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Status Updates posted by -Sidorak-

  1. Good for you. Now please don't leave any more messages on MY profile - I don't trade or even associate with liars and trolls.

  2. Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, because I've traded 116 times on BZPower, ask anyone I've traded with, and they'll tell you I'm a completely trustworthy guy. So are 99.9% of the other traders here on BZP.

  3. Nice job! =) I'll post a full response in the band topic.

  4. Lol, I didn't mean it seriously... I've just seen you posting them everywhere.

  5. Why'd you delete it?

    Just a friendly welcome message. :)

  6. Hey, what's up? School and life has been busy for me but I'm glad spring break is here...

  7. i h8 gilly sooses

  8. Dude... I read some of your old comedies, they're hilarious... haven't seen you online forever.

  9. Haha... it was actually an experiment. I wanted to see how it would look like in a post, but forgot to change i t back. I'm sticking with the ice monster. =)

  10. No, it's still on - I've been busy. Lol, send me a PM and we'll finalize it. :)

  11. Happy birthday.

  12. Is this name change possibly a reference to WAT? Heh

  13. Hey... his "last seen" information used to say 30-January 2007 and now it says "Private"...

  14. Heh, I would have entered (I actually had an entry going) but I am too busy. :(

  15. Lol, nice name. XD

  16. Unfortunately, I only know a few words. My sister can speak Armenian somewhat, though.

    Were you at the Glendale event? Maybe there'll be another one, lol. Cool to find another Armenian, though! :D

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