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J46 Nui

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Posts posted by J46 Nui

  1. Yeah, the only thing I missed on the list was the Speed Racer cameos. It is pretty obvious that this was written before the author saw the movie, since half of these "Easter eggs" are not nearly as hidden as he seems to think. Everything wrong with the misquote about Bionicle has already been pointed out by others, so I won't dwell on that further.

  2. I haven't been this excited for the constraction line since they introduced the standard HF build. This is such a cool concept. I hope that the minifig-sized heroes are good though.


    Also, do the small monsters that come with the Hero Mechs remind anyone of the mini-Visorak that came with the old Bionicle play sets? I wonder if they have a jumping function also.


    I can't figure out how to get Journey's End off the website. I do have it printed out somewhere, but I lost the original file. Someone should find out if it is okay to post it to BS01 now that the Bionicle website is no more.

    Go to the Bio code page, and type in JOURNEY1. That should give you the first chapter. Then type JOURNEY2, JOURNEY3, and so on until you have the whole book, epilogue included. I think the last one is JOURNEY11.

    Thanks. I could not find the Bio Code section at first, but Googling it worked.

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