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J46 Nui

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Posts posted by J46 Nui

  1. Okay, name five canon Hutts that weren't in some way terrible and/or loathsome.
    I can only think of one off the top of my head, from the Tales of the Jedi comics. Forgot his name, but he was a pretty nice guy.EDIT: His name was Aarrba.As for TOR, I would be playing now if I had enough spare money for the subscription. I think I'll just wait for Free to Play as well.
  2. Of course I know of Lowbacca. And I do remember that one other Wookiee Knight.But at some point after their introduction, Lucas said "no more Wookiee Jedi." Reasoning being some species just weren't capable of using the Force, like the Wookiees [and Ewoks, thank god]. I found it ridiculous, and apparently so did the Clone Wars writers. Ha.~|ET|~
    The fact that Ewoks could not use the force always bothered me. It would be a great explanation for the Ewoks' magic as seen in the terrible cartoons and movies.As for the new movie, I am okay if it doesn't rely heavily on the EU, as long as it does not contradict it.
  3. So... I'm the only one who liked Jar Jar AND the prequels?
    The prequels had a lot of good ideas, but the execution left a lot to be desired. At least the EU of the prequel era is pretty good. And the novelizations do fix a lot of the problems that I had with the films, though a lot of that is because I can imagine better actors playing the parts.Gungans are okay. Jar Jar is not. The best thing that I can say about him is that he is not the worst character in Star Wars, a title that I think firmly belongs to Ziro.But with all that out of the way, the prequels are okay, and I will still include them in my Star Wars Movie marathons. And the action is pretty good.
  4. Well, my "like" of those episodes is not a strong one, and I never bothered to revisit them. It is more that they were the only episodes that even resembled something half decent at that point in season three (coming out right after the terrible first half of that season concluded). Though I do hate the ending to that arc.

  5. In regards to this balance of the force debate, there were some Clone Wars episodes that were supposed to answer what that meant. I know they left it sort of vague besides the fact that it did not mean the ultimate victory of the Jedi or the destruction of the dark side. I just looked up the episode titles, and they were "Overlords", "Altar of Mortis", and "Ghosts of Mortis", and they appeared in season 3. They were a bit weird, but I liked them.I have to agree that most Sith/Dark-Side users are boring villians that are evil for evil's sake, though there are a few good ones. But the only pure evil Sith that works for me is Palpatine, because his manipulative nature makes him more interesting character than the ones that just slaughter everyone in their path.

  6. Zahn was my least favorite author.So The old actors may come back... That's actually kinda awesome!
    Just out of curiosity, who is your favorite Star Wars.author?Mine would have to be Zahn (for the same reasons pretty much everyone else likes him), followed by James Luceno (I loved his work that ties directly into the movies, especially Labyrinth of Evil and Dark Lord), and then finally Drew Karpyshyn (even though I thought that Bane is too absolutely evil to be interesting or believable I love the rest of his KOTOR work.) And even though I have not read much from them, what I have read of Michael Reaves' and Karen Traviss' work I have really liked.As for least favorite, I have stayed away from the stuff that is unanimously bad, but out of the books I have read, I never found any of Troy Denning's or Aaron Allston's (along with the other authors who work almost exclusively on the big post-RotJ series) work that interesting. That and the fact that they love killing off major characters in the big series that they work on. I get and liked that they killed off Chewie, the characters had to be shown to be in real danger and that they might die. And then they continued doing it, until now these major series seem little more than countdowns to the next major character's death. I'm willing to bet that not a single one of the original cast or their children will even get a chance to die of old age. Oh, and the Dark Times comic book is the worst thing I have ever read ever, but I don't feel like wasting my time looking up the writers for that mess.
  7. I am not sure how to feel about this news. I think I'll be cautiously optimistic, and I hope that the new movies will draw from the EU instead of replacing it. Maybe we will even get movies that don't focus on the Skywalkers. Who knows, maybe the new people running things will have more respect for the EU than Lucas had.

  8. No, no, no. We all know Bionicle's line has technically ended. It's not that. It's that it never had a theatrical release during its 9 years of storytelling, and a line only three years in the running suddenly has everything Bionicle did not. You simply cannot argue with that. That's why people are disappointed. And of course Bionicle and Hero Factory merit comparison. One is the successor of the other.Obviously, however, I understand that HF is easily transferrable to the films. I'm just pointing out collective disappointment.The whole reason DC and Marvel get re-imagined constantly is because things are far too complicated. Alternate universes galore, character X is a clone of character B who killed the alternate universe self of his villain, characters dying then somehow coming to life 10 issues later, the works. Also, time passes on, and the characters must be rebooted to fit modern times, lest they fall to the ashes of history. Iron Man, for instance, originally started as POW in the Vietnam War . Now he's one of the Iraq War. And don't even get me started on Transformers G1 continuity. But I digress.

