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Blog Comments posted by CharlieZard

  1. Bionicle '08 is not going to be fun. I have seen the sets, and they are horrific.

    If you've seen the leaked set pictures, you haven't seen the sets. Which is why TLG doesn't like low-res, pre-production images to get loose. They always look much better in the final images.


    i have seen the "new" leaked pics, but i'm not going to tell more.


    But BIONICLE in '08 will Rox our Sox !



  2. ~Toa Lesovikk~!

    You changes your names so many times!

    Like Cahdok or Gahdok did also change his name many times!

    Wait isnt that you?


    Yea, I was Cahdok_and_Gahdok , kalmah the squid , Toa_Lesovikk and Biological Chronicle=Bionicle.. i think that was the all of them ^_^



  3. I have no idea how many times I've told you these two. :P


    1. Self MOC

    2. Comic character (We could even bring back categories...)

    *agrees with ET* We could have two categories, one for heroes and one for villains, then a Grand Battle-sort-of-thing between the two winners in each category.




    ten Cheers for Self MoC's!

  4. interesting...especially the part about


    2) Watch for Gali Nuva Blog chapter #6, which will feature the return of six heroes long thought gone for good!


    i wonder whom these Heroes are, the only team i can think of is the Hagah , but it maybe if these "heroes" arent Toa. But OoMN members or something like that ...i have one Q , Are the Heroes ..Toa ?

  5. Oh Boy now I'm getting goose bumps. :br: I'm so excited,



    Shadows in the Sky: Darkness is coming… or a storm… but other then that I have no comment…


    Swamp of Secrets: Secrets?!? I love Secrets. I'm pretty good at keeping them too! Oh the mystery…


    TBD: TBD? Is that an acronym for something? The Bad Day? Thy Broken Destiny or Duty? The Brothers Destruction? Theories Brought Down?... The Baking Division? … Three Barraki Dancing? … What does it stand for? More secrets? Ok…






    When will BE2 be released?

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