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Takua the Wanderer

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Everything posted by Takua the Wanderer

  1. Okay, thanks. They were on to me.

    *Shoves Adv off a cliff anyway*

  2. All of the questions were easy. :P

    *Nose starts growing*

  3. If you look through the entry list, you won't find my name there.

  4. Pet Peeve Species: Zeus My Name: Takua the Wanderer Bio: A shapeshifter which takes the form of the most common myth/misconception of the day and throws its mighty lightning bolt at it. Practically everyone in S&T has at least one. I have eight. Description: A shapeshifter with no natural form, although in all forms, it carries a lighning bolt around. In the past few months, I have seen it take the form of a dead Ignika, Matoro wearing the Ignika, and three zombie Nuva. Pet Peeve Species: Stuffed Shirt My Name: Takua the Wanderer Bio: Feeds on the image of staff members being all stiff, impersonal, and upper class. A good number of the staff have these, although how effective they are remains to be seen. Description: A stuffed shirt.
  5. Oh, a German. Yeah, I see.

  6. Say, have you thought of getting a personal picture?

  7. Can how many times you don't post actually be counted?

  8. But it's irritating to scroll down to get to the last post and then find out that you've went past it. Can't you put all those quotes in a seperate entry of it's own?
  9. I was too lazy to join.

  10. I've come to laugh at your score on Master of Bionicle.

  11. Although is it possible to get to absolute zero in the Bionicle Universe?

  12. Actually, the laws might not apply in absolute zero... And I don't think that violates the third law.

  13. Hey, don't use His name in vain.

    Sorry, but it's just a pet peeve of mine.

  14. Wait, doesn't the 3rd law state that the 1st law and the 2nd law have to be in the Bionicle Universe?

  15. How about "cool dude" ? That would be a good thing to put on there.
  16. Gee, I got 2000 posts without even realizing it. O_o

    Well, now to go for 3000.

  17. I'm going to fly your mask. :P

  18. Hey, you got your proto back. :D

  19. It looks to me like a kite.

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