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Status Updates posted by Ikkad

  1. Uh, yeah... It was.

  2. Cool, you still visit.

  3. I wonder what might happen if a member changed their display name to gallowsCalibrator and started trolling BZPower...

  4. JN: Examine hub.

  5. Hi Macku! ^_^ I haven't seen you in a while


  7. Zeddy, why so serious? (But I still say Two-Face has got more villain-ness. =P)

  8. [random comment] Still, I seek my revenge on you, Turakii!!!!! I will never forgive you!!! Or maybe until you give me Pokemon Diamond and a Nintendo Ds...[/random comment]

  9. Wait, whozzagirl!?

  10. Hey, i'm sorry I was late for your birthday, Rocco. (We were busy) Well, now that you've got your birthday, it seems like our ages are apart, now. (Darn you! I'm 10 btw)

  11. JN: Inspect surroundings.

  12. JN and group: Pose as a team, cuz this just got real.

  13. Any high quality Lazer Duck images?

  14. Who was the first?

  15. So is that the RZ Soundwave you mentioned in the Proj. Allspark topic?

  16. I liek Charmanders!

  17. Yes, yes. I'z gott new neym.

  18. http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=251036

    Here you go. Ask B6 to put up yer' old account, or something close to it.

  19. JN: Bring group to past and stop this all from happening.

  20. Wait, who? XP jk

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