's moving to Israel next month. So yeah. Fun. peace
  12. Scotty Danger


    There's a carnival tonight, and I might go. That is, if I find someone to go with. Anyone, really. A girl would be nice, but I'll go with anyone. If I end up staying home, which is most likely the case at 7:45, I'll hopefully get some songwriting done. I want to play/record my own music, but I'm such a bad lyricist. I can write a song in any genre on guitar, but lyrics are not my strong point. Right now I'm finishing a song I wrote to a friend's poem. She writes beautifully, but can't write music well. So we make a good team. If anyone has any suggestions for somethign for me to write about in a song, let me know. I write about all kinds of things, so nothing is really out of place. I have a song called "I like mac&cheese" and a song called "No depth in Insanity". So yeah, anything is appreciated. peace
  13. So I've been watching a lot of Daria lately. Great show. I used to watch it a lot, when I got digital cable. Then we stopped paying for digital, and stopped getting digital. Funny how that works. I found some episodes online, and I watch a few every day. I think I"m gonna pay my parents out of my own pocket to get digital cable back. Then I can have Noggin with all my shows like Degrassi (yes...) and Daria. I'll also get Nicktoons TV with old shows like Doug, Angry Beavers, AAH! Real Monsters, ROCKO!! Stuff like that. I went ALL DAY without my checkered Wristbands. Imagine that. I haven't gone a full day without them in about 2 years. I'm crazy, I know. Why checkers? No, I don't like racing. They symbolize the equality of Blacks and Whites coming together to make music. The most notable of whch is Ska music (nowadays, punk wiht trumpets and fun upbeats). The checkers are the universal symbol for unity and Ska music. Peace, Love, Unity!
  14. So I actually enjoy driving now. Might be beacuse the volvo is mine! Or maybe just beacuse I'm not so abd at it anymore. It's probably just the fact that I have my own car, a 1990 Volvo sedan. I love it. A lot. I drove stick today. That was NOT fun. In my dad's '03 Subaru WRX Impreza. AAH. That thing is so scary, especially because of all the fun mods he has on it. Fun for him, scary for me. Especailly trying to figure the clutch into a K-turn in a neighbor's driveway. And revving his turbo engine really loud. Over and over again. I think they hate me now. It was a good day in all, Happy Father's Day to those of you who are male with children. My dad and I went to see Nacho Libre. Hilarious. I reccomend it to everyone. Please go see it, the reviews are all lies. It's so funny. I should be getting paid to say all this stuff. Subaru, Volvo, and Nickelodeon owe me a lot of money right now. And I could sure use it. I just spent $20 on an AC apapter at Radio Shack for my Small Clone Chorus pedal. There, now Radio Shack and Electro-Harmonix owe me money. Peace
  15. I thought it was Good Night, and Good Luck? We watched that in journalism...and I'm intrigued communism and all(see latest blog entry), so I remebered it... Peace
  16. So, I just totally ripped this out of my real blog and put it here, minus the swear words: So last night was the video shoot! We got there kinda late, but not really. I can't think of anything that we might have missed...The place was impossible to find on 5th Ave. There was no sign for the club, only a black door with a little piece of paper that said "Catch-22 Video Shoot". So we went in there, and went down these really steep stairs. Then we saw this tiny room full of people. Some guy yelled "Roll sound!" and someone yelled to us, "Jump in! Just jump right in!" and pushed us into the crowd. The crowd was small, like half a full-capacity Tuscan show. It was good, because there's a good chance that you'll be able to see us. By us I mean Me, Justin, Val, and Julian. The stage was small, and there were no amps, only a guitar, bass, and one snare drum in that old-school marching band getup on the drummer. Those three were in the back, and the Three horn players (horns-free) were in the front, the lead singer in a Mao Jacket, on a podium. He had an old-school mic too. That was cool. The other two had on tuxedos and were acting like bodyguards. It was a really good idea. They had us rush the stage, and all kinds of stuff. The singer(Ryan) threw over the podium and stage dived onto us, and all kinds of cool stuff. By now, everyone was sick of that song, including the band. Especially the band. So that part was over. The director hand-picked about 8 people to have close-up shots. Julian and I were picked, of course, since we're so awesome. Everyone hung around, anyway, and we made some awesome friends. The most notable were Zach, Tabitha, Bridget, and Alex(I think that's her name). So we rocked our close-ups, and did some cool stuff. Julian held up a poster, I wrote in a journal then looked all angry at the camera, some kids made out, one kid rolled a cigarette, and for the last shot, the trombone player, Ian, smashed an empty liquor bottle on the wall. There's a video of that part on my ########, if you'd like to see it. Between those two shots was the fun part, where we trashed the place. We started pulling down posters off the wall/ceiling(it was wallpapered liek woah) and that turned into a frenzy. The cameraman and director started screaming at us to stop. So we did. Then he told us to wait a minute for him to get his camera, and video us trashing the place. So we did. Then we went crazy. It was awesome. We took armfuls of posters and ran off stage, and I knocked down the podium on the way down. It's gonna be an awesome shot, if they put it in. Then we sat around on piles of paper and talked to each other, and made great friends with everyone! Especially Zach, Tabitha, Bridget and Alex(?), as noted before. During the in-between time, some of us went to the street for some fresh air, and hung out with some band members doing interviews. I finally got to introduce myself to Mingus, my ######## buddy, and the bassist, and that was great fun. He introduced me to his friends (one was his girlfriend, I think) as the "Right Turn Only Guy"(my old ######## picture). They all knew me immediately. That was weird. But fun. We also got free copies of the CD at that point, which we promptly got signed. Unfortunately, there was no show, but I'll live. In between shots, I asked Mingus if they even had their amps. He was like: "Yeah! they're in the Rv! ...In Jersey." All in all, it was an amazing time. I don't know yet when the video comes out, but I'll be sure to let you know. Whoever you are. Pictures are here: Pictures!!! Song can be found here: Party Song! If there's anything in there that shouldn't be, let me know and I'll edit it. Never mind, apparenty BZP took care of all that stuff for me! Haha, the ######'s are a website that they don't want me to menetion. Go figure. Peace!
  17. Scotty Danger


