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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Jordboy1

  1. Jordboy1
    my test and got my license today!
    I only screwed up on one thing and other than that the guy said I did perfect.
    After that we went out to eat at Out Back and after our meal the waitress gave me free ice cream for getting my license lol
    Only thing is my lip had to be cut and bruised a little from a tree branch smacking me in the face a couple days ago (don't ask, you know I'm awesome ) so it looks kinda weird...but what ever. I drove to my sis's at 9 and hung out with her until 10 then drove home......pretty awesome driving alone...and at night! lol
    Anyway....I'ma be getting to bed soon....
    Remember that disco is in this year!
  2. Jordboy1
    Yeaaaahhh......so I was kinda grounded foreth a few days, so I waseth dead on here, but now I'm backeth!
    I'm gonna try and update the "Stupid People!" comics soon toooooooooo, so don't leave my comics yet!!!
    Anyway, Happy St. Patrick's Day peoples!
    I....am actually wearing a green shirt right now!!!
    ....and my driver's test is in five days....I'm also gonna take my job application in on that day if I have time and get interviewed....hopefully finally geteth a jobeth....
    Other than that....anything elseth newww...? Hmmmmmmmm.....Oh! New patch for the LEGO Universe Beta tomorrow! *can't wait for that*
    But....until next time, folkadanions, remember, disco is in this year!
  3. Jordboy1
    I was pickethed to Beta test LEGO Universe!
    ....yep, guess that's about all I'm allowed to give away.
    Oh...and remember, disco is in this year!
  4. Jordboy1
    I ordered "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" from Barnes & Noble today.... (which technically they buy from GameStop, but it's cheaper to have them order it and buy it from them )
    I had to get the Gamecube version though since I don't have a Wii. The only real downside to that is that it doesn't come in widescreen for the Gamecube.....and we have a big widescreen TV.....
    But most of the awesome games I play (that aren't new) are like that anyway...so I don't really mind that much lol
    Anyway, the Ocarina of Time ruled....and this one looks amazing....almost everywhere you go you see a 9.0 or higher rating out 10.
    The only Zelda I actually own is the original for the NES, but I always borrow the Ocarina of Time from my buddy and I have most of the others as roms on my PC.
    So yep....now just gotta wait for that to arrive.....
    Oh...and while I wait, remember, disco is in this year!
  5. Jordboy1
    What's inside a post?
    Have you ever wondered what exactly someone meant by a post?
    Or have you ever taken a post the wrong way?
    You can never really tell what someone means when they post something.
    If they're mad, happy....or even serious or sarcastic.
    Did they really get hurt or upset about that post? Or were they just kidding?
    Were they going to post a huge review or something really long saying how much they care about a friend, then decided it was a little much and shortened it to the one sentence you just read?
    Maybe that one sentence has a much deeper meaning than you could ever know....but they're too afraid or just don't want to show it.
    There could be someone who always comments on your art or comics, loves to read your stories, because they like you more than a friend, but you'd never know for sure unless they let you know.
    But then someone could say that they love you, but you can never tell if they're telling the truth or not unless you meet them in person.
    Maybe someone posts something really happy, but deep inside they're hurting...trying to call out to someone to be their friend, care for them.
    Is there someone who always visits your profile page...maybe leaves comments too?
    Maybe they're just passing by or being friendly.....or maybe they like stalking you. Coud they be jealous? Lonely? Maybe even hate you?
    What if, that very person, is someone you know? Who's been your friend forever.
    What if, that very person.....is your friend?

