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Takua the Wanderer

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Everything posted by Takua the Wanderer

  1. *Tries to think of an insult to throw at EW*
  2. Takua the Wanderer


    Interagency Acquisition Internet Council? *Clicks on another Google link*
  3. *Closes mouth to conceal fangs*
  4. You look different now...

  5. A starter of official topics.

  6. Adventurer, you make me sad. By the way, this does explain why everyone thinks I'm evil.
  7. Any details? I want to help with the case.

  8. Can someone fill me in on what happened in the first place?

  9. Let's see... What kind of mayhem can I cause here now?

  10. You just ruined my day, you fiend.
  11. About time you got promoted. :P

  12. Congratulations on the promotion!

  13. *Growl* AHA! *Runs for cover before Adventurer figures out what I said*
  14. AM I the only one still stuck like this?

  15. It cracks me up that he made it himself.

  16. Okay, I'll PM you now. :P

  17. Penguins dress better without having to wory about it.

  18. The admins must really hate Kopeke to have his rank be that much in the negatives...


  19. Bones still didn't get 10,000 posts. XD

  20. Wait, wouldn't a non-post be the same as a negative?

    *Tries to imagine what rank that would be*

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