    the below statmenet is true the above statement is false same idea... Peace
  18. well, I will be soon! I can't stop thinking about it! So anyway, is it too much to ask for a few votes or something? I don't care if you give me two stars, just vote, please! Peace
  19. I have a white boy fro? Only after a few hours at a concert w/o a hat...Usually it's pretty not poofy... And yeah, Catch 22 is a book, a very good book. That's where the band got their name, back in 96. And Catch is on Victory Records, so this will be a pretty big deal. I can't wait! Peace
  20. I'm going to be in a major music video! It's the single for the new Catch 22 CD, Permanent Revolution! This is the most amazing day ever! I can't wait until Saturday! I even get a free copy of the CD, two weeks before it comes out! And I"m going with my 3 Best friends, Julian, Justin, and Valerie! Woohoo! Peace!
  21. Haha I figured all of those jeans were actually ripped by the people who wore them...weird... Tight jeans are good, as long as they don't hinder movement. If you cna run, jump etc with tight jeans, power to ya! I sure can't... Peace
  22. one question: WHY??!?!?! I went to buy a pair of jeans today, and I went to the Levi's section, cuz I like those. Half the jeans there had holes ripped in them, then sewn shut. There were fake patches and stuff, and holes in the pockets. They make htem like that nowadays. Why would you buy them like that? First of all, they're ugly, second of all, they won't last as long. Also, Levi hates anyone who is size 30X32. Peace
  23. Scotty Danger


    apparently you can vote on blogs that you like or something. I dunno. vote for me. please? peace
  24. yeah, I know. but not the way I use it. either way, I use it too much.
  25. do dodo do do dodo do do dodo DO Haha I cna play that on guitar, and my friend can play it on concertina(a key-less accordion). it's mad fun. I use the word mad too much. Like, as an adjective. Synonomous to 'a lot'. Mad is not supposed ot be used that way. oh well. Peace
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