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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kakaru

  1. ...No, not yet. I've done worse with my bike.
  2. Kakaru


    Most of them, then.
  3. Welcome to BZPower, Vivisector!

  4. Kakaru


    Makuta bones, my Barâk-Hai got beaten down in the prelims by Femmina. Let it be known that feminine MOCs do the best in polls. Also, I've been thinking through some unofficial BBC ideas, and I came up with one I thought would be rather interesting: Steampunk BIONICLE! What do you guys think?
  5. Like I said, I'm talented. I can't even remember how it happened, just that it hurt worse than antidermis for the rest of the day. ...And yes, it actually healed pretty quickly. Can't even see the marks anymore.
  6. I'z serious! It was a while ago, and I was trying to zip up my backpack. Next thing I knew, My arm was caught in the zipper, and it left red marks all the way up my arm. I am the only person I know that can do that. Congratulate me. Or Vote for me. Your choice.
  7. Kakaru


    Stop quoting me! Lol, and then once or twice your profile had that little pink symbol indicating a girl, which totally confused me, and then I started to think you were androgenous (sp?) or something. Have fun sorting out this mess.
  8. Or four. I don't exactly keep track...
  9. I laugh because I know exactly what you're talking about. Way to go!
  10. Kakaru

    And So It Ends...

    Yeah, it was kinda awesomeness. I'm sort of sad to see it finally closed after all this time, but at the same time happy, because I can do more with my life than sit around filling out requests. (Don't kill me, it was cool while it lasted...) And my vote says Argy. Argy Argy Argy. It's just so... repeatable.
  11. I will not be posting in random topics as much as I used to, maybe a post in one or two a day. I will also not be making topics as much, and the majority of the time I spend on this site should be updating my blog or checking PMs. BBC entries of mine will not have topics, and I won't make topics for random MOCs of mine. I really am trying to cut back on internet time, I realized I spend over three hours a day on the stupid computer. This is also why I have to quit Nate's shop. (Not the only reason, mind you.) I might be creating an unofficial BBC too. Maybe next week, I still have to write affirmative and negative constuctive cases for the (Lincoln-Douglas) debate I'm in. Aagh!
  12. Velox likes your Matoran. :D

  13. 1- Arenethas, of course 2- *laughs maniacally* 3- .:Velox:. 4- -Taipu- There be mine very own voteses!
  14. I think Velox had the same problem. He posted the same comment, like, three times.

  15. Kakaru

    Mocer's Dictionary

    Lol, but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it again. But like I sait, we ignore the literary qualities of the term.
  16. Kakaru


    Hope the people who made Lolcat don't kill me for this. 1 2 3 4 5 I might possible make more someday, feel free to add your own... Oh yeah, a quick question concerning blogs: Is it okay to host an RPG in your blog?
  17. Kakaru

    Mocer's Dictionary

    I use those phrases when talking to myself all the time. I also take objection to the use of the word "MOCist", but that's just because I prefer MOCer. I mean, you don't call a murderer a murderist, and you don't call a taxpayer a taxpayist. I considered that term, (MOCer) but MOcist just sounded a bit better that way. I may include a note about alternate spelling on that term. Totally forgot about that, since my brother and a couple friends are the only other MOCists (MOCers) I know, and we don't usually discuss LEGO building techniques. Thanks!
  18. Kakaru

    Hullo All

    Pretty sure your original quote was on originality for MOCs, but I could be wrong.
  19. Kakaru