  6. Jordboy1
    Soooo......my bro (Chicken239 or for those who know him more recently, Deadpool) plus my friend (Pyro2121) and I started making our own stupid little Lost video yesterday, which we plan to finish today, had an interesting time with that....I ended up having to be Charlie, Chicken was Sawyer, and Pyro was Jack.....I'll get more into detail on that little project when it's complete, I believe it may turn out better than our Survivorman vid from before.
    Though secretly a second one may be a project in progress when Pyro isn't around too.....
    I've almost finished the third Halo book "The First Strike" o:
    I like Eric Nylund's 2 books best, don't get me wrong, I like the second one based on the game, but I find the first and third books to be more immersive.
    I also ordered a Relient K shirt 2 nights ago. Should arrive sometime next week. *can't wait*
    So yep....life's been.....LIFE!
    Take my driver's test on the 22nd of next month, Halo: Reach beta testing starts in Spring, and we keep getting more snow to shovel all the time....
    And....oh! Valentines day happens to be on Sunday. Though....I can't say I'm doing anything special.
    I got acoustic versions of several songs by The All American Rejects added to my playlist....(I need to get that updated in my interests list again.... lol)
    I've almost reached 80 episodes in the Adventures of Joe and Jackie Chan series I E-mail out too, not that many of you know about that unless you're signed up to my newsletter
    Well, not that you really cared to read all that random stuff, but that's what's goin' on lately, other than that, been pretty busy with school and helping family out with some...stuff that's goin' on.
    But, peoples, hang in there for the wild ride of life, and always remember, disco is in this year!
  7. Jordboy1
    The Sadie Hawkins Dance music video is now available to watch online instead of download!
    Watch it here: "Stupid People!" Sadie hawkins Dance Music Video
    And remember, disco is in this year!
  8. Jordboy1
    Here be a new "Stupid People!" music video that I finished around 1 o'clock this morning.
    "Stupid People!" Sadie Hawkins Dance
    Characters starring in this video:
    - Relient K
    - Josh
    - Random girls that aren't actual characters
    And please give compliments and/or critisizim!
  9. Jordboy1
    Wells......I got an older 30GB Zune off of ebay in the mail today. (and by older I just mean a slightly fatter not HD before this generation Zune )
    But anyway, I really could care less if it was about half the width it is now, and if it was HD. (as I mostly got it hold hold my big playlist and more to come)
    Soooooooo now to get to some details.
    It came with a leather case and a retractable USB cable and of course itself...in black.
    I got it for about 70 bucks with shipping and handling.
    So...I opened it and started playing around with it (okay so I've never used anything but a generic MP3 player that has a blue light up display and scrolling text telling me what song is playing, so sue me ) I added my whole playlist that you see in my interests list (give or take a few songs), a couple videos, some pics (mostly so I could have a wallpaper background), downloaded some Zune games (of course getting the un-official Zune vs. ipod game ), and favorited some local radio stations.
    I thought it was pretty cool all the free stuff that you could get on a Zune (considering that it is Microsoft and they do tend to charge people for a lot of things *whistles*) so I set up my Zune account and synced it up with all my household devices and now'm ready to go!
    Okay....you guys had to obviously know I wouldn't be buying an ipod okay? It would be like......sacrilege!
    Aside from the stupidly huge cariety of apps available for the ipod, I find the Zune superior or basiclly the same on every feature anyway.
    One thing I think would be very interesting to look into, would be designing a portable media device that combines the great features of ipod and Zune, if not also improving them. To make a better product for the consumers who like both, or the fanatics of either company who would never buy something opposed to the competitor. I'm actually serious about looking into design on something like that once I go to Western Tech College for computer tech.
    But anyway, if you read this kinda dragged out entry this far, I'll let you go now..... after I give you a free coat! Courtesy of the moronic soul of a discoing fool!
    So remember, you insane little BZPers you, I'll always be a Microsoft freak (don't get me wrong I had nothing against Apple before they started their whole anti Microsoft stuff, they really lowered themselves to constantly ripping on the competitor for advertisement, but now, and forever more, I am completely pro-Microsoft) Oh.....and disco is of course in this year.
  10. Jordboy1
    Hmmmmmmmms, well now that I got my premierness back (and I've become a Premier Outstanding BZP Citizen ) I guess I'll post what I goteth.....
    - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warefare (PC)
    - A new graphics card
    - 2 BIONICLE graphic novels
    - 3 Halo bookeths
    - 2 Marvel Universe figures
    - 6 bags of Beef jerky (because everyone needs it for their birthday)
    - Socks
    - And apparentlly some things have yet to arrive in the mail for me
    So yeah...I got a pretty good amount of stuff this year. Especially with my birthday being right after Christmas. lol
    So yepeth...I'ma now 17. DUN DUN DUN!!!!!
    Remember, disco is in this year!
    *discos off*
  11. Jordboy1
    Well, as I had stated in my entry about what I got for Christmas, I got Relient K's first (and self-titled) CD for Christmas.
    It doesn't rank as one of my top favorites from them, but it still has a few songs that I'm glad I got it for. (and I needed to complete my collection of their studio albums duh )
    So anyway, now I have their complete studio album collection and all I'm missing are most of their EPs.
    Relient K Cover
    Relient K Inside
    It's a nice addition to the collection not only because it completes their studio album collection thus far, but because it's their only studio album in which Stephen Cushmen plays the drums. (notice I said studio album and not just CDs, as he played on EP songs)
    Also they had their original bass player. Plus y'know they just look so young that it looks funny.
    So it's a great album, has all four original album members, and has an interesting hidden track well after the last song.
    My three favorite songs off of this one would have to be.....
    1. Softer To Me
    2. K Car
    3. My Girlfriend
    So now....behold, my Relient K collection so far!
    Remember, Relient K is the best band EVERS! Oh....and disco is in again this year....
  12. Jordboy1
    Well....I decided to finally get around to what I got for Christmas...so here goes.
    -Relient K's self titled CD
    -A "got relient k?" hoodie
    -A new socket wrench set
    -Halo 3: ODST (360)
    -Uncharted 2 (PS3)
    -Star Ocean: The Last Hope (360)
    -The Halo Encyclopedia
    -Hostage Lands (book)
    -The 6th and 7th sets of The Three Stooges (DVDs)
    -Some pajama pants
    -Beef Jerky (who DOESN'T want that for Christmas!?!?! )
    That's about it...so yeaaaaaah, I am happies...plus my birthday comes up on January 13th.
    Happy New Year's Eve, everybody, and remember, disco is in this year!
  13. Jordboy1
    The "Stupid People!" Christmas contest ends soon, if you ahven't entered yet, don't worry!
    You can now enter by E-mailing your idea and mailing information to Jordboy1@Charter.net!
    So if you're one of the people who has yet to enter, you can now speed up your entry's arrival by E-mailing it!
    Remember, disco is in this year!
  14. Jordboy1
    Enter the "Stupid People!" Christmas contest!
    Win Christmas Package!
    Submit your own comic idea! Click the link for the rules and how to enter!
    Entries must be in by December 25th!
    Grand prize: Your comic idea turned into a real "Stupid People!" comic and a special gift
    1st prize: A special gift
    Merry Christmas, and remember, disco is in this year!
  15. Jordboy1
    Happy Thanksgiving, all!
    To celebrate today I put a comic up in my comics topic!
    I'll just post it here though for the blog readers.

