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J46 Nui

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Posts posted by J46 Nui



    I heard somewhere that a theatrical movie was planned for 2004; this is just more evidence of it.Although I'm glad they got away from that gloomy setting.

    Legends of Metru-Nui was initially planned as a theatrical release, but for whatever reason (I would suppose it was lower than expected sales on Mask of Light) it was downsized to direct-to-video format. At that time, it was hoped that Web of Shadows would be released theatrically, but of course that too was lowered in its scope eventually.


    Actually, I recall Greg saying Mask of Light "did spectacularly", so I doubt it was that. They probably planned a theatrical release as a step up from the first movie's good sales, but later felt the second one just wasn't fit for a major theatrical release. Remember that of the movies, Legends of Metru Nui has the most story baggage, with a new location and a complex plot, whereas Mask of Light's setting and characters had already been established, and Web of Shadows is basically a long chapter within its predecessor.

    I also remember reading articles released around that time that said that it was either the best selling or most well received direct to DVD release in 2003.

  2. I still like Bionicle just as much as I use to. I still hold out hope for some sort of return to the franchise, but I am not consumed by it.


    None of the current Lego themes interest me nearly as much as Bionicle, but that is not to say they don't interest me. Even the story heavy themes that have come out since then, such as Ninjago, have a completely different tone than Bionicle.

  3. I am definitely an 8, possibly a 9. I do have several theories that I like to bounce around in my head, but I have not really shared them. Pretty much the only thing I have not done is gone and read the entire Greg discussion topic. And maybe I should read a bit more of the storyline and theories forum. The main reason I have not shared my theories is that I do not want to check and see if they have already been posted.


    Now that I think about it, I have never read The Crossing, but only because I cannot find an English version of it.

  4. Add yet another thing that Disney has messed up to the pile: Lucas Arts is now effectively out of business. It will still be used to license out the Star Wars property, but it has laid off almost its entire staff and ceased production on any of the in house projects. That means that 1313 and the downloadable shooter that would have gauged interest in a Battlefront III are no more. Disney keeps on messing up worse and worse. At this point I even miss Lucas.

  5. It's official; Star Wars The Clone Wars has ended as a TV series, but it seems like it will continue on in some other form (I am hoping as some series of TV movies, since the arcs were getting so long anyway). I do hope that the story of Barriss' fall will be told in some way, though.


    I also hope that if they do another TV series to replace it, it is some sort of Best of the EU show, just to get those stories elevated to higher levels of canon. What do you think Star Wars should do now TV-wise?

  6. I am getting into Transformers recently. I started watching some of the series on Netflix. I already finished up Prime (loved it with the exception of Miko), and now I am watching the original cartoon. After that, I am going to watch Beast Wars and try to track down the cartoons that were not on Netflix. Does anyone have any recommendations for non-television Transformer media, such as comics or books?


    I also picked up a larger version of Beast Hunter Optimus Prime, and enjoyed it. It would have been better if the wing/jet-pack assembly was detachable, since it just sort of sticks out in his robot mode. A thing to note about the wing assembly is that the middle part is shaped like a small aircraft. This could mean that Optimus gains a drone like Laserbeak or Roller this season.

  7. Yeah, Sacred Stones is great, but it's kind of short. And it's pretty cheap how you can just use the Tower(I forget it's name) to level up to lv. 20, transform that character into the next class, and get them to lv. 20 AGAIN. And the final boss(not saying what it is, in case you haven't played much yet) was pretty easy. It took me 2 turns. And I only had to attack with 2 characters.

    Thanks for the consideration. I haven't gotten that far yet. By the way, just how grind-y are Fire Emblem games? I haven't gotten far enough to hit any major road blocks, so I don't know. I got introduced to strategy RPG's with the Valkyria Chronicles series, and liked how those games were paced. But when I started playing other strategy RPG's, I noticed that most of them required insane amounts of grinding. Not that I did not enjoy them, but the less grinding involved, the better.

