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Status Updates posted by ippotsk

  1. Holy crud, REALLY?

    That's awesome. B-)

  2. Just go to your Control Panel, and in the "Community Blog" section of the panel on the left side, click "Your Blog Settings. ;)

  3. Awesome!

    And I see you have Transformers to the list! :D

    Oh, have you tried making a Blog yet? It's awesome. B)

  4. Yep, I got it. But my bro was using the laptop, so I didn't get to read it. :(

    But I'll check it out now. :)

  5. Okay! I'll look out for it! >=D

  6. Thanks, man. =)

  7. To the EdMobile? Lol. =P

  8. Happy Birthday, dood. B-)

  9. Happy birthday, man.


  10. Yeah, I knew that. =P

    Anyways, any idea on when your Interests box will return?

  11. Uh... Happy Birthday? =P

  12. Really? O__o

    I must not have noticed it while I was clearing out my Inbox.

    Hopefully it's still there...

  13. Nah, it's okay. :)

    Once I get home, I'll be able to use a better connection. >:)

    What stuff did you see there?

  14. Meh, I liked your old Av better. :)

  15. Aha, I'll check it out. =)

    ...Just as soon my slow-as-heck dial-up connection lets me. -__- #

  16. *reads Interests Box*

    You like Death Note too?

    Awesome. B)

  17. I just wanted to try something different. :P

  18. Happy burfday, man. B-)

  19. I have to wait for about 80 or so days. T_T

  20. So do I. :__:

    I missed lewathetoa too.

  21. Yeah...

    90 days isn't so bad...


  22. Lol. :P

    Your name is EPIC, though. Unlike mine.

  23. You're gonna leave BZPower? D:

  24. Really?

    Yeah, I hope I can wait that long.

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