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Blog Comments posted by Adventurer

  1. I read the title as Adventurer Mystery. :(


    Anyway I've never thought about that, but it does seem like that is a good category to put it in. :)


    1) Make sure fans are captivated about an over-arching series mystery, like the Event with the Paracosmos, or the Island/Crash with LOST. Bionicle lost sight of that to a degree at times, and I think that explains some of the disinterest or sense that it's lost its mysteriousnes with some years from 2003-2008 or so. Thankfully, it seems established now as being the larger conflict the Great Beings are involved in, relating to the Shattering, and/or about Mata Nui's mission.


    Shattering won't be the long term mystery I bet, I'm guessing we'll have a confirmed answer on that within the year. :P


    Anyway on the point of an overarching mystery, I personally feel that having one for each section of the story and a less obvious one that affects everything is the best. The all encompassing one is to give the viewer/reader/audience to keep with it even if they don't like a few episodes and the section mysteries are to keep people interested on an episode/chapter basis. The second type you mentioned, the smaller one should be more clearly defined than in LOST I think as it's mini mysteries aren't really given their own time of focus. The Monster only appears occasionally and not in any season in particular and stuff like island moving was made too obvious at some points and the boat didn't seem to hold that much of a threat/mystery. Yeah we didn't know about it, but I don't know, it didn't ever really feel like it was a pressing matter to me. Though, I do think the hatch worked well in season one.


    An example could be Bionicle even which has had it's big mysteries (2001 - 2008) and it's yearly ones. Notice how the yearly ones are the focus of mystery for the years usually? To me this makes it easier to know what order things are going to happen in, when to look for clues etc...


    I do suppose the LOST like formula of having the mysteries being present and talked about, but not properly focused on (it's not just me is it? Because no particular plot element of LOST every seemed that in focus to me unless it was major like the Hatch being blown open or stuff like that...)... would be better for those who are there to unravel the mysteries and are wanting a challenge, but it doesn't work as well for people who are just causally watching it weekly...


    IMO this is one reason why Heroes (minus season 2 which was stuffed up 'cause of the writer's strike) works well, it has an overarching mystery (the eclipse thing/the powers), but each season/section of the story has had it's own mystery (Sylar, the "bomb", the guy, Mr Nathan's Dad :P).


    LOST has the better overarching mystery though (well, my overarching mystery is the Monster :P). But yeah, anyway I think that LOST isn't as good at those mini mysteries, because there's too many and most of them are mentioned every few episodes and as a result, if you're watching it casually, it's harder to follow. So yeah, LOST does have them and some are done pretty well, but they're not organised as well as Heroes or some other stuff IMO. :)

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