    Well, see, that's part of the reason I think BIONICLE didn't get a theatrical release. TLG knew better than to make those kind of sacrifices with a story that they were trying to tell a certain way. BIONICLE, if anything, was complex. IMO, that's one of the reasons why it ended, but it's also one of the things that made it great while it lasted. Creating a story that intricate and complex just to sell a toyline is an extremely ambitious thing, and I think TLG did it well for as long as they could.And I think simplifying it too much would take away what made it unique in the first place. Hence why I'm extremely cynical about some people's claims that TLG could just make BIONICLE a simple, episodic storyline if they wanted to bring it back... after all, if they were going to do that, then why bother to bring it back at all?Look through this topic and see how many Hero Factory fans are worried this is going to be a huge disaster. If the potential for badness is recognized as so great even among people who like Hero Factory, then what would have made a theatrical release for BIONICLE such a great thing? Hero Factory was made with a certain amount of flexibility that BIONICLE lacked, for better or worse. And I'd have hated to see BIONICLE sully itself by sacrificing that clearly-focused, never-straying vision just so it could get in theaters.You say Hero Factory suddenly has everything BIONICLE didn't, but I say that's hogwash. BIONICLE had great story-driven online games, while Hero Factory has games that struggle to hold my attention for more than a few minutes (although to be fair I've been drifting away from video gaming in general for a long time now). BIONICLE had an amazing book series, while Hero Factory is getting its first actual novels this year, and who knows if those will even be any good? BIONICLE got four direct-to-DVD movies, while Hero Factory has gotten some TV specials that hardly even amount to a miniseries, and that many consider either mediocre or out-and-out bad. BIONICLE got console-based and handheld video games, while the closest thing Hero Factory has gotten to that is an iPhone version of one of their online games.Sure, there are some things Hero Factory has that BIONICLE didn't. It's been easier to custom-order Hero Factory figures using Design byME, Pick-A-Brick, and Hero Recon Team, even if only one of those services still exists. It's also easier to design Hero models electronically using LEGO Digital Designer and the online Hero Creators. And of course Hero Factory has an excellent and versatile new building system in the sets.But frankly, that's just because Hero Factory happened to be around at the time when TLG decided these sort of things would be practical. It's not like TLG decided "well, BIONICLE doesn't really deserve this, but Hero Factory does". Had BIONICLE been around and at the peak of its success when TLG was considering these things, they'd have surely implemented them in that theme instead. Just look at the earliest Hero Factory sets, which were pretty BIONICLE-like, and try and tell me TLG couldn't have switched to a new, ball-joint-based building system just as easily with BIONICLE as they did with Hero Factory. They were already going down that road with sets' increasing articulation for many years. It just wasn't until Hero Factory's first year of sets was designed that they were ready to roll that system out in the next wave.In this way, complaining that BIONICLE deserved the things that its successor is now getting is like complaining that America's founding fathers deserved the Internet more than today's generation does. We could debate about such a thing from now until doomsday, but it's a moot point because such a thing simply couldn't have happened, and if the opportunity had been there then nothing would have stopped that from happening.Finally, in conclusion, it's worth mentioning that TLG is doing exactly the same thing with Hero Factory as they always did with BIONICLE: trying new things. It's just that the things they're trying with Hero Factory are newer than the things they tried with BIONICLE because Hero Factory is a newer theme. If Hero Factory had begun in 2001, lasted until 2010, and been replaced with this radical new theme called BIONICLE, then BIONICLE would have been getting everything Hero Factory fans thought the earlier theme had "deserved". That's not unfair in any way; it's just progress.
    I agree with pretty much everything you have to say, but I am a little confused about what you mean by what you mean by Bionicle not working in an episodic format. Do you mean by episodic as in each year represented by just one movie? In which case I agree with you. Though there are examples of continuity and story heavy movie series (i.e. Lord of the Rings with four movies, Star Wars with six, and Harry Potter with eight), pretty much all of those movies had huge established fanbases, while a Bionicle movie would have to be focused on attracting new fans. But if what you meant is that it could not work as an episodic TV series, then I would have to disagree with you. I could easily see a TV series working out quite well where a season would last as long as a year or two of the story.
  9. You know, the advantage of not making a BIONICLE movie is that, even if we may have preferred that, a failure of that would have been worse. Quite frankly, if a HF or a BIONICLE movie have to fail, I prefer the HF movie to do so. :P I like HF, but BIONICLE is too epic to be messed up in a movie. Still, I look forward to hearing more from this! :rolleyes:-Gata signoff.jpg

    This sums up my thoughts quite nicely. On one hand, I am sort of irked that Hero Factory got to have a big budget movie before Bionicle did. On the other hand, at least there is not going to be a Bionicle movie with humans in it (even typing those last six words together made me feel a little bit sick).I do hope that this movie goes well, if just for the HF fans. It would be horrible if this just turned into a cheap Transformers knock off.Who knows? Maybe if these bigger budget Lego movies do well, they just may brush off the dust for some of Lego's older themes for a movie/TV revival.
  10. I can understand not linking to a video site, but not even being able to mention the popular one by name is sort of inconvenient.I am not sure if this is a problem on the new forums, but there should be a report option for profiles. I once saw a profile that was nothing but hateful attacks on anyone who thought differently than the person to whom the profile belonged.

  11. This is Star Wars. Everything is canon. Even the stuff that contradicts itself.. . .for a given value of "canon", anyway.

    Yes, the canon changes a lot, but there are some stories that are written to be non-canon, like the majority of the Star Wars Tales series or Tag and Bink.
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