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Lehvak Kal Nuva

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Everything posted by Lehvak Kal Nuva

  1. I wouldn't go looking to BZP for dating advice...but gratz anyway. LKN
  2. -'Tis a tie between "Over and Over" by Hot Chip, "The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars, and (of course) "Creeping in My Soul" by Christine Lorentzen. -All 'cept Kardas and the playsets. -Well, the set would have full articulation. I'm talking neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, back, hips, knees, ankles, and (yes) fingers. We'd have a traditional color scheme (hearkening back to the days of old) of the Metru and Mata colors, except it'd be black with dark grey and white with a very light grey. Brown would return. Metal colors would go away, save for a few accents. I'm guessing it'd be like an Ultimate Collector's Set. Storywise...don't get me started. -WMP 10, but I'm going to upgrade to 11 shortly. I should probably do that now. *upgrades* -Nope, no more for me. LKN
  3. 1. 5'3". And almost 16. *cries* 2. The uber-leet thing we callz Halo. 3. Tri-color in bright sunlight: blue on the outside, then green, then a little bit of brown. I'M UNIQUE 4. A couple days ago. 5. I did, but it died after a week. Cursed BZP birthday thing dying after a week...but yeah, don't look it up. Really. There's not much there. I'll probably get back to it when I get premier sometime soon... LKN
  4. -I downloaded when I had my two-week free trial of the Zune Marketplace. Now...eh, I do what I can with what I have when I have it. -Zee -That I'm Lehvak Kal dipped in EP. Like...something else funny dipped in something funny...? -A brother, but he's at college, so right now...I'm alone. -You can't make me!...or can you? Oh wait, that poll's over... LKN
  5. O RLY? Uh...there's plenty more fish in the sea which is half full? LKN
  6. Sony's just the copycat that keeps shelling the same thing over and over again. I mean, look at the motion controller and tell me TO MY FACE that they didn't knock Nintendo off. The loss of rumble is stupid, especially when they could've kept it in (another company figured it out). I dunno, I think the Wii will win due to the very low price and amazing gameplay. Everyone who's played one that my brother knows seriously wants one. Nintendo's about the new gameplay experience. Sony...eh. I'll pass. I'd get a 360 first though. Gears of War, Halo 3, and all the cool games? Oooohhhhhhhh yeah. Too bad that launched last year...ooh! [/anti-Sony tirade] LKN
  7. Lehvak Kal Nuva

    El Niño

    Darn you, KA, you ruined our spamming fun! =O LKN
  8. He enjoys saying floccinaucinihilipilification
  9. Don't go graverobbing on us. Egypt rocks. LKN
  10. --Uh...hooray? --NEVOR!!! VOTE FOR MEEE!!! (which is impossible since I'm not entering) --I agree with Aoran, you must have one huge mailbox. --I don't want you to feel bad! Just get it done! --You have a mitten on your head and a cat in your pants? LKN
  11. Don't despair, Kohaku! The "ending" was a little annoying (why couldn't they kill Naraku and be done with it?!), but there's a good reason. The anime is pretty much unmodified from the manga, and the manga is still being written. Each episode is about two manga chapters, and they've passed 400 and are working towards 500. And since last night's episode was about 170 or so, we still have a good chance of more Inuyasha popping up in a few months. Sooooooo awesome. Cross your fingers and go kill a few demons, let's hope for more episodes! Then again I do need to watch the Fullmetal Alchemist movie... LKN you know there's a problem when a comment is longer than the entry...O.o
  12. --Green. Rocks. Period. --Fall, because, as the Late Show put it, "I like watching things die." Okay, so actually I like fall because it's cooler, and I like cool weather clothes. And no mowing! --If not sometime around 9, then I forget and eat lunch as breakfast. --At this moment, wireless optical. On my computer, normal. I need a new one. ;.; --I think I can sum that answer up with... THE GROTESQUE SIZE OF MY HEAD REPRESENTS MY EGO! HAVING EGO IS AGAINST THE RULES! So yeah, I do. LKN
  13. Doktor Who. Ooooh yeah. =D LKN
  14. Lehvak Kal Nuva

    Lough Tuck

    R OLLY? Pou yeople vre aery sery villy! Itop st! KLN
  15. Lehvak Kal Nuva

    Poor You

    Zomg, he's Exo M7 again! ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG Uh...sadly, our school never lets us leave early when we take tests. Not even the PSAT (which I took yesterday) and my writing assessment (today)! Uh...favorite cookie...my browser cookies. Seriously though, it's a tie between chocolate chip and peanut butter. LKN
  16. Lehvak Kal Nuva


    *sniff* *whimper* *cries* LKN
  17. I'll be an uber-geek and dress up as an Inika. Oh wait, that was Comic-Con... Oh yeah, I didn't go to Comic-Con... LKN
  18. Floccinaucinihilipilification! Points to whoever gives the definition! =D LKN
  19. You misspelled pencil on the banner. LKN
  20. Well, that's good, but I know one that could challenge it. The Delta State Fighting Okra. It's real. Go look it up (it's something else to do while procrastinating). LKN
  21. *sniff* I hope your grandfather is okay. I don't have any anymore, so I know what it's like. I know you must feel bad, so I won't make any witty comments. Just want you to know that I'm keeping your grandfather in my thoughts. ;_; LKN
  22. Mission O RLY Part Whatever: A spammer tells you YOUR FAT and asks you to comment on why he has his foot on a toenail. You decide to run off, only to be confronted by the infamous SECRET STOMACHE MESSAGE. You wonder why stomach is spelled wrong, and pick up the prototype "B.R.A.K.E.L.A.T.A.B.A.S.A.A.T.A." gun to defeat the owls once and for all. Can you do it? Anyways, my favorite O RLY line is a picture I found: Harry Potter has Hedwig on his arm. Harry: Voldemort murdered my parents. Hedwig: O RLY? OMG this entry has 42 comments! It's the entry that will help us understand the meaning of life, the universe, and everything! =O LKN
  23. Are you bilingual? Well, I speak a little Spanish. Yo tengo un gato in mis pantalones. =O As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male? Mebbe...okay, yeah, I did. But only until I got the promo CD out of the Gali canister and found out OMG SHE'S FEMALE What type of computer are you on right now? A Windows XP that's about a year old. I need a new one to seriously handle LSWII. And Bionicle Heroes. And Halo Wars. And Battlefield 2142. And... What was your favorite Bionicle story year? 2018. Seriously, though, 2006. Vewy vewy kewl stuff. Are you a premier member? I was for a week in July, but that doesn't count. =( These are fun! LKN
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