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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    Well yesterday was December first, so we put our fabulously decorated Christmas tree up. In fact, I got to put two up, my Dad's and my Mum's. One bad thing happened, it was Side Show's final episode as they have been axed. Well, life goes on. In other news there's only two weeks of school left!
  2. Adventurer
    Internet has been going in and out over the last few months, but today it was worse than usual. To pass the time I watched High School Musical one and two on channel nine or seven. This is not natural behavior and I want to know if there is something wrong with me.
    PS: I'm using this colour and font now.
    PSS: I changed my avatar and the previous IAIA entry to suit the holiday season.
  3. Adventurer
    IAIA member, BR, has located Adventurer in this form:

    It is assumed that it will soon reuse his old form () once he it has realised we have discovered it's new form. BR informs us that Adventurer was wandering around Eastern Europe with a bowl of Gravy. What this means, we do not know.

  4. Adventurer
    Ran out of space, I'll have to keep making more entries, here's some more of my notepad:




















  5. Adventurer
    IAIA member Takepic would like to inform you that Adventurer was found lurking outside S&T. He abruptly transformed into a new form and took off. Unfortunately, Takepic was not able to follow Adventurer. We need your help to find a picture of Adventurer's new form, help us and you will be given a substantial award.

  6. Adventurer
    A few notices followed by the closest thing you'll see to a rant from me
    HPE/Bioscience - I got 96% on my test, best in the class
    Music - Did my Wolfmother thing today, I got an A
    Saxophone - I'm already better than the guy that's been doing it for a year after two lessons
    English - I'm annoyed. I'll make a list of events that make me annoyed:
    1) I am sick in English.
    2) The day I get back, the teacher tells me that we have to be put in groups for our next assignment. Now, I'm usually all for groups, but I'm with the laziest people in the class >_<
    3) We are writing a script for a play, we each decide to write two minutes of the script each.
    4) The next day, I come to school and go to English, I've done my two minutes, the others haven't. I tell them to get it done by tomorrow so we can rehearse before the weekend.
    5) The next day, none of them have don it yet, we have one day to rehearse, assuming they actually do it.
    6) On the final day we have for rehearsing, they still haven't done their part. I decide at this point to write the whole thing on the weekend and hope that we're allowed to use palm cards.
    7) I complete the assignment and it was very well written I think
    8) Now for what happened today, the teacher tells us we're first! To make matters worse, we're after the best group... Even more depressing, we weren't allowed palm cards!
    9) We struggle through my well written script and the teacher actually stops us before we finish and tells us we all failed! Now, you should know that me and my English teacher don't like each other, so when she sees I'm in the group that did the worst, she assumes it was my fault and I get a double detention for dragging the rest of the group down!
    10) Luckily, my friends tell the teacher that I was the only one in the group that did any work and she will reconsider my score.
    11) I come to do a previous detention with her at lunch and I see her marking out group. I happen to see her saying that we didn't use props or costumes. We did use props and neither of those items was in the criteria!
    12) On my way home on the bus, I am left to ponder whether I should have done the whole thing in the first place so we would have had time to rehearse it, but that contradicts what the teacher said to me when I said that. In retrospect, the teacher got angry at me for what she told me to do
  7. Adventurer
    I hate tests, exams, quizzes, HtW () and projects in any form or name I've done most of them now, but a quick update:
    English - I got an A for my letter writing and I have to perform a play by Monday with three other people...
    Manual Arts - I've caught up, only one project left, a copper spoon
    German - Got two As for my speech/project, only a writing test tomorrow.
    Maths - Three period test next week. I'm scared
    HPE/Bioscience - Did the only piece of assessment today, it was dead easy
    Music - I have to finish my Wolfmother CD cover by Monday and I had a test today. Stuffed up on rhythm I also have a guitar test soon, I'm pretty confident with that though
  8. Adventurer
    I've just started working on an assignment for music I basically have to make a CD cover and give a speech about it's band. I'm doing Wolfmother and here's what I've done so far on the front:

    I'm still working on it and I'll be adding most of the text etc... later this week
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