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The Dark Chronicler

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Status Replies posted by The Dark Chronicler

  1. I hate my life.

  2. I hate my life.

  3. Well, one of my dogs is going to be put down in about an hour.......

  4. I am not stupid enough to use a cannon to hunt a rabbit.

  5. Spiders. I hate spiders, and spiders hate me.

  6. Wow... I've been gone a while. Ah... It feels good to have Tohu creepily stare at me like that again... Oh the memories...

  7. Well, It seems I'll likely be trying out for a job soon. Even less BZPower time...

  8. Well, It seems I'll likely be trying out for a job soon. Even less BZPower time...

  9. Well, It seems I'll likely be trying out for a job soon. Even less BZPower time...

  10. Odd... today has actually been kind of a good day! Clearly, the universe is plotting against me and is attempting to keep me distracted.

  11. Well, I finally changed my avatar! Kind of.

  12. Man, what a crazy week.

  13. ... Has BZPower gotten a whole lot duller, or am I just seeing things?

  14. ... Has BZPower gotten a whole lot duller, or am I just seeing things?

  15. Got my prize from the Short Story contest: Computer Programmer Minifigure. He looks more like a writer to me, which is fitting. XD

  16. Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

  17. Why is it that the parts you happen to need disappear until you don't need them anymore? XD

  18. Got Heroes of Ruin Today... now I just need to wait for Nintendo to return my 3DS. XD

  19. Bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips.

  20. Mail Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Shopkeeper

  21. Mail Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Shopkeeper

  22. Mail Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Shopkeeper

  23. Mail Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Shopkeeper

  24. Anyone else Clueless? My newest comedy chapter sure is. (New Chapter in Clueless)

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