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J46 Nui

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Posts posted by J46 Nui

  1. I just maxed out my character, Elite PurpleHornet, and finished all of the quests. I am also a subscriber if that helps. I am interested in joining up, but my university is winding down for the year, so I have a major project in every class and finals to worry about, so I doubt that I will have reliable times when I am on. I might be able to do the crafting services for people though. I always set the prices at my market at the minimum anyway.


    I am interested in getting together with some people and figuring out the new Eagle event.

  2. This is a lot cooler than the April Fool's prank I was expecting. This works out great since I have been working on catching up with Lego's other story focused themes and have finished the cartoon and both video games.


    Even though the cartoon had some problems, I am looking forward to the second season. I think that adding an overarching goal to the story will keep things more focused and fix a lot of those problems.


    I wouldn't mind some more theme months if this turns out well.


    EDIT: I just noticed the spinning icons that tell how old an account is changed. I am not sure if it is an April Fool's thing or the icons are switching to things that are more system based for this month, but I found it funny.

  3. When it was announced that Hellbent was working on it again, I was expecting the game to be a direct sequel to Lego Battles: Ninjago. I am glad to see from the screenshots that it will incorporate more features from the standard Lego games. Not that I didn't like Lego Battles, but I do like the standard stuff much more.

  4. I don't really care if sets come back or not, but that would be a nice bonus. I would like to see the story return in one of two ways:


    1. I would like to see a completely new story set in the Bionicle universe. Maybe it can take place far enough in the future after the reformation of Spherus Magna that there will be new characters or cultures to explore. Or maybe it can be set on an entirely new world that has some ties to the ones in the original story, like having the Great Beings have a presence there or something.


    2. A reboot or retelling of the original story with a television series to go along with it. It might be worth revisiting the original story to smooth out some of the rougher edges like Web of Shadows and have the ending that we were going to get if the story didn't get truncated back in '10. I have always wanted to see this story be given the TV treatment, and Lego seems to like having shows for its themes now. Though one problem is that the tone of Bionicle does not match the tone of those series. Hopefully it would retain the tone from the comics and books in the television series. Another is that some of the old fans may not like having any changes be made to the existing story, but I personally would not mind.

  5. The weirdest part to me was the fact that Toa (and bohrok) were originally imagined as growing from infants of some kind.


    Those Bahrag look really interesting. I wonder if they ever made it to the set prototyping phase. However, I have to agree with Aanchir - the dinosaur/big bohrok design that made it to production was more fun and fit the story better. Also, the arachnid look of the precursors to bohrok and prototype bahrag doesn't really seem to complement the design of the bohrok.

    I can see how the Bahrag we got were more fun (I haven't taken mine apart since I first built them back in '02), but I don't really see how the dragon design fit the storyline better. The Bohrok had a whole insect theme going on, and I think that a more insect-like Bahrag would have fit better in terms of theme. They were supposed to be like insect queens after all.

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  6. I would love to see someone's MOC interpretation of the early Bahrag design. I like that it has a much more insect look than the official Bahrag got. It even has sort of an egg sac thing going on, with what I think are Bohrok attached to its back.


    I sort of want to know more about what the original concept for the Matoran/Bohrok link was. The chart definitely does not match up with the eventual Av-Matoran explanation even though that explanation is clearly inspired by it.

  7. I was just at my local store, and they were sold out of all but one of the Mixels. I decided to pick up some Chima Legend Beasts instead to experience the new ball joints. I can't wait until those little things get added to the constraction figure line.


    As for the Mixels themselves, none of them have endeared themselves to me. But since they are at such a cheap price point for Lego, I'll probably pick up some eventually. Maybe they will grow on me like Chima and Ninjago did.

  8. Rebels look promising so far. I do like that a Mandalorian who is neither a pacifist or a Death Watch is part of the main cast.


    I am trying to find some time to get through season 6 of The Clone Wars, but I have at least three papers to write for my college. :(

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