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Lehvak Kal Nuva

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Blog Comments posted by Lehvak Kal Nuva

  1. -Favorite's Jaller. Like all of them, color schemes could use work (glares at Nuparu), as could tools. Overall good.

    -Tie between the Mahri, Nocturn, Maxilos and Spinax, Hydraxon, and Gadunka. Owned.

    -Partly cloudy, comfortable. Doesn't happen often in Mississippi in summer.

    -Anything free, 'cause that's what I'm limited to.

    -It will be a Hot Pocket, Capri Sun, and a Gushers.



  2. I gots Microsoft Photo Editor, so I just use that.


    Or The GIMP. You know, whatever works.


    And Microsoft GIF Animator is free, so go look for it. I think there's a link in one of the art forums.


    I'm such a blatant ripoff. XD

  3. What Ced said (lol), but from my experience, freshman year is the worst. Not because you're getting dumped in trash cans (they frown on that), but because you're much more limited as to what classes you can take, and you always get last pick. Blarg.


    Sophomore year is better since you get more classes, earlier pick, and you're a bit more comfortable with it.


    Junior and senior year I have no idea about, since I'm a junior as of next Friday (the 3rd).


    Oh, and you should redirect that Academy link to the BZPRPG or summat like that.


    But nah, don't worry. High school is WAY better than junior high/middle.



  4. Our house is Mac-free, I'm proud to say. We own a total of (wait for it) 8 Windows PCs. And one Linux. So yeah, I own a PC (WinXP) and the Linux (Fedora Core). Out of the six left:


    -One's my brother's (Vista Ultimate (I'm jealous))

    -One's my dad's (WinXP)

    -One's my mom's (WinXP)

    -One's our old Windows 95 compy (that still works =O)

    -One's our server (Windows Home Server Beta)

    -One's an old Windows 3.1 that's dead. =(


    Also my brother's got a laptop (with Vista).


    Think we have too much?


    Oh, and on the Mac/PC commercials: Everyone thinks that Mac Guy is a smug #####. And we all love PC Guy. Admit it.



  5. -'Tis a tie between "Over and Over" by Hot Chip, "The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars, and (of course) "Creeping in My Soul" by Christine Lorentzen.

    -All 'cept Kardas and the playsets.

    -Well, the set would have full articulation. I'm talking neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, back, hips, knees, ankles, and (yes) fingers. We'd have a traditional color scheme (hearkening back to the days of old) of the Metru and Mata colors, except it'd be black with dark grey and white with a very light grey. Brown would return. Metal colors would go away, save for a few accents. I'm guessing it'd be like an Ultimate Collector's Set.

    Storywise...don't get me started.

    -WMP 10, but I'm going to upgrade to 11 shortly. I should probably do that now. *upgrades*

    -Nope, no more for me.



  6. 1. 5'3". And almost 16. *cries*

    2. The uber-leet thing we callz Halo.

    3. Tri-color in bright sunlight: blue on the outside, then green, then a little bit of brown. I'M UNIQUE

    4. A couple days ago.

    5. I did, but it died after a week. Cursed BZP birthday thing dying after a week...but yeah, don't look it up. Really. There's not much there. I'll probably get back to it when I get premier sometime soon...



  7. -I downloaded when I had my two-week free trial of the Zune Marketplace. Now...eh, I do what I can with what I have when I have it.




    -That I'm Lehvak Kal dipped in EP. Like...something else funny dipped in something funny...?


    -A brother, but he's at college, so right now...I'm alone.


    -You can't make me!...or can you? :fear: Oh wait, that poll's over...



  8. Sony's just the copycat that keeps shelling the same thing over and over again. I mean, look at the motion controller and tell me TO MY FACE that they didn't knock Nintendo off. The loss of rumble is stupid, especially when they could've kept it in (another company figured it out). I dunno, I think the Wii will win due to the very low price and amazing gameplay. Everyone who's played one that my brother knows seriously wants one. Nintendo's about the new gameplay experience. Sony...eh. I'll pass.


    I'd get a 360 first though. Gears of War, Halo 3, and all the cool games? Oooohhhhhhhh yeah.


    Too bad that launched last year...ooh!


    [/anti-Sony tirade]



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