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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kakaru

  1. Okay Andy.

    But doesn't commenting slow the process down?

  2. Kakaru

    Staff Name Change

    No. There is one exception: Bonesiii. Because he is awesome and he kept his name. Not Leo, yes to Mr. Stockman, yes to madame Lisa. Howz 'bout Seymour, Splinter, and Krang, too? Fred to all of them. No Dave. So Xaeraz and Velox, are you in?
  3. Kakaru


    No, it's a conspiracy! mew mew mew
  4. Kakaru

    Staff Name Change

    YES! I'll PM you your reward.
  5. Kakaru

    The Bones Diet

    I actually tried that once. Worms have a sweet aftertaste, ehh.
  6. Kakaru

    The Beach; Poems

    Tahu's gonna be mad. No wonder he and Kopaka don't get along. Also, here's a special approval I made just for your blog:
  7. Okay, we know how most of the staff changed their user names to something Ninja-Turtle-ish. G.I Joe-ish Now I can't tell them apart. So from now on, I will refer to any staff member (except Omi (Gung Ho) and Bones) as "Fred." Join me and I will add your name to a special block in my blog and give you a little award that says "Fred" on it. DO NOT CALL OMI (Unicron) FRED. HE DOESN'T LIKE IT!
  8. Kakaru

    Vacation Problem.

    Keep it the same. The fewer competitors the better for me.
  9. Kakaru


    *Hiss* Gurgle gurgle gurgle I am NOT.
  10. Kakaru


    So, does any Smeagol like my new blog subtitle? Meow Mrrow *purrrr*
  11. Let me guess, you sat there practicing your Smeagol imitation the entire time? No? ... That's what I do, anyway.
  12. Okie, I'm entering. Name: Protodermic Claw Entry Pic: >_< Topic: Meh, not big on making topics anymore...
  13. Haha, wonder what everyone else got then...
  14. Kakaru

    The Bones Diet

    Oh man, poor Karzahni. His and Nuju's were the best. ^Is approved...^
  15. Yeah. If I tried anything longer, I'd go insane. I really dislike iMovie!
  16. Argh Steampunk robots and fast Matrix moves combined with cheesy special effects can make for a pretty nice brickfilm. Worth watching IMO.
  17. Kakaru


    The staff are now Ninja Turtles. They're so much less pretty. BtB Ponies is Monkies, Ussals is Frogs. Heh heh.
  18. Kakaru


    Frozen Skittles is WIN. ... Now go away.
  19. Two people were once arguing about how long a man's legs should be in proportion to his body. After much arguing, they gave the question to Lincoln. Lincoln's response was this: "This question has been a source of controversy for untold ages, and it is about time it should be definitely decided. It has led to bloodshed in the past, and there is no reason to suppose it will not lead to the same in the future. After much thought and consideration, not to mention mental worry and anxiety, it is my opinion, all side issues being swept aside, that a man's lower limbs, an order to preserve harmony of proportion, should be at least long enough to reach from his body to the ground."
  20. That might make me cry more! I knew italy was up to something. Actually, it was China that invented Spaghetti noodles. So Germany is in on this too? O_o And they're armed! With pencils!
  21. Kakaru

    Alien Cat

    >_< >_O o_O Euh...
  22. Lol! Thanks! Not nearly as nice at all, Smeagol. They is FAIL.
  23. Thanks. >> << *steals Smeagol picture* BtB Evilness. My drawing made it in Bunda's blog. *happyfrogs*
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