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Bloody Nine

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Everything posted by Bloody Nine

  1. Thing is, Darth Nihilus is the judge. Nihil, yo ugot my back?

    Nihilus: *Shrieks something aking to a toilet being blocked up*

  2. *Pokes Sera with finger o' DOOOOOOM*

  3. You just did that to your own mirror.

  4. But you'll shrivel up before we die.

  5. What do we have to do to get you to read a book?

    Threaten you with hugs? *Raises arms*

  6. You'll suffer. Good enough.

  7. *Nihy-mobile turns into water*

    *We all drown*

    Silly Munki, I AM THE KEY.

  8. My plan is tar and feathers and Munki.

    ...So its pretty obvious. WHATCHA GONNA DO??

  9. ...What? You disturbify me greatly as of now.
  10. Boredom. Yeesh. Why make fun of a guy who's not gonna talk back?

  11. You can land on a nice, soft rock. Maybe granite.

  12. Never.



    I reserve the right to free speech.

  13. I don't drink coffee. So will outlive you all by 20 years.

  14. *Takes over TPtI's profile*

    No trampolines allowed.


  16. Took over your profile in the name of the Nihi-istic empire.

  17. Bloody Nine

    Bbc 49: Ideas?

    *Watches lance snap* You have to take in the picture taking capacities too.
  18. Bloody Nine

    Bbc 49: Ideas?

    Try a droid. Wait... THAT'S MAI IDEA. Maybe 3rd. Should be itneresting.
  19. ...*Pushes munki off cliff*

  20. They're on my PROPITEE.

  21. I love Bartimaeus' cynicism (and footnotes). Nat was an utter GEEEEEEK.
  22. *GS drives Nihy-mobile in Halo, thusly settign it off because Nihy-mobile can turn into anything includign index*

  23. Lousy test, really. *Prepares to make Adv cry with harsh COwell-esque criticisms*
  24. *Points to delayed congradulationz in form of nuke coming*

  25. Oh, that's why I have rows of identical corpses.

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