  8. I am trying to get Awakening, but every store within 4 towns of me are completely sold out and my Amazon order won't arrive until late in the month. The only one I currently own is Sacred Stones, which I got from buying the 3DS early, and the rest of the games are on my wishlist. I am trying to play through Sacred Stones before it arrives, though.

  9. Now that I have seen the episode I feel a bit better about it, but what I said before still stands. They really need an episode that explains how Barriss goes from Ahsoka's best friend to a complete monster. Until then, the only way it makes sense is within the context of this arc itself. I looked around some sites, and what I heard is that other people think that it has something to do with Palpatine. Apparently, his eyes flashed yellow when it was revealed that Barris did it, but I could not make it out if that is true.


    It is just too bad, though. This would have been the best episode if it was not for that part.I loved the Ahsoka bits. I think that she made the right decision in the end, and if this is the last season, then it is a great way to finish her story. I also liked that it was implied that she knows what is going on between Anakin and Padme.

  10. It's official. I just got my Star Wars Insider and it contained full spoilers. I am not going to spoil what happens to Ahsoka because that is the good part. But I almost feel betrayed, even more so than when TCW started contradicting the EU. At least then I learned to treat them as separate universes and still enjoyed both. I just don't think that character development, no matter how good and how important the character is, should come at the cost of the utter destruction of another character. I even like Ahsoka more, but that does not change how wrong it was to do that to the other character.


    What I said earlier still stands, if the episode that airs tomorrow or an early episode next season explains how this makes sense in the terms of that character, I'll be okay.

  11. I am still holding out hope that it is not her. But if it is her, season six better open with some episodes explaining how that makes even a bit of sense. While it is not uncommon for the show to change stuff from the EU, this has her acting inconsistent from within the show itself.


    I am interested in hearing on any theories that explains how and why she did it if it is her. My personal theory is that it is not just her, but quit a large portion of the Jedi, including several well known ones, that oppose the Jedi participating in the war. This conflict splits the Jedi into two, but it is resolved by Episode III, explaining why there is some major distrust of the Jedi between the Republic at large, the clone troopers, and the Jedi themselves. It is also explains why Barriss was in the Order 66 scene when she had obviously betrayed the Republic (unless that scene had been cut; it has been a while since I have seen the movie). This would also give a reason to why Ahsoka does not appear in Episode III, if she has not been killed. She would be unwilling to work with the Jedi who framed her once this conflict is resolved and she would quit the order.

  12. Here is a completely crazy theory: Maybe the woman who died is not really dead, is force-sensitive, and faked it somehow, and maybe Tarkin is in on it. I think it may be her, since Ahsoka did not feel another presence around her (though it has been shown before that a force choke can be done over a great distance). And wasn't it a plot point that the prison structure was under surveillance? Why does there seem to be no footage of what really happen? I am going to assume that one of the characters or a collection of them who were at the prison at the time that it happened did it, and the victim is the only other female that was introduced in this arc.

  13. I think that this would have been the best season yet if it was not for the droid arc. I also sort of wanted a Ventress episode this season, especially how last season ended, but those are my only complaints (and there are still two episodes left to change that). It is also surprising to me that I liked this season so much because my favorite episodes so far are mostly clone centric, which the only one this season was ruined by the droid arc.

  14. When I first saw the Helm's Deep game, I thought it was a new Heroica set. Then I noticed the Uruk-Hai. :no: Oh well, it looks like the board and figures will be easily integrated.

    I think that it uses the same rules from Heroica too. Just look at the die. The only difference is the Ring tile. I will definitely pick it up, and probably the Batman one too, but I want to know how it plays before I commit to it.

  15. Jek was a clone trooper that was with Yoda in the first episode of The Clone Wars, though that minifig looks nothing like him. I want to believe that it is going to be a tie in to as of yet un-aired episode of The Clone Wars because other sites are referring to the other minifigs as special types of Clone Troopers. But something about this set screams video game to me. It might be from some new content for The Old Republic since the last time I saw a synthetic arm like was in KOTOR II. Or maybe 1313 is coming out much earlier than expected, or it is from some project that has not even been announced yet.

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