    Hullo All

    Lol, makes sense now.
  20. Kakaru

    Mocer's Dictionary

    Ohh yes, I forgot about that. It's kind of similar to The Right Piece.
  21. As promised. MOC A creation made out of LEGO or BIONICLE. MOC stands for My Own Creation. This term can be used to refer to another's MOC, although if interpreted literally, it will not make sense. MOCists have learned to wisely ignore the literal qualities of the term. Pronounced "mock", and is always capitalized. In terms of pluralization, it is MOCs, without an apostrophe. MOCist One who engages in the activity of MOCing. Also known as a MOCer, or "weird". MOCing Constructing an original model out of BIONICLE or LEGO, an activity which should not be constantly interrupted. Doing so will result in Revenge. Revenge Turning another's socks inside out, laughing maniacally, and hiding random objects from sight. MOCer's Conversation Otherwise known as a "generic conversation", it can be easily recognized if the MOCer uses generic phrases and replies such as "mmhmm" "not really" "that depends" "sure" and "of course" When you find yourself engaged in such a conversation with a MOCer, it's usually a sign that the MOCer doesn't want to be disturbed. EDIT: Arpy has kindly given me an example of what happens when two MOCers meet. I quote him here: Silence Consists of loud shuffling sounds similar to that made by rummaging through buckets of LEGO, popping sounds similar to studs being connected, or ball joints being attached to sockets. Annoyance Consists of anything that constantly interrupts the MOCer from the activity of MOCing. A Piece Kind Of Like This, But With This Over Here, And That An Axle Hole, And This One Stud Over. A part that many a good MOCer has wished for, but it sadly doesn't exist, driving the MOCer insane. The Right Piece The one part that the MOCer doesn't have, either in the right color, or doesn't exist, or comes on a set retired in 1997-2004. Aagh! An expression uttered when the MOCer encounters A Piece Kind Of Like This, But With This Over Here, And That An Axle Hole, And This One Stud Over, or The Right Piece. Space Something which doesn't exist to the MOCer. Greeble(s) 1. Small details to add to the complexity of the model, usually reserved for larger models. 2. Something which looks cool but doesn't really do anything. 3. Anything extra to fill in blank spaces on a MOC. Dark Gray/Black Two colors which often get confused in instruction books, resulting in mass confusion. Technic Bracing Something the MOCer wishes he/she would have incorporated into a larger model before attempting to pick it up. Loud Screams/Shrieks Something which occurs after the MOCer tries to pick up a large model without Technic Bracing. Chrome A color of element which is rare and expensive to the MOCer. Chrome is to the MOCer what gold is to the Miner. Two Of These Something the MOCer says after you ask them what part they need. Chances are that the part is The Right Piece. And a definition for Arpy: Custom An overrated adjective. Refers to any part of the MOC that is built entirely on an original or popular design. This term is most often used by people who can't MOC, and try to discredit a MOCer's skills by pointing out parts of the MOC that are lacking "custom" in any way, to make the non-MOCer feel better about his own really lousy MOCing skills. Those who can't do, teach. What? A term used by the MOCer when a non-MOCer says that the MOCer's MOC isn't "custom" Cordak A piece hated by many MOCers. Used as an insult. Zamor Sphere A piece that hurts like everything when you kneel on it. Aiigh, gurgle dang zurgle zamor gahh! A phrase used by the MOCer immediately after kneeling on a zamor. Black two-length axles A part which is now becoming an endangered species. The MOCer never has enough of these. Nuju Something you don't want to step on in the middle of the night, lest you mistakenly assume that a cactus has taken up a home in your room. WIP Stands for Work In Progress, reffers to anything that the MOCer is too lazy to finish, but would rather waste their time taking pictures of the inside of the model and uploading them to brickshelf, so everyone can see the ugly, unfinished MOC. Feel free to add more, but when refering to another definition in the dictionary, (Aside from MOC, MOCist, (MOCer) or MOCing) put it in italics or bold, to make the reference clearer. Also, you notice that for Arpy's sake I changed all the "MOCist" to "MOCer", except for the main definition.
  22. Kakaru

    Hullo All

    No, in terms of MOCing. Almost all posts there now are "needs more custom". It really has become overrated in that sense.
  23. Kakaru


    Lolminifig, a new fad? I'm saving this one, (Lol) along with giving you some approval.
  24. Kakaru

    Contest? Contest?

    Btw Bones, since I'm a crazy blogger now that I've become a Premeir Member, I give you my Axe of approval, otherwise known as a blog approval. And I say War vehicle or Xian weapon. (Horrible, I choose the most violent things...)
  25. Kakaru

    Hullo All

    Lolcat addict? And custom... Yeah, I was going to add something about that, but I'm not quite sure how to phrase it. And I use your "originality is overrated" quote more than you know. Thanks.
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