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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Jordboy1

  1. It's been goin' alrghit...been busy, last year of school and comic projects and stuff along with life. :P

    How about you?


  2. Falcon Paaaaaawnch!


  3. Comic 174 is up!


  4. Thanks, glad you like them. :D


  5. lol

    The one book my older bro let me keep of his old Calvin and Hobbes books has the comic in your sig in it...


  6. Mata Nui High School Chapter 14 is up!


  7. Comic 173 is up!


  8. Nope, it was just something that became my own quote/line after a while. No copy of anything intendid. :P


  9. Uh...what're you refering to? :P


  10. Comic 172 is up!


  11. Comic 171 is up!


  12. Woahs...you have full inboxness....mwahhahahahaaa!!!


  13. Took me forever and a lot of frustration from failing, but after a long time and some help from my dad on the last one I got it from the quiz lol

  14. If that's what it was called in Legends 2 I had it. :P


  15. Okay....time to get involved in a big adventure all over again...who knows, maybe I'll find something I missed. :P


  16. .....I feel like replaying the old Legends now.... :P


  17. I just died.

    Came back....then died again.

    I'm getting a 3DS just for this.


  18. I dunno if I got around to it before, but thanks for the review, it was probably the most detailed and helpful review someone's ever givin me.


  19. FLARE!

    *chucks a plasma into your profile*


  20. Comic 168 is up!


  21. It's saved on my PC...I can upload it if you want though... :P


  22. Sorry for the late update...had internet problems until now. :P


  23. Voting has ended!

    Halo won 11-1!


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