    As stated in the topic, only Josh and a few other people will get this....so yeah... lol
    Have a good day everybody!
    Remember all the things we have to be thankful for.....and of course that disco is in this year!
  16. Jordboy1
    I had ordered the Relient K Christmas album, "Let It Snow Baby, Let It Reindeer", about a week ago from my local bookstore, and just received it today!
    So now that nearly completes my Relient K CD collection.
    As for the album, I think it's amazing, I've already heard all the songs on it before, but it's awesoem to own it now.
    My favorite songs on here would be (in no particular order):
    -Sleigh Ride
    -Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
    -I Hate Christmas Parties
    -Merry Christmas, Here's To many More
    So yep......*discos off to jam to relient K Christmas tunes*
    And remember......disco is in this year....even during the Christmas season.
  17. Jordboy1
    Episode 1

    One super dull and boring night, I sat at my computer doing.....NOTHING!

    When suddenly my comic character came right out of the wallpaper on my computer and grabbed me!

    Holding me up by my throat, my own comic character demanded that I stop creating my comics because all the comic characters hate me making them do things that they don't want to do.

    I quickly yelled for him to stop. I then explained that it was 10% boredom mixed with 90% imagination that had made me create them in the first place. Also finishing off with how my goal is to make the "Stupid People!" famous! That I'm not doing it for my own gain!

    He listened to what I had to say, apologized for his rude behavior, and then asked if I'd like to be shown around the comic world that I've created. Naturally I said, "Yes!", and we have been great friends ever since!

    I just think to myself....me....best friends with my own creation! Wow!
    Then, after hours of exploring my own created world, I was shot back out of my computer into my seat, staring blankly at my wallpaper again.....fun.

    The end.

  18. Jordboy1
    So....I was sitting there talking to my mom and dad....my dad mentioned that it's a month before Christmas eve today.
    And suddenly.....it hit me!!!!
    I know why we have Thanksgiving! People have it all wrong today!
    People probably started Thanksgiving towards the end of November so we could say thanks to Santa for him always giving us presents!
    And THAT'S how he became so fat! So now before every Christmas he eats a ton of food every Thanksgiving (we do this also to celebrate too) and he's *BAM* large just like that!
    That's also why we save one turkey from being killed every year. Not to save it, but 'cause Santa is gonna eat it!
    We reserve a turkey for Santa!
    So to sum it all up, everyone may know the true meaning of Christmas, but I've discovered the true meaning of Thanksgiving!
    Remember, not only is Thanksgiving important to us, it is very important to Santa too, also disco is in this year!
  19. Jordboy1
    Well.....I took Kernsk to the vet yesterday, because he wasn't opening his eyes. So he hadn't eaten for three nights either. (luckily his tail was nice and fat before this)
    So anyway, turns out he also has an upper respiratory infection.
    Now I have to shove a tube down his throat down to just past his front legs and squirt cherry (yes the doc made sure he flavored my gecko's medicine XD) medicine 2 times a day.
    Yep...and to make things even better, shoving a tube down his throat obviously has its risks and with all the stress he has to got through because of this, and since geckos can't handle a lot of stress, he has a 50% chance of living.....
    But hey, he's opened his eyes, and the doc said if it's going to work we should see results by Monday, so....yep, hopeth all works out.
    I mean come on, he has to at least live up to Gex who survived only 2 years! D:

    Oh...and I almost forgot, remember that disco is in this year!
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