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J46 Nui

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Posts posted by J46 Nui

  1. Tornado-riding, boomerang-shoes Pohatu is officially the most ridiculous  thing in Bionicle. And yes, I am including the time Karzahni tried to invade the universe with giant attack penguins and the fact that anyone would use a weapon with such an obvious flaw as the exploding boomerangs.

  2. Wow. There is a lot of ... um... poor word choices amongst the stronger opinions in this thread. Just keep in mind that just because someone has a different opinion, it does not invalidate your own and vice versa. People can legitimately like/dislike the reboot without ignoring any part of it.


    As for my own opinion, the reboot is not what I was expecting, but that isn't a bad thing.


    I always imagined that Bionicle would return with a TV show that retold the original story while smoothing out some of the rougher edges. All of this would be supported by a toy line with improved engineering and had toys that were easily identifiable as the old characters.


    So far, the toys have heals no disappointments for me (though I wish that the HF build would have hade more armor variety at this point in its life cycle). The story, while not what I was expecting, has me excited because it means that we will be exploring new material.


    My only major disappointment is that there is currently no plans for a TV series.


    On another note, several more of these shorts have been confirmed. I am sort of worried that this art style will not be able to portray a we'll put together fight scene.

    • Upvote 2
  3. I wonder why they did not just name Makuta's brother Mata Nui. Maybe they have other plans for that name.


    On another note, as far as a story for a reboot goes, I am really digging this. Very 2001ish. But I do hope that there is a bigger world to explore as the story progresses.

    • Upvote 1
  4. From what I've seen of the sets, I am loving them. They are easily identifiable as new incarnations of previous characters, which was a problem that Bionicle use to have. Gear functions are back, which I am sure a lot of BZPers will love. The only problem I have with any of the sets is that Gali's mask has way too big of a chin.


    As far as the story goes, I am glad that Makuta is back, but I am disappointed that Bionicle is not getting a proper TV series.

  5. So, after looking at these I have a few ideas on who is the "Mask Maker." The obvious choice would be Artahka, but the robes are throwing me a Great Being vibe, though I don't think those are known to where masks. But they invented the things, so they might have found a way to wear them.


    Then again, 2015 could be a reboot and the "Mask Maker" could be a whole new concept and character.


    I also just got a new desktop background using one of these, it looks really cool.

  6. I don't have any complaints about the rest of it, but the hunch does not really work for me. For a character who was always described as acting young, the hunch just makes him look old.


    Besides that, I really love how you used the new mini-ball joints for the hands.

  7. Level 14 Warlock on my PSN account (PS3 version). I had a free day after homework last week, but with the difficulty of the projects I am currently working on, I won't have a chance to play again until Friday.


    I came into the game while trying to avoid all the previews and I was pleasantly surprised how well this game turned out. I wish that more story was presented in game. The story on the cards is pretty interesting, and I think it was a bit of a missed opportunity to not implement those story elements into the game more.

  8. I noticed while putting together the Mech-Dragon set, one of the sticker panels seemed to display a picture of the split mountain from Exo-Force. The sticker and piece in question is applied on step 13 in the instruction book and can be seen on the dragon's left side. Can anyone confirm that it is in fact the Exo-Force mountain? Has anyone else noticed this? Are there any other references to other themes in Ninjago sets? Do you think it means anything or is it just an Easter Egg?

  9. I've never been a big fan of TV shows. Usually the scripting and dialogue is terrible, and the concept is campy. 

    Plus, whenever I've seen Bionicle portrayed in a movie, all of the Matoran sound like children. That really bugs me, since most of them are several thousands of years old. 

    To be fair, the quality of a show has a lot to do with its production team. And Sturgoen's Law applies to every type of media. Most items in any form of media tend to be bad, but that doesn't discount the stuff that is good.


    I also wouldn't describe the voices of Matoran in the movies as childlike. Young, certainly, but they still sounded like adults to me.

    • Upvote 2
  10. I posted this in another topic recently: I believe that it was a mistake to make the least newcomer-friendly story media the easiest one to access.


    I did enjoy the serials, for the most part, but I do feel it would have been better if the content in the serials were flipped with the books. That way, the easier to understand main story that also promoted the sets would reach a larger audience, while the side stories that catered to existing fans would be presented in a format that only existing fans were buying anyway. Plus, this is basically what Lego does with its story centered themes nowadays; the main story is presented in an easily accessed media (television), while side stories are presented in comics and books.


    Another thing of note is that I do not believe that the worst parts of the serials were Greg's fault. The story team required Greg to end every chapter on a cliffhanger, which lead to a lot of the more pointless deaths and developments. I feel that the serials would have been much better without that requirement.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I liked '09 too, but I think it could have been much better. I have the same feelings for it as I do for '05; everything except for the movie was pretty good. But unlike in '05, there did not seem to be much going on besides the movie. I love the ideas and setting behind '09, but I thought that it could have been executed much better.


    Another thing that '09 had going for it was that, in my opinion, it had the best sets out of any year that used the Inika mold.


    If comics are coming back, I doubt it would be like it used too. Last time I checked, they stopped carrying any sort of comics with the Lego Club Magazine, and somehow I doubt that they will start carrying them again.


    Is that definitely true?


    Nope. It is just a mix of my feelings and observation on how the Bionicle/Hero Factory comics ended and how Lego deals with the Ninjago comic.

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